Welcome to 6th Grade!
Only one week until our official start!
THURSDAY! 6th Grade & New Student Building Orientation Night
Students new to the middle school along with their parent(s)/guardian(s) are invited to attend orientation night at F.A.M.S on Thursday, August 29th. You may attend any time between 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Students are welcome to walk through their schedules and familiarize themselves with the layout of the building and to find where each of their classes will be located. Student schedules can be accessed using PowerSchool prior to this event, and we will have additional schedules available here as well.
Teachers will not be in their classrooms for this event but will be for our Open House to follow on the evening of September 9th.
DO NOT bring in your school supplies at this time, as lockers will not be assigned until the first day of school. Bring your supplies with you on the first day of school.
Informational Videos
Please watch! Students and families, take a few minutes to sit down together and watch the following videos. There is a lot of important information that will not be replicated anywhere else.
FAMS Orientation Information (8 mins)
Welcome to 6th Grade! (7 mins)
FAMS Pupil Services Introduction (3 mins)
A Few Other Reminders
First Day of School - September 4th
ONLY 6th Grade students report for school on September 4th!
We invite 6th grade students only on September 4th, so they can get a better feel for the building and get to know each other a bit better.
We invite our 7th and 8th grade students back on the 5th.
Ice Cream Celebration!
Families of 6th grade students are welcome to join us at dismissal for an ice cream sandwich and a chance to hear from your student about their first day.
This will take place right outside of the Main Entrance of F.A.M.S. at student dismissal @ 3:05 pm.
If you cannot make it, don't worry, students will still be dismissed at 3:05 pm and busses will still be running.