RGMS Weekly News 3/7/24
Community ~ Equity ~ Growth
Important Dates Ahead
- 03/07, 03/13, 03/14 Parent Teacher Conferences
- 03/08 Conference Registration opens @ 9am
3/15 Gather for Gray - Norwester Sky, 7pm, @ the Cider Mill
4/12 RGMS School Dance - SAVE THE DATE
4/13 Gather for Gray - Rivak Ross Quartet, 7pm, @ the Cider Mill
5/11 Gather for Gray - Hard Maybes, 7pm, @ the Cider Mill
Click here for the full RGMS calendar
From Principal Lisa Newlyn
Dear RGMS Community,
We are breathing a sign of relief and celebration knowing that our "pod life" is ending with the installation of portables on the horizon. In the meantime, we are adjusting some pieces of business on campus so that we can decrease distractions and increase learning time.
Synced Schedule
Below is our schedule starting Monday. This will be shared with students tomorrow through the RGMS Announcements in Advisory tomorrow.
Moving forward we are keeping students in their 8th period classes for Advisory starting Monday. This means we will be disbanding our current Advisory classes and ending WIN blocks. CJ Mead and our Climate Team will revamping our Advisory plans and practice as we shift what we do for the last 15 mins of the day.
Lunch and Snacks
Our shift in routine has been a welcome change. 8th graders going first has really opened up the lunch line. We’re going to keep that pattern going for the duration. Starting next week, we will let students eat cold lunches outside, weather permitting. Lunch will be later than it is now, so we are encouraging students to pack healthy snacks that can be cleaned up and thrown away easily while in class.
School Spirit
It's important that we have some fun together and build community. Our Climate Teams met today to talk about some great ways we can celebrate our unique life together. Spirit Weeks, Spirit Gear, Naming Ourselves, and Grackson Games are all on the horizon - good stuff to look forward to!
Coming to campus on Tuesday, I was able to talk to the abatement crew as they wrapped up their work in this phase. We are now officially in the restoration phase of the project! Take a look at the lower hallway in it's current state - it's down to the studs and rafters.
Look for updates below on Parent Teacher Conferences and Student Locker Stuff Pick Up, and of course, all the latest from the life of RGMS.
In Community,
Lisa Newlyn ~ Principal
RGMS New & Timely
Parent Teacher Conferences
Here is the link for the RGMS Conference Instructions Page: https://www.pps.net/Page/21367
Sign up will reopen Friday, 3/8, @ 9am for next week.
You need to know:
- All conferences are virtual
- Time blocks are roughly 4:30pm - 7:30pm 03/13, and 03/14
RGMS Locker Item Pick Up
The Locker Clean Out was a success! We were able to clean out and bag all of the locker contents in the upper hallway. We now have the contents of the lockers in the upper hallway and lower hallway ready to return to students. Unfortunately, the lockers in the crossover aka gym hallway are not accessible at this time.
Locker contents from the upper and lower hallways can be retrieved outside the RGMS Cafeteria on Monday, March 18th from 4:30-5:30 PM or on Tuesday, March 19th from 8:30-9:30 AM. Locker partners do not both need to be present, as the contents are bagged together. Locker partners DO have the responsibility of dividing their stuff up after their bag is picked up, making sure items make it back to their rightful owners.
We will need a couple of parents to help facilitate retrieving and passing out bags. Please sign up if you are available.
RGMS Reminders and Weekly Announcements
Counseling Update
Lisa Hyde will be on leave starting Monday, 03/04/24. We are working on securing a sub for her while she's away these next several weeks. In the meantime, if you or your student in her alpha assignments (A - K) need assistance, please let Ms. Held or Ms. Newlyn know by calling our office (503) 916-5676.
From the Office
Please continue to use the Robert Gray MS phone number, 503 916 5676 to get ahold of RGMS secretaries. Calls are being forwarded to RGMS secretaries at Jackson MS.
Markham Elementary, Jackson MS & Robert Gray MS all have school buses arriving at different times, beginning at 3pm, at Jackson. If you need to pick up your student early from school, please, if at all possible, plan on doing so before 3pm when buses begin arriving. It is a very busy place after 3pm. Please park in the upper lot and walk to the main door, ring the bell and come to the office to sign out your student.
PIL Middle School Track Coaches Needed
Coaches are needed for PIL Middle School Track. Specifically a High Jump and throws coaches are needed. These positions are paid. Please contact Liz McCullough, 503-977-1789, lizzywmccullough@gmail.com, for more information.
Parent Drop-off System
SUN Snack Donations
Affinity Space Updates
RGMS Affinity Spaces are BACK!
Check out our Affinity Space and Lunch Club schedule.
ADPI pictures below.
