ERD Family Smore, Week of 12-4-23
ER Dickson Elementary School
Thank you for reading our weekly Family Smore Newsletter!
Upcoming Spirit Days and Holiday Fun
Monday, December 4th: Wear your favorite/craziest socks, with full uniform, for National Sock Day
Friday, December 8th: Wear an E.R. Dickson spirit shirt, with uniform bottoms
Please do not drop your child off on Sunset or other non-designated drop-off pts
General Reminders
- We do not accept cupcakes or birthday cakes for a class for a student's birthdays. This is for many reasons, including the threat of harm toward students with life-threatening allergies, and the amount of sugar we would be allowing the children to have if every parent sent cupcakes... it could be as many as 25+ times within the 9 month school year. You can, however, send pre-packaged snacks for the students, preferably on the Smart Snacks List (see the link below.) Please refrain from sending any snacks with peanuts.
- Please send a snack for your child every day.
- Make sure your child has a water bottle every day.
- Please have your child at school, on time, every day, unless they are ill. Attendance counts!
- Don't forget about our lost and found bin if your child has lost anything.
Important Dates
Nov. 28- Dec. 8: Stuff the Bus toy drive- may the best house win! See flyer below
Dec. 14 - Class parties
Dec. 15 - Last day of the quarter
Dec. 18 - Jan. 3 - Seasons' Greetings! Winter Holiday Break
Jan. 4 - Happy New Year! Students return; 3rd quarter begins
Please visit our Facebook page to see some of the great things happening at ERD!
E. R. Dickson Elementary School
LEAD- Love, Explore, Achieve, Discover
Email: with questions or comments
Location: 4645 Bit and Spur Road, Mobile, AL, USA
Phone: 241-221-1180
Becky Murray, Ed.D.
Becky is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters