The Falcon Flyer
February 7th, 2025
Current Daily Attendance Rankings by Grade!
This week's campus attendance rate was: 91.83%. Our campus goal for Average Daily Attendance is 96%. Our current attendance rate for the year is 95.74%.
Our year-to-date attendance percentages by grade are:
4th - 96.54%
3rd - 96.47%
1st - 96.17%
5th - 95.89%
K - 95.20%
2nd - 95.12%
Pre-K - 93.15%
From the Principal!
We had a BUSY and exciting week this week! This week was National Counselor Appreciation Week, and our campus enjoyed celebrating our very own, Mrs. Vinyard. We appreciated all that she does to support our students, staff, and families. There was another recognition award to one of our staff members as Officer Gomez was honored as the Officer of the Year from the Boerne Police Department. Officer Gomez not only goes above and beyond for our Fabra Family but for our entire Boerne ISD district and Boerne community. Congratulations!
Wednesday Night our Fabra Choir and Fabra Dance teams got to perform at the UTSA Men's Basketball game. Both groups did an exceptional job! Thank you to everyone who came out on Thursday for our Family STREAM Night! It was so fun to see a pack campus of parents and kiddos engaging in so many different activities and demonstrations.
Please read through this week's newsletter for important dates, information, and exciting things happening around campus! As always, if we can help in any way, then please don't hesitate to reach out to our front office. Have a wonderful and restful weekend!
Troy Latiolais
Principal - Fabra Elementary
Important Upcoming Dates
- February 10th - Tooth Fairy Visit for Pre-k, Kindergarten & 1st Grade
- February 14th - All Pro Dads Meeting at 6:45am
- February 14th - Career Day!
- February 17th - Student Holiday - No School!
- February 18th - 5th Grade Parent Night @ BMSN - 6:30pm
- February 20th - BOA Parent Meeting - 5:45pm - Fabra Cafeteria
- February 21st - Daddy Daughter Dance @ 6:00pm
Congratulations to Officer Gomez - Officer of the Year!
Read to the Final Four!
We are in the middle of this new round! 3rd graders, keep reading and logging those minutes.
Parents: Make sure your child brings in their completed reading log with your initials EVERY MONDAY!
Early Act Club
In the news. . . . .
Early Act made cards this week for Home Instead, which is a group in the Hill Country that services Senior Citizens in their homes.
Care and Share Center
BISD is getting closer to opening their Care and Share Center and we need your help!
We need hangers and children’s clothing. Specifically, clean, gently worn jeans, pants, and shorts. Please bring all donations to the office with Mrs. Jendrusch's name on the bag.
Don't forget, we are still accepting donations for "Good for the Sole". There is a drop box in the front office lobby.
Dance Team at UTSA!
Valentine Grams!
Valentine's Day is approaching soon! Check out our selection of spirit stick valentine's grams to send to your student (or a friend)! Quantities are limited! https://fabrapto.membershiptoolkit.com/2025ValentinesGrams
Thank You, Falcon Fathers!
Fabra Night at UTSA!
Library News and Updates!
We've caught quite a few Falcons reading during choice time. When students are caught reading, they get a ticket with their name on it. Every Wednesday, I pick one ticket from the jar on the announcements, and that student gets to choose from some fun library swag.
Congratulations to this week's winner, Romeo Lares, 4th grade.
3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will do a lesson on text features in nonfiction books.
2nd grade will learn about biographies and the text features that help them find information in biographies for their Living History Museum Project.
Kinder and 1st grade will be practicing summarizing stories.
If your child damages a book, please have them bring it to me. I can fix a lot of things. Make sure they bring the damaged book into the library and show it to me, and we can figure out what to do about it. I emphasize to the students that I will never be mad at them over a book.
· If a book is lost, you have some options
· You can pay the replacement cost. I will send home an overdue notice with the amount on it.
§ We take cash- try to have the exact amount as I don't often have change.
§ We take checks made out to Fabra Elementary.
§ You can also pay using a credit card on RevTrak which you can find on our website.
· You can purchase a replacement that is used as long as it is a HARD COVER and in good or better shape.
Calling All Falcon Fathers!!!
Spend the day at Fabra!
Falcon fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures....Would you like to volunteer for at least one day each year? During the day, Falcon Fathers may read to a classroom, play at recess, help out in P.E, eat lunch with students and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their own students, but other students as well. On the day of their participation, Falcon Fathers are given a brief review of their involvement and get to wear an official Falcon Father t-shirt.
Please limit your initial sign-up to only ONE date, and additionally sign-up for the "Waitlist" slot if you would like to be notified of last minute openings that would allow you to participate again.
Click this link to see available dates and sign up:
Fabra PTO: 2024-25 Falcon Fathers (signupgenius.com)
All Falcon Fathers will need to complete a full background check with the district prior to volunteering. Here is the link below:
Every Day Counts!
How to Reach Us!
Website: https://www.boerneisd.net/FES
Location: 723 Johns Road, Boerne, TX, USA
Phone: 830-357-4200
Facebook: facebook.com/FabraElementary
Twitter: @FabraElem