February 2, 2024
District Redistricting Update
Dear Bogota School Community,
I am writing to inform you about an important update regarding the redistricting plans that were initially scheduled for the upcoming school year.
After consulting with the Board of Education and Administrators, we have decided to postpone the redistricting process until the 2025-26 school year. This decision has been made in the best interest of our students, staff, and the overall educational environment.
Several factors influenced this decision, including but not limited to:
1. **Enrollment Changes:** The district is currently experiencing shifts in enrollment, and delaying the redistricting process will allow us to gather more accurate and up-to-date data on student numbers. We will be rolling out a District-wide reregistration process in the spring to ensure all students are entitled to a Bogota education.
2. **Bathroom Renovations:** A significant consideration in the decision to postpone is the summer renovations to our bathroom facilities. Completing these renovations before implementing redistricting will contribute to a smoother transition for everyone involved.
3. **Proper Notice:** We understand that any changes to school boundaries and enrollments can have a significant impact on our staff, students, and their families. By delaying the redistricting until the 2025-26 school year, we aim to provide everyone with ample notice and time to prepare for the upcoming changes. This will allow for a more organized and seamless transition.
We want to assure you that this decision was not taken lightly, and our primary goal is to create an optimal learning environment for all students while minimizing disruption for our dedicated staff. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time of adjustment.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your continued commitment to the success of our students and the well-being of our school community.
Damian Kennedy
Bogota Public Schools
Bogota Preschool Celebrates 5 Years
District Wide Valentines Dance for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders
Bogota Partners with Bergen Academies to Provide Engineering Enrichment
This past fall, a cohort of seventh-grade students successfully concluded an Engineering program at the Bergen Academies Makerspace facility. The program, funded by a grant and completely tuition-free, catered to a small group of seventh-grade girls, providing them with hands-on experience in engineering activities and instruction. The eight-week course took place on Thursday evenings, with each session lasting approximately an hour. Guided by instructors Mr. Seventko from Bergen Tech and Mrs. Haase from BHS, the students actively engaged in the engineering process.
A second iteration of the program is set to commence on April 11, welcoming sixth-grade students. Those interested in participating can obtain more details by contacting Middle School principal Chris Albiez, who will provide additional information.
Since 2018, Bogota Public Schools and Gaggle have formed a partnership dedicated to ensuring the safety of students and schools. This collaboration provides a straightforward method for students to report threats of violence, bullying, the presence of weapons, peers in crisis, and other urgent situations.
The Gaggle SpeakUp Safety Tip Line seamlessly integrates with G Suite for Education from Google, a platform already in use by students on a daily basis. No additional mobile app downloads are necessary. SpeakUp offers a phone number and email address that students can utilize for reporting via email, text messages, or phone calls.
Trained Gaggle Safety Representatives diligently assess SpeakUp tips 24/7/365. For non-life-threatening issues, they send an email to designated school or district staff. In emergency situations, they promptly call school officials and can also coordinate with local law enforcement.
Gaggle, with a history dating back to 1999, has been a reliable provider of safe online learning products and solutions for the K-12 market. The company prioritizes student safety, empowering educators to confidently incorporate current technology for communication, collaboration, and learning. For more information about Gaggle, visit [http://www.gaggle.net](http://www.gaggle.net).
Students can access Speak Up by calling or texting: (484) 361-4544 or by emailing speakup@bogotaboe.com.
What's Happening in the Cafeteria
First Class of BHS Students Graduate from FDU STEM Program
BHS and FDU have strengthened their collaboration by introducing an enhanced STEM enrichment initiative designed for high school students. This program, conducted on Saturday mornings, comes at no cost. It comprises two distinct STEM courses: the Technical Enrichment and Outreach Program (TEOP) and the Computing and Security Enrichment Outreach Program (CSEOP). During the Fall of 2023, four spaces were available for BHS students, and all participants successfully completed the course by December. The spring cohort has commenced with a total of 11 students now engaged in both courses. This initiative serves as a gateway for students keen on pursuing STEM disciplines in their post-secondary education.
Grant Allows Bogota Students to Learn About Hydroponic Gardening
A recent grant, the Healthy Meals Incentives, allowed the district to purchase four hydroponic units to allow students to grow vegetables, learn about hydroponic farming, harvest food, and try fresh, healthy greens. The hydroponic units, called Flex Farms, are currently located in Bixby, Steen, BHS, and the 18-21 STEPs building. All four units are continuously producing fresh leafy produce. Students must learn how to properly maintain water levels, measure and adjust the pH levels, properly mix and add nutrients, and harvest foods for proper processing. The vegetables are quickly sent to the district cafeteria for storage, cooking, and preparation – it’s a true hyperlocal farm-to-table program.