Brook Bulletin
Edition #23

From the Principal's Desk
Dear Wolverine Families,
We know that the recent event that took place off-campus at Pasadena Memorial High School last evening has impacted members of our Wolverine family, and we want to take a moment to acknowledge the concerns and emotions that may come with such an experience. Our hearts are with all those affected, and we want to reassure you that your safety, well-being, and sense of security remain our top priority.
At Clear Brook, we are more than just a school—we are a community that stands together in times of uncertainty. Our team is here to support students, staff, and families in any way we can, and we encourage open communication as we navigate this together. We remain committed to reinforcing a safe and supportive environment where every student can learn and thrive.
Thank you for your trust, strength, and partnership in making Clear Brook a place where everyone feels valued and protected. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you or your student need support. We Are Clear Brook!!!!
We remain focused and committed to our campus theme: We are Sparking Excellence - Empowering Every Wolverine for a Future Beyond Boundaries !!
Monica Speaks, Proud Principal
Important Dates and Information
- Be sure to check out the Weekly Wolverine for a list of activities/events
Please Complete CCISD Mid-Year Parent & Staff Survey
School Counselor's Corner
Course Selection
It's time to select classes for the 25-26 school year. On Monday, February 10th, students will receive a paper copy of the course selection materials as well as their transcripts to help them complete course selection. That day, during advisory, we will have a Course Fair at which students will be able to explore the course offerings. Please encourage your students to take full advantage of the course fair by talking to the teachers and students of the classes that interest them. Students have until February 19th to enter their course selections in Skyward. Counselors will be available to answer questions during Quest Connect in room 116 from February 3rd-February 19th. Students should sign up for Course Selection Help & College Workshop with Candice Richards as the instructor. Counselors will also have a table set up in the Commons during lunches to answer questions about course selection.
Dual Credit
Please come to our meeting about dual credit on February 12th at 6 p.m. in the auditorium. A dual credit staff member will present information about taking dual credit classes.
Please remember that our School Counselors are available to support you with your academic and social emotional needs. We have an amazing team!!!
Seniors: If you need help applying for college, please sign up for the College Workshop on your RTI scheduler.
- Direct Admissions is now available through My Texas Future for college-bound Texas high school students. By providing basic academic information, seniors can quickly find out whether they qualify for admission to over 30 colleges across Texas before completing an application. This is a great tool if you have a school you want to attend but you aren't sure if you meet their admissions requirements.
Juniors and Seniors: Representatives from various colleges will visit our campus throughout the year. Sign up in RTI scheduler if you would like to learn more about any of the visiting schools.
Here is a list of upcoming visits:
Monday, February 10th-A representative from the University of Houston-Clear Lake will visit during lunch.
REMINDER - Please Review Dress Code Expectations
We value the contributions of our campus PTA. Clear Brook's PTA offers our students opportunities for college scholarships, Red Ribbon Week support, school supplies, and much more. They also advocate at the national and state level for public education and student rights. Communities need great schools, and schools need great advocates.
Our PTA cannot function without parent membership and involvement. We'd love to have as many families as possible join this year. Would you take a few moments to scan the QR code or access the website and make CLEAR BROOK HIGH SCHOOL your choice to support?
Thank you for making a DIFFERENCE!!
- Please click the button above to view the traffic flow for Parent Pick-up and Drop-off.
- For the safety and convenience of all, all students should be dropped off in the back parking lot, accessible via Hope Village.
- Parents and guardians should refrain from dropping off students at the front of the school building.
- Adherence to these directions is crucial in preventing traffic disruptions and ensuring the safety of our students, faculty, and drivers.
- Your cooperation with these guidelines is greatly appreciated.
- Students must park in the designated student parking area at the front of the school and obtain a $35 parking permit available during lunchtime in the first two weeks of the school year. Online registration can be found at the campus website:
- To purchase, students need:
- 1. Proof of insurance with their name and current address.
- 2. A valid driver’s license.
- 3. The vehicle's license plate number.
- Starting September 2nd, parking violations will be penalized with parking tickets and persistent violations may result in the vehicle being towed at the owner's expense and parking privileges revoked.
Clear Brook High School
Home of the Wolverines - On a Quest for the Best!
Website: https://clearbrook.ccisd.net/
Location: 4607 Farm to Market 2351, Friendswood, TX, USA
Phone: 281.284.2100
Twitter: @ClearBrookHS