Gayman Gazette
October 8th Edition
- Tuesday, October 8th @ 3:30PM: Jump Rope Club
- Thursday, October 10th @ 7:45AM: Choir Rehearsals Start
- Thursday, October 10th & Friday, October 11th: 6th GR Ropes Course
- Thursday, October 10th @ 4:00PM: Musical Parents Meeting
- Friday, October 11th: Comfy, Cozy Day
- Friday, October 11th @ 10:00AM: Lock Down Drill
- Monday, October 14th: 5th GR Soil Secrets Trip
- Tuesday, October 15th: Kindergarten Fire Prevention Demonstration
- Wednesday, October 16th: Kilowatt Kitchen Assembly
- Wednesday, October 16th @ 3:30PM: Kindness Counts Club
- Thursday, October 17th @ 7:45AM: Choir Rehearsal
- Monday, October 21st - Friday, October 25th: Red Ribbon Week
- Monday, October 21st - Friday, October 25th: Art Goes to School
- Wednesday, October 23rd: Harlem Wizards Assembly
- Thursday, October 24th @ 7:45AM: Choir Rehearsal
- Thursday, October 24th: 3rd Grade PEN Field Trip
- Friday, October 25th: Fall Festivial
- Tuesday, October 29th: Kindergarten Field Trip to Howell Farm
- Thursday, October 31st: Halloween Parade & Parties (More info coming soon)
- Thursday, October 31st @ 11:55AM: Early Dismissal (PM Kindergarten Reports)
- Friday, November 1st: CBSD Schools Closed - Offices Open
Sweats, Flannels, Boots...Rock your comfy, cool weather clothes! 🍂
Lock Down Drill - This Week:
You received communication in our September 10th newsletter regarding the distircts new safety protocols. Gayman will be conducting our first lockdown drill on Friday, October 11th. During this drill, we review "Locks, Lights, Out of Sight." - Room doors are locked, lights are turned off, and everyone moves out of sight.
Please visit the safety protocols on the CBSD website for more information.
Quick Links in this Gazette:
Gayman Student Directory 2024-2025:
The Gayman Elementary School Student Directory is ready!
Click here: Student Directory / 2024-2025 Gayman School Directory (cbsd.org)
Email Jennifer Costello in the Gayman Front Office for the Password.
Attendance Information:
All absences must be entered through the Parent Portal.
Click here for more information, including directions on how to upload a student absence: Managing Student Attendance.
As we begin the 2024-25 school year, CBSD wishes to remind families of important information regarding attendance. Pennsylvania's school laws, like Act 138 of 2016 and the updated Act 16, outline what is required for mandatory school attendance and procedures to follow when students are absent or late. Learn more.
Early Dismissal for Appointments:
Student dismissal begins promptly at 3:15PM.
If you need to pick your child up early for an appointment, please pick them up no later then 2:45PM. After 2:45PM, your child can be dismissed with the other walkers, bus riders, and car riders in his/her classroom to ensure a safe and efficient dismissal for everyone. Thank you!
Volunteering Information:
To volunteer at a class party or chaperone a field trip, your clearances must be up-to-date & on file with Central Bucks School District.
If your clearances are current, upload them into the App Garden - Volunteer Tracker. If your clearances have expired, or you need to begin the clearance process, click on the Required Documents for the directions. For more information, consult the Human Resources Volunteer Required Paperwork webpage.
Required Health Exams:
Pennsylvania mandates the following health examinations:
- Physicals: School entry (Kindergarten), grades 6 and 11
- Dentals: School entry (Kindergarten), grades 3 and 7
The completed health forms are due to Mrs. Sara Hedges, school nurse, no later than October 14, 2024.
You can upload your completed exam forms to your child's Parent Portal account or email them to shedges@cbsd.org. Please keep a copy of the health forms for your records. Thank you!
The examination forms can be found HERE.
Proper Footwear for Recess & PE
During physical activity, it is important that students wear proper footwear. Loose fitting shoes (i.e. crocs, moccasins, slippers, etc.) create safety challenges during recess and physical education class. For example, during kick ball at recess, crocs have flown off and we have had a few toe injuries during PE.
If your child has physical education class, or would like to play an active recess game, please ensure that they are wearing sneakers.Thank you!
**Students are welcome to bring sneakers in their school bag and change for recess or PE
District Information
Food Services October Newsletter, "The Feed":
Do you want to know what's cooking in our October newsletter? Our Cheesy Chorizo Enchilada Bake is coming to the school cafeteria October 14-18. Discover how we use delicious local produce in Central Bucks schools, find useful information for parents, and fun facts. Click here to read the full newsletter.
