JHCS Quill
January 6, 2023
Fall 2023 Kindergarten Registration
It is that time of year. It is time to let us know if you have a child entering kindergarten this fall. Your child must be 5 years old before Sept. 1st to be eligible for registration.
Please email office@johnhancockcs.org with your kindergartener's name and birthday to get on the list.
You will receive registration information in February to complete the process.
Science Fair Judges Are Needed
Please volunteer to be a science fair judge for our 5-8th graders. The judging takes place from 8:30 am to 11:00 am on Friday, January 13th.
You can sign up on TrackItForward.com or email Mrs. Martin at susanmartin@johnhancockcs.org.
Things That Go Bump In The Night
- JHCS Art Show
- Jan. 26
- 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
- Please come show your support
Save the Date- Music Concert
- March 30
- Pleasant Grove Jr. High School
- 6:30 pm
- Watch for more details
Please return the library books!
Look around your house for JHCS library books and send them back to school with your child.
Viking Raid - 3rd grade
- Jan. 20
- 1:15 pm
Patriot Day
- Friday, Jan 27
- 1:00 pm to 1:50 pm
Social Leadership Training and Save The Date - 5-8th grades
- Friday, Feb. 3
- 2:00-4:00
- Save the Date for the Social Leadership Ball - April 21
Jan. 16 - No School
Martin Luther King Jr Day
JHCS Spirit/Safety and Prevention Week - Jan. 23-27
Monday- Crazy Tie Day
Tuesday - Wear Red
Wednesday - Crazy Sock/Shoe Day
Thursday - Crazy Hat Day
Friday - Crazy Hair Day & Cupcakes
January's Key of Success - Failure Leads to Success
Learn from mistakes. View failures as feedback that provides you with the information you need to learn, grow, and succeed.
Make A Difference
Email: office@johnhancockcs.org
Website: www.johnhancockcs.org
Location: 125 North 100 East, Pleasant Grove, UT, USA
Phone: 801-796-5646
Facebook: facebook.com/johnhancockcs
Twitter: @johnhancockcs