It's almost that time!

Notes on the Upcoming Week!
Dear St. Therese Families,
What a week we have coming up! Here's a quick rundown.
Tuesday October 1 @ 1:15 p.m.: Feast of St. Therese, school mass.
Friday October 4 is a busy one!
- 8:30 a.m. (following 7:30 a.m. daily mass), Blessing of the Animals. Bring your pets and get them blessed by Father Gabriele on the PSC lawn, just outside St. Therese Church.
- That afternoon, at 1:30 p.m., the Jog-A-Thon is finally going down! Come root our kiddos on! Father Gabriele and I will be running. Well, Father Gabriele will run, I will do what I can.
- Sunday October 6 Parish picnic. Come join us for mass and the picnic, all are welcome, regardless of home parish. Knights of Columbus will provide hamburgers and hot dogs. We are looking for volunteers to bring side dishes/salads and desserts. Admission is Free. If you can bring something, please contact Tammy in the parish office at 503-256-5850 or email info@stthereseor.org
In Christ the Teacher,
Principal Schoning
Jog-A-Thon is 1 Week Away!!!
Some clarity on Jog-A-Thon Donations
We are indeed asking for your help in reaching our goal in the Jog-A-Thon, but this is not a mandate. Students and families will not face any negative consequences if they do not bring in the suggested $250 goal per student. However (!!) in accordance with our Student and Family Handbook, St. Therese has a fundraising obligation of $250 per student and this is the COOL PART, that this is an opportunity FOR YOU, to avoid that money coming out of your pocket. 😉 Really! If you can spend a bit of time with your kid(s), to ensure that they hit their goal of $250 raised, you're off the hook for that fundraising obligation. Seriously. Easy as that! Help push us to our goal! Many hands make light work! Reminder too, that all donations are tax deductible, so remind friends and relatives who are small business owners! We will spotlight them on our social media, newsletters and memos! I promise!
Some of the students who are leading the charge on collecting donations are doing so in small increments! $5, $10, and $20 donations add up! Every dollar that goes to the Jog-A-Thon is money you save! We can collect donations until October 11th too!
Thank you!!!!!
Go Eagles!
If we hit our school-wide goal of $50,000:
- K-5 students will get a super fun ice cream social which will be in lieu of an afternoon class!
- Middle school students have opted for a "social" in the gym, with music, not a dance.
- Not to mention more opportunities for pizza parties, free dress passes, and more! Check out the big prizes below. Everyone who raises $500 or more is eligible to be in the raffle for these big ones!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Join us for school mass, to celebrate the Feast of our Patron, St. Therese!
Tuesday October 1st 1:15 pm St. Therese Church
All are welcome. Come celebrate with your students and the whole community!
St. Therese Campus Upgrades By Instant Lawn Care
A HUGE thank you to Instant Lawn Care for our beautiful new lawn, updated landscaping, and new trees planted on our campus. Our campus got a major update this summer! This commercial and residential law care company is owned by one of our St. Therese families! We cannot thank Fabian Lopez enough for our beautiful campus!
What's going on in tech?
They are still prototyping but 6th grade students are trying to build the tallest tower that can hold a can of corn only using paper and tape. Stay tuned for more!
Art in Kindergarten
Mrs. Radford read "The boy with Flowers in his Hair" then the children drew a portrait of ‘the boy’. Using beeswax crayons donated by Mrs Kieu (Ruby’s mum).
More Beautiful Work from our Student Artists
Pre-K Fun in Music Class
Here are our very own Pre-k students being squirrels. In music class, they have been doing a camping unit all month and they pretended to be squirrels while they sang and listened to the song “grey squirrel." We are so lucky to have Ms. Emily this year!
Jog-A-Thon! Jog-A-Thon! Jog-A-Thon!
It's Go Time!
Keep going! We've got this!
Athlete's Foot
There are some great opportunities for boys and girls to get involved in sports this Fall! Take a look and let us know if you have any questions!!
Basketball Open Gym: We are starting open gyms for grades 5-8 on Wednesdays from 6-8pm. This will run through the Fall up to the start of the season. We have the 6/7 boys coaches from last year leading the charge on this. Both former college players and very skilled coaches, it is exciting to have them back and driving this!
Winter Hoops and Hot Shots: Registrations are opening SOON and we will be looking for players and coaches. More info to come soon!
- Registration is open for the swimming team, and it will be open through the end of September, register here: https://cyocamphoward.org/content/24610/st-swimming
- Swimmers ages 3rd grade through 8th grade can join the team, and should be able to swim across the pool (we are NOT instructors on how to swim)
- We have GREAT coaches who are all former swimmers led by our very own Dave Tabayoyon who coached last year
- We are partnering with FMES school to create a team
- Practices are still being scheduled, but we will likely swim at 7pm two nights a week at Parkrose pool
- Please contact athletics@stthereseschool.org with any questions!!
Catholic High School Application Information
Attention 8th grade families: it is time to start thinking about Catholic High School! See the flyer below for upcoming dates for Open House, High School Placement Tests, and application due dates. Mrs. Baumbach will be hosting a Catholic High School Info Night. More information will come to you soon.
Dates to Know
10/01 Feast of St. Therese school mass at 1:15 pm
10/4 Jog a Thon
10/4 Blessing of the Animals @ 8:30 Outside St. Therese Church
10/11 No School
10/14 Parent's Club Meeting
11/05 School Picture Day
11/27 1/2 day, with noon dismissal.
11/27 School mass changed to 8:30 a.m. Join us!
12/9 School mass at 1:15, Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Blessing of the Animals Next Week!
Save the Date: Blessing of the Animals, October 4th @ 8:30 a.m. Outside St. Therese Church
Miscellaneous Reminders
- Our Lost and Found is already overflowing. Gentle reminder that periodically, we have to sort through the sweatshirts, water bottles, and various other items that parents spend good money on, and we donate them to charity.
- Every Third Sunday of the month is an opportunity for someone from the school to serve our community, by serving coffee and donuts after the 10 am Sunday mass. Please contact the school office if you would like to volunteer for future months. 503-253-9400. It's an easy task, fun for the family, and counts as Fair Share Hours.
- Please pull all the way forward at Drop-Off in the morning so that we can keep that line moving quickly and prevent back-up.
8th Graders in Science Class
La Salle is hosting a Baseball Youth Camp this fall and would love for you to share this opportunity with your students and families. The camp is designed to help young athletes develop their skills, enjoy the game, and have some fun.
Here is the link to the online registration portal: https://www.lsprep.org/youth-baseball-camp
As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Registrar/Office Mrs. Barnett, barnetta@stthereseschool.org
Principal Schoning schoningc@stthereseschool.org
Vice Principal Baumbach cbaumbach@stthereseschool.org
School Phone: 503-253-9400