Join the CBSD Team: Various Open Positions Available:
CBSD welcomes qualified candidates to apply for a range of full-time career opportunities with benefits. From head and assistant coaches to a middle school Special Education teacher to a high school Biology teacher to a secondary school counselor to staff nurses to education assistants (and more!), there may be a perfect place for you to make a positive impact in CB. View available positions and apply now!
Lunch costs have increased by $.10 for the 24-25 school year.
The district is continuing to offer free breakfast!
Lunch Cost: $2.85
Create a Meal Payment Account on MySchoolBucks:
CBSD utilizes the online platform MySchoolBucks for school meal payments, making it easy to oversee a child's meal choices and maintain their account balance. It is important that an account is created for every student, regardless of whether they take part in school meals or not.
You can access MySchoolBucks to view and/or set up an account for your student(s) here.
To set up an account, you will need your child(ren)'s student identification number(s), which can be found in the Parent Portal.
Free & Reduced Lunch Information:
The application for free and reduced meal pricing for the 2024-25 school year is open. You can access the online application for Free & Reduced Meals by clicking here. The application must be submitted each year AND for each child. If your child received free or reduced lunch last year, you must re-apply for the 24-25 school year.
Learn more by visiting the full informational webpage here.
Gayman Home & School Information
October KCC:
There are a few spots available for our next meeting on Wednesday, October 16th from 3:30 to 4:30pm in the library. We will have a special guest from the Bucks County Audubon Society and will make Halloween decorations for their upcoming Haunted Trails event at Honey Hollow.
Sign up here to join Kindness Counts Club in October!
October 6th Grade Club:
All 6th graders are invited to sign up for our October event, a haunted hayride at Winding Brook Farm. Details and sign up below!
Fall Festival:
Let's have some family fall fun on Friday, October 25th (5pm -7pm)! This is a free entry family event that will have music, games, activities, an outdoor movie, and snacks! There will also be raffle basket tickets (cash or venmo only please!)! We need your help to make this event a success.
· RSVP: RSVP for the Gayman Elementary School 2024 Fall Fest
· Volunteer: Volunteer For Fall Fest
Slient Auction at Fall Fest:
Gayman Home and School Association is a non-profit organization, so your donation will be tax deductible up to the amount allowed by law.
Please click the Google Form link below to submit your donation write-up to GHSA. GOOGLE FORM DONATION FORM
🏀 Harlem Wizards - Tickets on Sale now!! 🏀
Gayman HSA has partnered with Coldspring HSA to host the Harlem Wizards. Our staff will be playing against the Harlem Wizards at CB EAST on November 4th.
Don't wait, these tickets will sell fast! We have a limited number of tickets! And... we have many Gayman Staff members participating in this event!
Ticket Link: https://www.harlemwizards.com/tickets/doylestown
And.. we have a Ref, Score Keeper, Cheer Squad and MORE! Stay Tuned!
We still need a few parent volunteers (note - If YOU volunteer YOU DO NOT need a ticket) Click Here to volunteer
GHSA Family Dues:
This school year, the Gayman Home and School Association (GHSA) will be continuing to use annual Family Dues to help supplement the cost of all the amazing experiences the GHSA helps bring to Gayman Elementary.
We are suggesting $30 per family. Payments can be made via:
- Venmo @Gayman-HomeandSchool
- Cash or check (send in an envelope with family name to office)
Some of the experiences your children will have the ability to participate in, with the help of the GHSA are: Popsicles on the Playground, Fall Festival, Bingo, Dance, Library Technology, Author’s Day, School Assemblies, and the End of Year Picnic. If you have any questions, please contact us at GHSAinquiries@gmail.com.
Yearbook Sale - 10% off- Now through 10/31:
6th Grade Parents Only:
We need the following photos by November 1st please!
- 1 Baby Picture (Name the photo your child's name please)
- 1 Picture of your child in Kindergarten (Name the photo your child's name please)
- 2 Group Pictures of your child with a few friends (any grade level)
Here is the link to add your child's photos: PHOTO LINK HERE
If you have any questions please contact Jennifer Davis at jenmdavis03@gmail.com
3rd Grade Art! 🎨
Mini Golf fun at 6th Grade Club! ⛳
Jump Rope Club!!
Stay Connected:
Gayman Elementary School
Shawn Ortman, Principal
Jennifer Snyder, Assistant Principal
Jennifer Costello, Office Administrative Assistant
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/gayman
Location: 4440 Point Pleasant Pike, Doylestown, PA, United States
Phone: 2678934350
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/516165478928057
Twitter: @CBGaymanES