Sprague School

Pikmykid Student Dismissal Platform
Download or Update App
In our ongoing efforts to enhance your children’s safety, Sprague and Half Day Schools will begin using the Pikmykid Dismissal Application. Pikmykid has been proven to simplify dismissal, reduce traffic congestion, and most importantly, improve overall safety.
The unique features of Pikmykid allow you, as parents, to easily change pick up modes, quickly delegate to an alternate individual for pick up, change to an ‘after school’ program, and even schedule for future pick up mode, pick up individual, and after school programs. This app allows you to be in full control of your child’s dismissal process and it gives us, the school, complete information regarding dismissal and the ability to acknowledge every change and to instantly check your child’s dismissal status should you have a question.
Register and set schedules in Pikmykid (PMK). PMK manages repeated schedule changes daily and early pick ups from school.
Please complete the set up in your Pikmykid app.
- Download the app to register or access the online version.
- Register – How to Video.
- If you have already registered, please log out of the app under your account and log back in. Schedules previously inputted in the app will still be there.
- IMPORTANT! EVERYONE has been defaulted to a bus rider status.
- The choices are easy to follow. Only ONE default mode is allowed. The default has currently been set to the bus for all students.
- Please log out of the app and log back in so that your child’s account shows their updated Grade and Homeroom.
- If your student(s) do not show up once you register, please email us at spschool@d103.org and we will fix the issue.
- The cut-off time at Sprague to make DAILY changes is 1:30 p.m. A report will be sent to your student’s teacher at that time. Changes will not be allowed after that time.
If your student is a pick up every day, you will need to change the default to Parent Pick Up (Car Line) or Parent Pick Up (Walker). You will have to call the school at 847-945-6665 or email us at spschool@d103.org, to make the change.
If your student does multiple modes of dismissal during the week, your default should be the plan that is used the most so you have fewer days to change.
103 CLUB
If your child attends 103 Club, your child's default will be 103 Club every day. If your child does not attend 103 Club 5 days per week, you must go into PikMyKid and change the schedule on the days they DO NOT attend 103 Club. Please be sure to indicate if they should take the bus or parent pick up on those days.
Donate While You Dine
Laura B. Sprague School
- Principal Ann Hofmeier
- Assistant Principal Jennifer Arroyo
- 847-945-6686
- Ls_attendance@d103.org