LV Primary Parent News
November 6, 2024
Dear Primary Parents,
Good morning! The week of November 18-21, we are conducting some important middle of the year testing. Please be sure your child is rested and comes to school ready to do their best!
Tonight and tomorrow night our first graders will perform in the cafeteria to honor our veterans. Please enter through the gym side. Please avoid driving directly over the new sidewalks out front. A detailed schedule is on the flyer below.
Student attendance is taken at 9:30 am daily, please keep this in mind when making appointments. A student must be here at 9:30 am to be counted present for the day. A student may only miss 15 school days total for the year (excused or unexcused.)
SPIRIT RIBBONS FOR SALE TOMORROW $1. This is the last regular season football game.
Thank you,
Mrs. Keck
Week At a Glance
November 6- 1st grade performs 6 pm
November 7- 1st grade performs 6 pm; Last regular season football game ribbon sale $1
November 11 Parent Shopping at Bookfair 4-6 pm; Happy Veterans Day! WE DO HAVE SCHOOL.
November 12- Thanksgiving meal served in the cafeteria, parent shopping in Bookfair 4-6 pm
November 13- Parent Shopping in Bookfair 4-6pm
November 14- Parent Shopping in Bookfair 4-6 pm
November 15- Book Fair is Open 8-1
Important Reminders!!!
Ribbon Sale tomorrow- $1 each before school!
Parent Behavior Tip of the Week
Focus: Setting Consequences
Do you find it difficult to establish and communicate consequences for your child's behavior?"
Setting consequences for your child is essential for teaching responsibility and reinforcing positive behavior. To be effective, it’s important to be clear and consistent about rules and their associated consequences, allowing children to experience natural outcomes when safe. Logical consequences should relate directly to the behavior, such as losing toy privileges for not sharing. Incorporating positive reinforcement can encourage good choices, while brief time-outs can help children reflect on their actions. Engaging children in creating rules fosters ownership, and modeling appropriate behavior demonstrates how to handle mistakes. Ultimately, staying calm and positive throughout the process helps create a supportive environment where children can learn and grow from their experiences.
Primary Staff 2024-2025
Dates to Remember
School Hours 7:25-3:40. Attendance is taken 9:30. No check outs after 3 pm.
December 5- Pottery with Santa Night
December 19 - 2nd grade Christmas Performance; Christmas Parties- more details to come
Attendance is taken at 9:30am each day!