Horace Mann/Roosevelt Elementary
October 2024
The mission of Horace Mann/Roosevelt Elementary School
We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment where students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
HMR Core Values
Respect, Belonging, Accountability, Creativity, Love
HMR Vision
Creating a safe learning environment where students can grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
Principal’s Message
Dear HMR Families,
As we fall into October, we begin to see the changes all around us — the cooler weather, the colorful leaves, and the excitement of the new season. Just as nature shifts with the seasons, so do our students. They're growing, adapting, and learning every day. While these changes are natural, one thing remains constant: our expectations for a respectful, safe, and supportive learning environment for all.
At HMR, we believe that every student has the right to learn and grow in an environment where they feel safe and valued. It's not just a responsibility of the teachers and staff; it's something we all share as a community. As parents and guardians, your support is essential in helping us create this positive and safe space for all our learners.
This month, we are placing special emphasis on important expectations for behavior at school. It’s vital that our students keep their hands to themselves, show respect for others, and follow the rules in shared spaces like the bathroom. These behaviors are key in maintaining a safe and supportive environment where everyone can focus on learning.
We kindly ask for your continued partnership in reinforcing these expectations at home. Remind your child that HMR is a community where we care for one another, and that they play an important role in keeping it a safe place to learn and grow.
We’re also excited about the opportunities this Fall brings to gather together as a school family. We look forward to upcoming events that will allow us to connect, build relationships, and strengthen our sense of belonging. When we come together as a community, we create a healthier, safer environment for everyone.
Thank you for your unwavering support as we move forward into this beautiful season of change. Together, we can make HMR a place where every child thrives.
We Are HMR!
Mrs. Ostrom
Mrs. Shultis
Opt--In for Texts from FPS
Please opt-in to receive text messages from Fargo Public Schools. FPS has switched to a new mass communication system for the 2024-25 school year and you MUST opt-in to receive text messages from FPS. If you do not opt-in, you could miss important information from our school or the District. You can opt-in at any time by texting the word “YES” to 79041.
Families, if you do not opt into this service, you will not receive any district communication about emergency alerts. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to OPT -- IN!!! This is the main communication for ANY emergency event or event that we have going on at HMR. Communication will be lost if you do not OPT -- IN. PLEASE OPT -- IN. Thank you!
Early Out Day!
Thursday October 10th we will have our first Early Out Day of the year. This is one of four dates that our students will be let out early for staff to focus on data and student achievement.
School begin times are normal. School pick up times will change. Below is the schedule for both Horace Mann and Roosevelt. Please begin to make arrangements for your student (s) if you have not done so already.
Start Time 8:00am End Time: 12:37pm Students must be picked up on time. Busses will run at this time so make sure you have arrangements for your student (s).
Horace Mann:
Start Time 8:10am End Time: 12:47pm Students must be picked up on time. Busses will run at this time so make sure you have arrangements for your student (s).
There is no supervision before or after school unless you are a member of the Boys and Girls Club. Your student must be picked up promptly at the respective dismissal time. There is no supervision for students during early dismissal dates.
PTA News!
Our next PTA meeting will be on Monday October 7th from 6:30pm-7:30pm at the Horace Mann Campus. We will meet in the Library on the 3rd Floor. Please enter the 3rd Street Entrance.
Please keep selling the coupon books. Remember that this is our only fundraiser for the year. Please also know that if you prefer not to sell coupon books and would like to donate time, money, and talents, please contact Lucy Olson at horacemannrooseveltpta@gmail.com
Our PTA will be hosting one or our favorite events later this month… our HMR “Trunk or Treat” event at the Horace Mann Campus will be held on Friday October 25th from 6pm to 7:30pm. Please come and enjoy a fall evening “Trunk or Treating”, dancing to some music, and the playground. Costumes are encouraged! More to come about this event as the time draws near. Questions regarding PTA and events can be directed to Lucy Olson horacemannrooseveltpta@gmail.com
Here is a link with more information and to sign up to participate with your very own trunk design. Thank you to the PTA and the volunteers as this event has been so well attended in the past that we would love to see an even bigger turnout this year!! The Trunk or Treat will be held at the Horace Mann campus from 6pm-7:30pm on Friday, October 25th.
More information to come on PTA meeting time/date/location, Conference Meal Sign Up, Trunk or Treat, and all things PTA related… Stay tuned!
After School Activities
As October comes in HOT, we would like to hear from you about after school activities. We will promote these activities at both campuses. Volunteers are needed and we will be taking suggestions. Please fill out the information at the link below. We will get started with after school activities the week of October 23rd and go until December 15th. We will then send out another sign up and idea link to start after school activities in the New Year.
Link: After School Activities
Afterschool Board Game Club hosted by NDSU’s Elementary Education Club
When: Every other Monday starting October 21st from 2:45-3:30
Where: Roosevelt library
Who: Roosevelt students in grades 3-5
What: Have fun playing board games with college students!
Families, school attendance is more important now more than ever!
Our school goal centered around Student Achievement. Student Achievement is directly impacted by your student’s attendance. With all of the disruptions to education in the past few years, our children need to be in the classroom every day.
Research suggests that if a student misses 2 days a month, for the entirety of their K-12 education, that child will have missed an entire year of learning by the time they graduate. Below is the current data of the first 30 days of school at each campus. We need your help in ensuring that your child (ren) attends school regularly. We miss them when they are gone and the value they add to our HMR School Family!!
If there are barriers to getting your child (ren) to school, please email or call us at either campus and we will help problem solve and partner with you to ensure that our HMR Spartan Scholars get the very best out of their education so that they are able to reach their full potential, continue to learn and grow, and to support their curiosity and Joy for learning.
Safety Drills
As a school we are required to carry out 18 safety drills per year at each campus. They include 12 evacuation drills, 3 lock down drills, and 3 sheltering drills. We will continue to practice these drills and have our teachers communicate the directions and expectations of the drills. Thank you to our staff for keeping safety first and for taking this practice seriously. We will be talking about the Alice drill. That drill is used if there would be an intruder in our school. Alice is an age- and ability-appropriate training program that will empower staff and students to make decisions during life-threatening emergencies. We are using the Alice model for inside threats. Please talk with your child (ren) about this as we approach winter and we do more drills inside the building.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Our parent Teacher Conferences will be held, at both campuses, on:
Thursday October 17th from 3:00pm-7:00pm
Monday October 21th from 3:00pm – 7:00pm
We will be registering on PCTfast again this year. To those of you new to HMR, we use this web-based sign-up process to help parents and caregivers schedule conference times that work for you. There will be more information coming out to parents as we get closer to Conference time later this month.
If your child sees an interventionist, we highly encourage you to sign up for a slot with the person who supports your student throughout the school day. Conferences are only 15 minutes so time with your child’s classroom teacher is important and so is time with the adult that is supporting your students' learning in a different way.
We typically have a high rate of attendance for conferences, please attend as your participation in your student’s education is the single most important factor in your student reaching their full academic potential!
We look forward to seeing you at Conferences!
PCTfast link:
Here are some general hints on how to have a successful conference:
Ask your child if there is anything that he/she would like you to discuss with the teacher.
1. Jot down everything that you want to talk about at the conference.
2. Arrive promptly or a few minutes early.
3. Be open-minded to suggestions from the teacher.
4. Take notes about what has been discussed to share with your child.
5. Do not stay beyond your allotted time.
In the past, parents at HMR have had 90% to 95% attendance rate at conferences. This is an impressive example of teamwork between parents and school in the educational process! We are excited to talk about the joy your child brings to HMR!!
Society for Women Engineers
SWE (Society of Women Engineers) from NDSU will be hosting after school engineering opportunities for our 3-5 grades again this year. The dates are Oct. 16, Nov. 13, and Dec. 11 from 2:45-3:30 and these will be open to 20 students each session. Sign up in the Roosevelt Office if you are interested.
Schoolwide Title 1 Handbook
Please click the link and browse the HMR Schoolwide Title Handbook. This will give you information about being a Schoolwide Title School and what that offers our students at HMR.
HEAD LICE…..Never a topic we want to discuss, but something that we need to be informed about.
The Fargo Public Schools policy aligns with the recommendations of Fargo Cass Public Health regarding head lice (AP 4780): No Exclude from school until the end of the day the live lice were found and then the child must remain home until treated. Children should be treated for lice as soon as possible. Close contacts should be checked frequently for two weeks. Head-to-head contact with other children should be discouraged.
