Navigating What Divides Us
The “Science for the Church” website has interviewed prominent social psychologists in recent weeks about the challenges of interacting with those with whom we disagree. The quadrennial election cycle seems to be a high-water mark for pointing out areas of disagreement and division in our nation.
Dr. Kurt Gray directs the Deepest Belief Lab as well as the Center for the Science of Moral Understanding at UNC. In front of a live audience at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Chapel Hill on September 10, Dr. Gray shared the findings from his research on social dissonance. The italicized summary contains the words of Dr. Gray:
How can so many good people disagree? You cannot simply say that everyone who disagrees with you is ignorant or evil. Something leads them to their beliefs and is good in them. It is that insight that has fueled my research on moral psychology.
Some of our deep beliefs are a product of our social identity. They come from our parents and our friends who believe similar things; we support and reinforce each other’s convictions. There are other things that ground our moral convictions. One is the need for our groups to function and work together. We must work together for the common good.
Everyone has an intuition that selfishness is bad. Even folks who are not religious have a sense that you shouldn’t be selfish and that you should work together for the common good, because that’s the only way our societies survive and thrive. We disagree on a small number of issues in real life. Yet, those few issues are important, and we get entrenched in our sides. That’s where polarization appears.
We disagree about who is most vulnerable and who most needs our protection. Once we have different beliefs about who is the victim, those social processes ramp up. Suddenly, I don’t see you as a person who cares about protecting your family. I see you as someone who is not thinking clearly or who’s evil. From there, it gets really hard to have a conversation.
The book, Outraged, challenges the idea that the other side is trying to destroy things. Instead of trying to harm the other on purpose, the social arguments we wage are about trying to protect ourselves. We’re all just trying to do our best to protect family, friends, and ourselves. When we get outraged, we feel threatened. We see harm. In the heat of dissonant opinions, it’s hard to recognize the other person feels the same way you do. They, too, feel like victims. The biggest tip I can give folks from my research is to try to see each other as a human and invite understanding.
Sunday Worship & Scriptures
Our regular Fall Worship times are 9:00 am and 10:30 am. Livestreaming is at 10:30 am.
Pastor Rich will bring us the message, Traveling Lightly
Click here for Order of Worship
Scripture Readings are:
To access our church online options, subscribe to our YouTube channel on the link below.
In Our Prayers
Pray for these people on our Prayer List: Bev Ayres, Rev. Mary Bahr-Jones, Marion Benedict, Nancy Bedell, Suzann Brennan, Dennis Burton, Nancy Burton, Nancy Carter, Vangie Chase, Ellen Coffman, Tom Conrad, Judy Daulton, Ann DeMarco, Margaret Edwards, Eileen Fisher, Dorothy Friedl, Tom Gribbell, Steve Hauser, Herbert Jarvie, Diane Kennedy, Lee Knoblock, Lori Konecki, Laura Krzeczkowski, Karla Kurzweil, Kay Malaney, Bill Marvin, Adrienne Matthews, Mary Mehelich, Julie Morrish, Richard Mudge, Ken Myers, Rebbeca Naftel, Sarah Robertson Nadeau, Shannon Paul, Michelle Pryce-Laskos, Pat Rothley, Brian Russek, Rev. Anne Schaefer, Karen Schoonover, Pete Shilland, Jim Skeeters, Pat Sluka, Paul Stottlemyer, Brett Tremaine, Ron Verduin, Nancy Watts, Doris Wiegert, Bill Windscheif, Martha Windscheif, and Pamela Zimmerman
Our deepest sympathy to the family and friend of Mary Hashoian.
Stephen Ministry
OLCCP is a Stephen Ministry congregation, which means many of our members and friends have completed a 50-hour training course in peer counseling, listening, and referral. If you would like to meet regularly with a Stephen Minister for a listening ear, supportive prayer, and companionship in times of struggle or transition, see Steve Orr or email info@olccp.com
The OLCCP Stephen Ministers are: Bev Ayres, Dorothy Friedl, Sherry Orr, Steve Orr, Bob Siebert, and Pat Redner-Colvin.
Donate by this Sunday to our Thanksgiving Food Drive!
The OLCCP Mission and Outreach Team is partnering with Lighthouse again this year to help families in need throughout our community.
This year, the need is even greater. Lighthouse aims to provide Thanksgiving food items to local families in need so they can experience the joy of the holiday. They are so thankful for the community of support around this program.
Items may be dropped off on the table near the church office now through November 3rd.
Contact Joe Tyrrell or Brad Payne with any questions.
Thank you for giving!
OLCCP Calendar
Our calendar is available to browse live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at OLCC,P Calendar. You can browse all events coming up. You can also subscribe to the calendar on the same page.
Please be sure to check the calendar before organizing an event at OLCCP.
Don't' forget to turn your clock back one hour next week before bed. The time changes this weekend on November 3 at 2:00 am.
Join us November 17 at 11:30 am
There will be only one service on November 17 at 10:30 am. The Gathering Team invites you to join us to our all church family Annual Harvest Dinner after the service at 11:30 am. We provide the TURKEY, DRESSING, MASHED POTATOES, GRAVY, and GREEN BEANS. Potluck sides, salads, and desserts welcome but not required.
Sign up in the Lakeview Area or via SignUpGenius.
See Christy Forhan or Karen Burnett for the details.
