The Buzz
Autumn Term - 30th November 2023

Message From the Head of School
Christmas time in an Infant School is truly magical. Listening to children rehearsing for their shows is incredibly heart-warming, you are in for a real treat. Staff will be staying late tonight to ensure the school is transformed into a winter wonderland overnight, ready for the 1st of December. We are very lucky to have such dedicated and passionate staff.
Please remember to bring in your costumes for the Christmas shows ensuring all items are named and they are in a named carrier bag.
Thank you to those who came to our parent information session for ‘Lifting Limits’. This presentation is now available on our school website.
This week Year 1 and 2 children took part in a Diwali Assembly and it was enjoyed by all and was really informative.
It is with great sadness we write to inform you that Mr Hoy will be leaving us at Christmas time. He has been given the opportunity to become a lead sports teacher and dedicate his time to the teaching of PE, which has always been his passion. I’m sure you will join me in wishing him well in his new position.
Finally, please can I remind you that cakes and sweets should not be brought in for your child's birthday due to allergies children may have.
Claire Cook
Head of School
🌟Certificate of Excellence
Last week certificates were given out for Opportunity
AM Nursery Liam
PM Nursery - Lenny
RC Willow
RF Camelia
RK Cody
RP Isla
1B Zoe
1C Eleanora
1D Kylian
1Y George W
2C Matilda
2H Jeremiah
2J Olivia
2MC Nivan
⚽ Spotlight - P.E.
At Hampton Infant School and Nursery, we ensure that children enjoy physical activity and develop their physical literacy so that they are inspired to engage in life-long participation in physical activity. We instill this love of PE through high quality PE lessons, regular physical activity in class and participating in a range of sporting competitions and workshops.
What have children been learning?
Across autumn term, the children have been focusing on developing their gross motor/fundamental movement skills such as running, jumping, balancing and agility. This will provide the children with the key foundation skills to progress onto more complex skills such as sending and receiving and ball skills in spring.
We recently had Carl from Kidzfit come in for an amazing fitness workshop where all the children learned about how to stay healthy. They also showed off their physical skills through skipping, jumping hula hooping and yoga!
In Spring and Summer term, we are excited to have ‘Bounce Beyond’ again with their engaging and fun thrilling trampoline workshops, and ‘Cross Curricular Orienteering’ to lead an Outdoor Learning experience where children will have to combine their physical skills and knowledge to complete various activities.
What’s new?
We are excited to soon install our new outdoor orienteering equipment across EYFS and KS1, working alongside ‘Cross Curricular Orienteering’ to provide more opportunities to increase physical activity across the curriculum and not just in PE. It will also support problem solving and map reading skills in PE and Geography topics.
We have also new bought gross motor equipment (e.g. mini climbing wall) for Nursery to develop those fundamental skills needed to support the physical development.
👋 Makaton Sign of the Week
🟨 Nursery
What a busy but fun and exciting week we have had in Nursery this week! On Monday we were joined by Hannah McCullen who is a police officer in Hampton. She came in to tell us all about her role and how she helps us and our families. We learnt about her job, what she loves about being a police officer and how she can help us. On Tuesday we were joined by Toby, the lollipop man who lots of us knew already. He told us all about his job and why he loves helping everybody. He told us his favourite part of his job is saying hello and smiling at everyone.
In Nursery we have been learning about birthdays and trying to remember when our birthday is. We have also enjoyed creating lots of lovely Christmas decorations ready to decorate the hall. We had a lot of fun working as a team to create our own gingerbread out of paper, paint and other art materials. We are also very busy learning our Christmas songs ready for the Nursery show. We are getting so excited!
🟥 Reception
Reception have had another exciting week of learning. We have had some more special visitors come in to talk to the children about how they help us in the local community. The children were excited to meet Toby, our lollipop man, who helps us cross the road safely every morning and afternoon. With his help we learnt some very important road safety rules: stop, look, listen, and with this knowledge the children designed their own lollipop stop signs. The children also met our local police officer. She brought in lots of equipment that she uses and the children got to pass it around and try some of it on!
We have also been focusing on the text Kipper's Birthday this week. The children have been talking about which month their birthday is in and what lovely things they like doing for their birthday. In provision, the children have been doing some lovely writing, making party invitations and party shopping lists for themselves of parties they have been having with the toys!
🟦 Year 1
Creativity has been flowing this week in year 1 as we continue with our preparations for the Christmas show, produce our hall decorations, participate in drama and storytelling activities in English, as well as recreating the pointillism artwork of Georges Seurat using our painting program in computing. It’s been a very busy but fun-filled week!
In English, we have been working towards retelling the story ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers, using our own words. We began by acting out the story in groups before creating our own story plans to work from. We then used these as inspiration to become authors and write the story ourselves.
In Science we have been continuing our work on materials and looking at the different properties of each. We have been thinking about what materials would work best to keep us dry, making predictions and carrying out an investigation to test our theories. We looked at whether materials were absorbent or waterproof, and gave reasons for why we thought certain materials would be more effective than others.
In Maths, we have been putting to good use all of the number facts and the mathematical knowledge we have gained when learning how to add and subtract. We used our knowledge of operations and number facts to work out the answers to a variety of word problems, and thought carefully about which operation would work best to help us to solve the problem. We then went about solving the problems, discussing our methods and showing our workings by writing addition or subtraction sentences and selecting the correct operations and symbols.
We have been identifying human and physical features of an environment in geography this week. We learnt that human features are things that have been made by humans, e.g. buildings, bridges, roads, and physical features are things that were created naturally in the environment, e.g. rivers, mountains, volcanoes. See if you can spot any human or physical features around Hampton!
🟩 Year 2
This week in Year Two we have been busy writing our non fiction reports all about Polar Bears. We used our knowledge of non fiction reports about ourselves from last week to help us think about how to structure one about Polar Bears. We decided we would focus on appearance, diet, habitat and family. We started the week using chromebooks to research fascinating facts about polar bears and have used these facts to write our reports.
In Maths we have been applying our addition and subtraction strategies to problem solve number sentences. We have had to solve number sentences first then apply our knowledge of greater than, less than and equal to signs to compare answers.
We have been feeling very festive this week too not only practicing songs for our Christmas show but also designing and creating festive art ready for display in our hall. Can you spot the Northern Lights in our beautiful pictures? We can’t wait to show you all our creations.
Reminder to please send in a named black top and black leggings/trousers in a named bag by Monday 4th December ready for the Christmas Show. Thank you!
The well being and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility. If you have concerns about a child please contact SPA on 547 5008 or out of hours on 0208 744 2442.
🎅Christmas 2023 Diary Dates
Messages from the Office
Helpful School Information
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815