Due to the low risk of transmitting head lice at school and to maintain confidentiality, letters will NOT be sent to parents of classmates and classrooms will NOT be checked.
What do I Need to Know? Head Lice (Pediculosis Capitis)
What are head lice?
Head lice are small insects (less than 1/8 inch long). They range in color from red to brown, black, yellow-tan or gray-white. Head lice live on blood they draw from the scalp and lay tiny, gray/white eggs (known as nits) on a hair shaft near the scalp. The warmth from the scalp is needed for the eggs to hatch. Head lice are not known to spread disease.
Who is at risk for head lice?
Head lice infestations occur in all socioeconomic groups, are not an indication of poor hygiene, and can affect anyone.
What are the symptoms of head lice?
Most people who have head lice do not have symptoms at all. When symptoms do occur, the most common signs include itching of the skin on the scalp or neck where lice feed. Nits are glued to hair, commonly behind ears and at or near the nape of the neck. Scratching, especially behind and around ears and at the nape of the neck, may lead to open sores and a bacterial infection that also may cause swollen lymph nodes.
How soon do symptoms appear?
Symptoms appear when a live louse is present.
How are head lice spread?
Head lice are spread most commonly by direct contact with hair. Additionally, infested people can also spread head lice by sharing combs, brushes, hats, blankets, or sheets with others, but this is not very common. It can be spread only by live lice and not nits.
When and for how long is a person able to spread head lice?
Head lice will spread until they are treated with a chemical that kills lice and until the eggs have been killed or removed. Research has shown that removal of nits may not be necessary.
How is a person diagnosed?
Diagnosing head lice is done by identifying the presence of live lice or nits within 1/4 inch of the scalp. Identification of eggs and lice with the naked eye is possible; however, the use of a hand lens or microscope may help to confirm the identification.
What is the treatment?
Over-the-counter treatments and prescriptions that kill lice and most viable eggs are available. Follow the directions on the label. Re-treat nine days after initial treatment if not otherwise specified on the product label. Contact your health-care provider or local public health unit for more information.
Does past infection make a person immune?
No. A person who previously had head lice may get it again.
What can be done to prevent the spread of head lice?
Follow these steps to prevent the spread of head lice:
Avoid sharing headgear, coats, hats, hair ornaments, helmets, headphones, combs, brushes, towels, and bedding.
Combs and brushes should be washed in hot water (130 °) for 10 minutes.
Items that cannot be washed should be bagged and stored for two weeks.
Provide separate storage areas for clothing so that the personal articles of one person do not touch the personal articles of another.
When an infestation is found, check the hair and scalp of all household members and treat only those who have lice and those who share the same bed with the infested person.
Additional Information
For additional information about head lice, head lice removal, school exclusions, etc., contact the ND Department of Health, Division of Family Health at 800-472-2286.
American Academy of Pediatrics, [Pediculosis Capitis]. In: Pickering LK, ed. Red Book: 2009 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. 28th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2009: [495-497}
CDC - lice - head lice - parents. (2013, September 24). Retrieved August 5, 2022, from https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/head/parents.html
North Dakota Department of Health, (2012). Head Lice; A Lousy Problem. Division of Family Health. pp. 1-30.
Halloween Guidelines
Our school will observe the tradition of Halloween by hosting low key classroom parties at the discretion of the classroom teacher. However, if your family does not observe the traditions of Halloween we will respect your wishes if you would like your student (s) to not participate in any of the classroom activities. Please let your classroom teacher know if you do not want your child to participate in the classroom parties. Included in this communication are the guidelines that we will follow at HMR regarding costumes and classroom parties. Also, please respect the individual teacher if they choose not to have a classroom event. We support their individual decisions.
1. Costumes our School Wide theme is “Superheroes”. Families may choose to participate or not. That is purely a family decision. Also, please look at See Saw or your child’s (ren’s) teacher communication about any Halloween events and guidelines.
2. Costumes are not to be worn to school. (If the classroom teacher allows costumes, time will be provided for students to change into their costumes at school.)
