Mac El Weekly News
August 9, 2024
From the Principal
First Week Success!
The first week is always filled with excitement and sometimes a little anxiety. Hopefully, everyone had a great week getting to their teachers, classmates, schedules, etc. After getting back to a daily school schedule, I anticipate they will be ready for a day to sleep a little bit!
Please be sure to download our app for the most up to date events and information. The Maconaquah School app is available for free in both Apple and Google App stores.
Next week we will begin baseline testing with our iReady Diagnostic. Students will take this online test which will provide teachers with data and information to guide instruction for their students. Following the diagnostic, students will then be able to work on skills at their level through my Path in iReady.
Pick up/drop off Changes
Drop off 8:10 am
Doors open at 8:10 am for drop off. Make sure to watch for students crossing the lanes when moving forward. Adults are present to assist. Students are considered late after 8:30 am and will need to be signed in at the front office.
Pick up 3:10 pm
There is NO PARKING in the pick up lanes between 8:10 am and 3:00 pm. DO NOT park in the lanes early to pick up students. If you arrive before 3:00 pm, you will be asked to park in an available space. The lanes need to be clear until pick up time to allow other vehicles to move through safely.
Mark your Calendar
Aug. 12 - iReady Diagnostic Testing begins
- 4th/5th grade Cross Country practice starts (3:30 - 4:30pm) - sports physical required
Aug. 19 - 23 - Annie Jr. Drama Camp (3:30 - 5:30 pm at the High School)
Sept. 2 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
Sept. 5 - Mac El PTO Meeting (3:30 pm)
What is iReady Diagnostic?
School Picture Day - Aug 15
Order online now
Pictures may be pre-ordered for the best prices, see below. If you order online, there is no neeed for a form on picture day.
Spirit Wear Fundraiser
Theme for the Year: Every Student, Every Day!
Did you know...? Why Daily Attendance Matters:
Missed Lessons = Falling Behind: Even one day can mean missing critical instructions and activities, making it harder for your child to catch up.
Impact on Future Success: Consistent attendance is a strong predictor of academic achievement and future opportunities.
Building Resilience: Regular attendance teaches your child the value of perseverance and responsibility—essential skills for success in life.
Stronger Friendships: Daily presence helps your child develop and sustain friendships, which are crucial for emotional and social development.
Healthy Routine: Attending school every day establishes a stable routine, promoting better mental and physical health.
We want to see our students every day!! Ask your student about Attendance Candyland!
New Maconaquah Athletics Website
Cross Country - 4th & 5th grade students
Cross Country will be starting on Monday, Aug. 12 after school. Practices will be Mondays - Thursdays from 3:30 - 4:30 each week. Contact Coach Herrell if you have questions: Students must have a new physical on file each year to participate.
Athletic Physicals
If your child will be participating in cross country, basketball or cheerleading, they will need a current sports physical on file. Physical Forms are available by going to the new website above, under other info.
Annie Jr. Drama Camp
Flyers are available in the office to sign up
Substitute Teachers Needed
Buddy Bags
Updated information ...
We are excited to announce that the Buddy Bags Program found a new Coordinator! They will be able to provide Buddy Bags until October. Please see information below if you or your family are in need of food suport.
Mobile Food Pantries
See below for more information
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Universal Free Breakfast
All Maconaquah Elementary Students will be able to receive a free breakfast. Students will report to the cafeteria upon arrival to get their breakfast and bring it to their classroom to eat.
Student Lunch Accounts
Student lunch accounts can be accessed and paid through Titan, found on our website. Follow the directions to download the App to view account balances.
phone: (765) 689-9131 x. 3000