Chinook News for Wk of 8/21 - 8/25
Your oh-FISH-al school newsletter!
This Week: 8/21-8/25
8/21-8/25 - PE: L. Saltzman OUTSIDE / Straubinger INSIDE
** Our 2 PE teachers rotate weekly with outside/inside instruction.
- MON, 8/21 - Late Start Monday / School Starts at 10 / Strive for 9:45
- TUE, 8/22 - TX Roadhouse Battle of the Schools Fundraiser (more info below)
- THU, 8/24 - First day of school for Preschool / Kindergarten
- FRI, 8/25 - Chinook Spirit Day - wear logo wear or blue/red
Looking ahead...
- 8/30 - Running Club starts for 1-6th graders with permission (more info below)
- 9/4 - Labor Day Holiday / No Students or Staff
- 9/28 - Tentative / South area Running Jamboree / 4-8 (more info below)
- 10/9 - Indigenous Peoples Day / No Students or Staff
- 10/20 - End of 1st Quarter / Grading Day / No Students
- 10/25 - Parent/Teacher Conferences / Early Release
- 10/26 - Parent/Teacher Conferences / Early Release
- 10/27 - Professional Development Day / No Students
* REPEAT * Meet our NEW Staff
We have been working hard to fill ALL of our positions for this school year. LINK here to meet some of our new hires that will be joining our Chinook community for the 23/24 school year!
* REPEAT * LATE START MONDAYS...Think about your plan!
With our NEW late start Mondays (every Monday) this school year, Chinook school hours will be...
- MONDAY: 10:00-3:30
- Tuesday: 9:00-3:30
- Wednesday: 9:00-3:30
- Thursday: 9:00-3:30
- Friday: 9:00-3:30
LINK for more info and FAQ's:
LINK here to view options and let us know tentatively what your plan is.
Where: Chinook Gym, Playground, and running trails adjacent to Chinook
When: Mon/Wed from 3:30-4:30 starting 8/30
(8/30, 9/6, 9/11, 9/13, 9/18, 9/20, 9/25, 9/27)
South Jamboree tentatively scheduled for Service HS Thu, 9/28, 4-8
* Repeat * Free breakfast and lunch for all!
* Repeat * Drop off and Pick Up
Here are a few things to note:
- We teach bell to bell. That means students are receiving instruction till 3:30. Please try to avoid early pick up.
- When entering the parking lots, please pull ALL THE WAY FORWARD!
- Our data shows that most students have been picked up and are out of the parking lot by 3:40! Way to go families!!
- We have staff outside supervising until 3:45. Feel free to be flexible in the range of 3:30-3:45 as to when you drive through to pick up. 3:40 is way less crowded.
- Talk to your student(s) about your plan of where you will pick them up.
- Our job is to keep you safe. We appreciate your support as we navigate the parking lot!
* REPEAT * Erin's Law education during Health Class
Dear Chinook Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
This letter is to let you know that your child’s class will be receiving age-appropriate lessons on child sexual abuse and assault prevention education as required under the state’s Alaska Safe Children’s Act (Erin’s Law).
Erin’s Law Education is comprised of two lessons (one lesson at the beginning of each semester) taught during the health classes. Combined, these lessons meet the full requirements for students under the Alaska Safe Children’s Act (Erin’s Law) and are designed to help prevent childhood sexual abuse. These lessons will be presented in a non-threatening way, along with the skills needed for self-protection and will be handled in a sensitive, respectful manner.
Information about the lessons can be viewed HERE.
If you do NOT want your child to receive the instruction under the Alaska Safe Children’s Act, you must write a letter to the school principal requesting that your child be excused from these specific lessons.
Thank you for partnering with us as we continue to provide learning opportunities to improve the safety and well-being of our students.
Lori Rucksdashel, Principal
* REPEAT * We LOVE our Chinook Volunteers
Please visit and fill out the online application and waiver. Every volunteer needs to be approved at the start of each school year. Please complete this process ASAP, as you do need to be approved prior to being able to help in our school. This process can take between 5-10 days.
* REPEAT * Come work with us!
- Do you want to join our Chinook team?
- Do you know of a strong educator that would be great on our Chinook team?
To best educate your students, our goal is to have ALL positions filled with high quality staff. Help us do that by getting the word out...
We are hiring for this year (23/24):
- Teacher Substitute (ongoing recruitment)
- Front office Secretary
- Preschool Paraprofessional
SNAPSHOTS of our Salmon!
Chinook Vision Statement
We, the staff and students at Chinook Elementary, commit ourselves to working together to provide a positive and safe school environment that strives to meet the needs of our diverse community of learners.
Location: 3101 W 88th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99502, USA
Phone: 907-742-6700