At its October 22nd meeting, the Session approved the list of nominees for the offices of Trustee, Elder, and Deacon in the congregation. The list is posted on the bulletin board in the hallway next to the office.
The Session has called a Congregational Meeting following the 10:30 am worship on Sunday, November 24, to vote on the report of the Nominating Committee. Nominations from the floor are permitted at that Congregational Meeting.
Join us on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month in the Quilt Room (Room 115) from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm (drop in for any amount of time that you can). We also take a break for Chair Yoga at 1:00 pm. Any skill level is welcome to join us. These "I Spy" quilts are lovingly made for South Oakland Shelter (SOS) families and other children in need in the community. Please reach out to Helene King for possible evening get-togethers.
Contact Helene King at hmking56@gmail.com for more information.
Food, Fun & Fellowship
SAVE THE DATE! More details to come!
Join us for a Book Discussion on The First Christmas, What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus’s Birth, by Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan. The authors, two Biblical scholars, explore these familiar stories historically and theologically, focusing on their meaning, both in the first century and today.
Discussions are Mondays at 11:00 am. Books may be purchased online. Contact Betsy Telford, discussion leader, at starryskys@comcast.net.
Our Daily Bread Devotions
Join us on Zoom for Our Daily Bread Devotions during the Fall months, Monday through Friday at 9:00 am. Free devotional guides are available for pick-up 24/7 in the Little Free Library outside our entrance or in the main lobby.
The Zoom link is
And to lead the class, you can sign up here Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian: Our Daily Bread Devotional (signupgenius.com)
After our tour, we had lunch at Ford’s Garage in Dearborn. A good time was had by all.
No trips are currently planned for November or December due to weekend football games and the holidays. But, stay tuned for future events.
Thanks for joining us!
Gary Forhan
Alert- Check Theft!
It has been brought to our attention that checks sent to the Church may not reach us securely. On few occasions this month, members have informed the Treasurer that checks sent to the Church were not received, raising concerns about potential theft.
I recommend double-checking the latest OLCC, P Quarterly Statement with your bank statements to confirm that the Church correctly received the Check. For your utmost security and convenience, we strongly advise against mailing your donations. Instead, we recommend placing them in the collection plate during Sunday service or using our secure online portal on the Church's website. These methods not only ensure the safety of your donations but are also easy and convenient for you.
If checks are stolen and deposited at an ATM without endorsement, the Bank can reverse the transaction and refund your account. Your Bank will also consult with the postal inspector's office to initiate an investigation into the theft and any associated issues.
Thank you, and God bless,
As a result of Building & Grounds clean up day, we have found many treasures in our storage rooms that we would like to share with the congregation - crafting items, old sewing machine, yarn, embroidery, kits, beads, paper, etc.
Please stop by the Children's Choir Room (room 204) anytime and take what you can use.
Join Kroger Community Rewards
Each year, Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian receives donations through the Kroger Community Rewards program. If you shop at Kroger and haven't already designated Orchard Lake Community Church , Presbyterian as your organization, please sign up.
Once you link your Kroger Card to Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian, all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Shopper’s Card.
Use the link below to sign up:
Contact Mike Starynchak for more information.
If you missed the exhibit on our 150th Celebration Sunday, be sure to stop in
Heritage Hall and take a look. Museum panels and historic photographs recount the history of Orchard Lake Community Church from its founding in 1874.
Extended captions are available on the website (olccp.com/history-exhibit), so you can learn more as you stroll the exhibit. Special thanks to contributors Jim Horner, Katie Cangany, the family of Alice Bentley Harvey, Greater West
Bloomfield Historical Society, and others who shared historic photographs in
our archives.
Thank you, also, to Wheelhouse Graphics who printed the museum panels and went above and beyond to solve a problem with the installation.
Deacon Transportation Service
Do you need a ride? Deacon Transportation Services at OLCCP is staffed and able to take fellow members to medical or essential appointments.
Please contact Linda V. or Rebecca for information or email info@olccp.com.
The pantry is in need of the following food items: jelly, condiments, canned meat, tuna, soups, canned vegetables and fruits, canned chili, stew and baked beans, spaghetti sauce, pasta, boxed cereals, cake mix and frosting, crackers, and juice. This is an ongoing collection at OLCCP that is distributed weekly.
They accept all shelf-stable items. Any donation of food or hygiene products is appreciated. Items can be dropped off in the brown bench near the office.
Thank you for your continued support!
Contact Us
The Church Office is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Rev. Dr. Richard Lapehn (Pastor): In the office Monday through Thursday. May be reached by email at (pastorrich@olccp.com)or by phone at 248-682-0730.
- Leida Soto (Office Administrator): In the office Monday through Thursday or by email during office hours at (leida@olccp.com) or by phone at 248-682-0730.
- Stacey Cheff (Business Administrator): In the office Mondays and Thursdays or by email during office hours (stacey@olccp.com)
- Kelly Holquist (Children & Youth Director): May be reached by email during office hours at (kellyh@olccp.com) or phone at 248-682-0730.
- Rebecca Grice-Johnson (Faith Community Nurse) : Email at (rebecca@olccp.com) or call 248-682-0730.
- Bruce Snyder (Director of Music Ministries): (bruce@olccp.com)
Email: info@olccp.com
Website: www.olccp.com
Location: 5171 Commerce Road, Orchard Lake, MI, USA
Phone: 248-682-0730
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCCP/