Grizzly Gazette
York Junior High
May 2024 Edition
A Message from the Principal
Dear Grizzlies,
It's HERE! MAY! I can't believe it. It wasn't that long ago that we were all sitting together at Clark Intermediate as we began talking about the "NEW" York Junior High and the transformational journey that we were going to embark on together. I know there was much hesitation, worry, and fear, as many of us wanted York to just be a PERFECT place.
In looking back, I believe in my heart that we have done so many wonderful things to make this place PERFECT. Last year, I hired 50 new staff members to join me in the transformation. This year, I have only needed to hire five. We improved our overall morale boost among our staff members to one of the top "happiest places to work in CISD." We decreased our number of fights, vaping, and overall behavior referrals by more than half of what it was in the past. We created brand new school clubs, and allowed our students to be celebrated with our monthly awards ceremonies. We offered four different dances, pep rallies, Powder Puff, dress up days, "Rock Your School Day," special events for kids, and had an extremely active PTO that has gone above and beyond to celebrate our school.
Again, I couldn't be any more proud of the incredible support, hard work, and true passion that this community has poured into York Junior High. And the good news is... we've only just begun!
Have a wonderful summer!
-Principal Ardoin
Upcoming Events
- May 2: Grizzlies for Greatness (invitation only)
- May 2: Drill Team Banquet
- May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
- May 6: NJHS Induction
- May 9: Blue Carpet Awards (invitation only)
- May 13: PTO Meeting at 9:30 AM
- May 14: Cox and Clark students visit York for first pep rally
- May 15: Scooter's Spirit Day ALL DAY
- May 16: Breakfast of Champions (invite only)
- May 17: GOHS SENIORS WALK CAMPUS one final time!
- May 18: Band, Choir, Orchestra Field Trip to waterpark
- May 19: Grand Oaks High School Graduation
- May 20: Powder Puff Game
- May 20-23: Final Exams
- May 22: Bon Voyage Day at York
Powder Puff Football
Are you ready for some Powder Puff Football?
Game starts at 4:30pm Monday, May 20th. Tickets are $5/each. Online pre-sale tickets close on 5/10. Cash only ticket sales will be available during lunches on 5/14 & 5/15. Pre-Sale tickets/wristbands will be available for pick up at lunches on 5/14 & 5/15 or in a separate line at the gate on the day of the event. Entrance will be at the gate by the concessions stand building. Tickets will NOT be sold at the gate on the day of the event. You MUST PURCHASE your tickets
Partners PE Class
Partners PE is designed to help students with special needs. As a partner you will be a leading special needs students through activities and games during PE. Some special needs students need help walking, focusing on task, staying calm when faced with a challenge. Partners will be assigned a friend (special needs student) where they are to hang with this student during the duration of the class. They are to help this students during fitness time, stations, games or tasks that they are assigned to do together. This will be more work than a regular PE class.
PTO Newsletter
School Supplies for Next Year
Important Info from the Clinic
The end of the year is upon us, so it is time to start thinking about medication pick up! If your student has medication signed into the clinic, it will need to be picked up during the last two weeks of school. We recommend coming before the last day of school, as it gets busy in the clinic that day! If your student has emergency medication in the clinic, such as epi-pens, etc., we prefer to keep those for as long as your student is on campus, so that they are covered in the event of an emergency.
All clinic medication must be picked by 1:00 PM May 23rd. Any medication not picked up will be destroyed, as we cannot store medication over the summer. Please reach out to Nurse Ally at 832-592-8614 if you have any questions!
Summer Camp Opportunity
NEW Junior High Cell Phone Policy for CISD
Junior High School Cell Phone and Smartwatch Guidelines
- Cell phones and smartwatches may be used respectfully and responsibly before school and after school.
· Cell phones and smartwatches should be set on silent mode and be kept in the designated storage area during class time (e.g. backpacks, cell phone caddy, or lockers), and should not be visible during instructional time. Cell phones should not be used for reward time or free time.
· Cell phones and smartwatches should not be utilized in any area of the building during class time. This includes hallways, offices, restrooms, locker rooms etc. Cell phones and smartwatches should remain in the designated storage area when students leave the classroom during class time.
· Cell phone and smartwatch use during common times (e.g. lunches and class change) will be determined by campus administration in collaboration with the campus Foundations Team.
· Cell phones and smartwatches should not be used to capture video, audio, or images at school or on the bus.
Student ID Tags
Student ID Tags
Report Card and Progress Report Information
Report Card and Progress Report Information
Dress Code Reminders
- No crop tops may be worn by boys/girls and at no time should a child's midsection be showing.
- Shorts and skirts must be as close to mid thigh as possible.
- Jeans and pants must not be sagging below the waist.
- No sleepwear or pajamas. No slippers.
- No backless, strapless, or skinny spaghetti strap tops.
- No hats, except on special dress-up days.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures- Reminders
Arrival Procedures
- Students riding the bus will be dropped off in the back of the school. These students will then report to the cafeteria, if it is before 8:30 AM. If after 8:30 AM, they will go to first period.
- Students riding their bike may LOCK their bike in front of campus, at the bike racks.
- Car Riders- please have patience and be nice to your neighbors. Use the "zipper" approach (like at Chick Fil-A). One enters the front drive from the west side of Waterbend Cove, then the east side, and so forth and so on.
- Car Riders- we will allow "double stacking" of cars in both lanes to help more traffic flow on Waterbend Cove.
- Car Riders- follow the signage on the sidewalk and in the street. Pull all the way forward before dropping your child off from the passenger side.
- Car Riders and Walkers: Effective immediately, you may not park on Waterbend Cove to drop off your child. Please use the front car rider drive.