3. There will not be time to apply face paint, hair coloring or make up in school so, please save this for at home use.
4. No food items will be allowed if the classroom teacher has a classroom party.
5. Each individual teacher will determine the time frame of their classroom parties.
6. An alternative to purchasing a costume would be for children to dress as a career interest. (Business person, nurse, doctor, carpenter, etc.)
7. Most importantly have a safe and fun Halloween.
Health Curriculum-
Dear Horace Mann/Roosevelt Families,
We have chosen QuaverHealth as the curriculum for our Health classes this year! This teacher-led resource is digitally based and meets 100% of the North Dakota learning objectives for Health. It is engaging and age-appropriate, and each lesson contains multiple moments for conversations and reflections.
This year we will cover the following topics:
Module 1: General Health
Responsibility for Being Healthy: How personal behaviors impact health; helping students be healthy in body, mind and relationships
What Influences Healthy Behavior: Family, peer, cultural, media, and technology influences; helping students learn to make healthy decisions and seek help when needed
Healthy Help: Appropriate adults to seek assistance from at home, at school, and in the community
What to Do in an Emergency: Helping the student prevent, identify, report, and respond to emergency situations
Module 2: Healthy Practices and Hygiene
Healthy Habits: Identifying and practicing healthy behaviors to form long-lasting habits
Good Teeth, Good Health: The importance of oral care and how to properly brush and floss teeth
Exercise: The importance of being active and participating in regular physical activity
Sleep and Rest: The importance and impact of sleep and rest on health and academics
Module 3: Healthy Eating and Nutrition
Understanding Food: Food’s impact on the body and healthy eating strategies for enhancing and maintaining personal health
Analyzing My Eating Habits: Healthy and unhealthy eating habits as they relate to overall well-being, negative effects of certain foods and methods of eating
Healthy Eating Habits: How to choose healthy foods by reading menus, understanding food labels, and using the current USDA guidelines and nutrition principles
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs: The harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs on physical and mental health; aids in the application of refusal skills to resist negative peer pressure
Module 4: Disease and Illness Prevention
Regular Health Physicals and Dental Exams: Preventative health behaviors and the importance of regular dental, mental, and medical exams
Common Illnesses and Diseases: Signs and symptoms of common illnesses and diseases
Medications and Vaccines: Proper use of medications and information about immunizations, vaccines, and over-the counter and prescription drugs to prevent communicable diseases
Preventative Health Behaviors: Preventative health behaviors and the importance of immunizations and seeking help
Module 5: Safety and Accident Prevention
Accident Prevention: Preventative safety practices, including protective equipment and risk reduction considerations
Personal Safety: Evaluation of risky situations and addressing setting and evaluating personal boundaries
Safe and Unsafe Places: Safe and unsafe individuals and situations in the community
General Safety Concerns: Safe practices regarding insects, poisons, sharp objects, and firearms Special Topics
• Abuse and Neglect: Identify and report abuse and neglect
• Puberty: Understand the changes that occur in the body during puberty
• Body Systems 3: skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, digestive, immune, and integumentary systems
I encourage you to continue discussing these health topics at home by asking questions, sharing in conversations, and joining your student in long-lasting exploration of our interactive screens. I look forward to an exciting and rewarding year with you and your student! If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your school’s administrator or health teacher.
Mrs. Emery
Dates to Remember
Oct 1, 2024 - Skate City 6:00-8:00p
Oct 10, 2024 - Spartan Spotlight @ Roosevelt 9:00a; Early Out day (2 hours)
Oct 11 & 14, 2024 - NO SCHOOL
Oct 17, 2024 - Grade 5 Field Trip; Plains Art Museum; Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00-7:00p
Oct 18, 2024 - Maple Dental Screenings @ Roosevelt
Oct 21, 2024 - Maple Dental Screenings @ Horace Mann; Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00-7:00p
Oct 22, 2024 - Picture Retakes both campuses
Oct 25, 2024 - Trunk or Treat @ Horace Mann 6:00-7:30p
Oct 29, 2024 - Learn Not to Burn @ Horace Mann 9:00a
Oct 31, 2024 - Happy Halloween
Horace Mann/Roosevelt Elementary School
Jackie Shultis, Assistant Principal
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/HMR
- 1025 3rd Street North, Fargo; ND, USA
- 1026 10th Street North, Fargo, ND USA
Phone: 701-446-4600; 701-446-5300