RGMS Lifetouch Yearbook 2023-24
Robert Gray Middle School
Yearbook ID: 14931524
The yearbook committee is hoping to gather a few more photos from the strike and during virtual learning / the snowstorm. Submit photos of your middle schooler being stealer, funny, helpful. . .Photos can be emailed to woodruff.jenn@gmail.com.
We're also looking for help promoting yearbook sales and helping sort/handout yearbooks on the last day of school. I hope to identify 2-3 volunteers. Reach out to Jen Zwartverwer via email at woodruff.jenn@gmail.com to volunteer or with any questions.
Ida B. Wells Modernization
RGMS Foundation News
RGMS Foundation Updates
The RGMS Foundation raises money to augment our elective options. The money raised is used at the principals discretion.
Robert Gray Foundation Auction Canceled
The auction committee in consultation with Lisa has decided to cancel the auction this year. It just doesn't seem like the right event for our community at this time. Instead we are going to focus our energy to raise money at the Music Nights and will have more ways for people to give with raffles and other fun activities.
More Gather for Gray Music Nights
We are excited to be hosting more Music Nights at the Cider Mill. All events are from 7-9 PM, with minors allowed until 9 PM. Below are the dates for the upcoming events.
Friday March 15-Norwester Sky
Saturday April 13-Rivak Ross Quartet
Saturday May 11-The Hard Maybes
BottleDrop Drive
1. Get Blue bags from the following locations: Rieke area-1656 SW Sunset Blvd.; Hayhurst area: 5252 SW Idaho St.; Bridlemile area-4031 SW Jerald Way
2 Fill Your Bags!
3. Return Full Bags to any BottleDrop location or Burlingame Fred Meyer.
4 Scan the Barcode on the bag to unlock the self-service bag drop.
Questions: Melissa Light, grayschoolfoundation@gmail.com
PTA Update
Volunteer at the PPS Clothing Closet Monday March 11 – Help the Community
Looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity that allows you to interact with the wider PPS community? Look no further than the PPS Clothing Closet!
The Clothing Closet is located at Benson High School, and we are looking for 5-6 volunteers from RGMS from 9:30-1:30 on Monday, March 11. The shift will involve unpacking, sorting clothing donations, and helping students and families select items – a truly rewarding experience!
You need not be available for that entire block to volunteer – come when you can and stay as long as you would like!
The Clothing Closet supports all PPS students and is a great way to give back to the wider PPS community. Last year, the closet was able to service 1,060 students!
Interested? Email Britney Small with questions or with your interest.
Haven’t joined the PTA yet? Do so now using this link.
You will have to select “ROBERT GRAY MS PTA (PORTLAND)” as your “Local Unit”. The rest
is straightforward and takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Membership is $20 for the year.
Do you wish to make a one-time or recurring donation to PTA? You can do so here. Click “Donate” then enter your amount and indicate your intent to donate monthly if desired!
Robert Gray PTA Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for ways to get involved this year? Use the following form to sign up for the events you are interested in and you will receive a follow up email with additional information. The time and support of our volunteers is greatly appreciated. Without it we couldn't make special Gray events happen! Some of these events include Run for Gray, Teacher Appreciation Week, Bottle Drop Fundraiser, Sustainability and extra supervision during lunch time, and more. Please consider volunteering or donating as you are able.
Thank you for your time and support! Looking forward to a great year!
Get RGMS Text Alerts!
Get text alerts about school closures, delays, emergencies and school events:
Text YES to 68453
Fliers Approved for Distribution by PPS
Camps, Classes, & After School Programs:
Portland Metro Fire Camp for Women (Portland Jun. 21-23, Sherwood Jul. 12-14)
City of Portland / Rose City Self-Defense Workshop Series:
Foster / Powell neighborhood, April 10 & 17
Lower Albina neighborhood, Saturdays, March 16, 23, & 30
VIBE of Portland Spring Break Camp (Mar 25-29)
VIBE of Portland East Winds Band Camp (July 22-26)
(Spanish) (Russian)VIBE of Portland Music & Digital Art Classes for Kids
Cognizart 360 Arts Camp (July 8-12, 15-19, & 22-26)
Rec Tennis Maplewood Tennis Afterschool Zone (Jan. 16 - Mar. 5)
Preschool Programs:
Portland Parks Preschool 2024-25
“Portland Parks & Recreation is holding a registration lottery for our Educational Preschool program for the 2024-25 school year. Interested families can apply now through February 21 to be included in the lottery.”Multnomah Early Childhood Program Free Preschool Classes
(Spanish) (Vietnamese)
Community Events & Information:
Oregon State University Summer Dog-training Research Program for Children with Developmental Differences
City of Portland 311 Non-Emergency Hotline
(Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali)
Vaccinations, Health & Wellness:
About Us
Email: lnewlyn@pps.net
Website: https://www.pps.net/gray
Location: 5505 Southwest 23rd Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 916-5676
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robertgraymiddleschool
Attendance Reporting: grayattend@pps.net