Types of Parts: Firefighters
In the Healing Room
Module Eight - 60 Minutes
Types of Parts; Firefighters
Firefighters are a type of protector that impulsively jumps in when the pain of an exile is starting to come up, in order to distract you from the pain or numb it. You started to learn about this type of part in the Inner Parts Introduction module, or in your therapy sessions.
It may help to read a brief piece about protectors in Self-Therapy called "Two Types of Protection," on page 120. You can also read more about developing a trusting relationship with a protector; pages 132-145, which gives a couple of good examples of firefighters in therapy sessions.
What Firefighters Do
Perhaps you have already identified some of your own Firefighters in Module 5. Here you can revisit those and perhaps identify more. Use an index card and make a list of all the different Firefighters you have. Some of these are more frequent or intense than others. Mark the more frequent and intense ones with an asterisk.
Fears of Protectors
As you read and become aware of your own Firefighters, notice which of these fears resonate with you.
Back to Your List
"I am _________, one of __________'s firefighters.
It is my job to ________.
I fear _______.
I protect _________ exile by _____________."
And so on...
Make it as thorough as you can.
Appreciation and Connection
Other Things to Do
Take Your Time/Repeat
Journal About What You Discover
Read On
Alternating Bilateral Stimulation
Remember, The Healing Room is set up with a stereo system that can provide audible Alternating Bilateral Stimulation (ABS) which is a component of EMDR therapy (Eye-Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing). The unique Alternating Bilateral Stimulation sample played continuously in The Healing Room is called Ocean Crossover and mimics ocean waves moving back and forth across the room at a gentle low volume in the background. It has a relaxing effect and supports the neural integration of new perspectives and healing of negatively charged memories, particularly when it is paired with specific tasks.
Having the ABS playing at a volume loud enough to hear it, but low enough that it seems to fade into the background while you learn these skills, is optimal.
Approved Consultant in IFS & EMDR: individual and group consultation via Zoom.