Barclay Bulletin
August 30, 2020
Placement Updates
Pick Up Pals
Bring one Pick Up Pal card with you when you head to school for the end of the day dismissal.
- You will enter the pick-up lane and remain in your car
- Show Pick Up Pal Card to Barclay School Staff Member
- Staff member will direct you where to go in the pick up lane
- Remain in your vehicle, your student(s) will be released to you under adult supervision from our cafeteria
- Once your student(s) is secured in your vehicle you may proceed out of the Barclay pick up lane
- Specific procedures and times will be communicated on our website and linked to a future Barclay Bulletin
- Adults approved to use the Pick Up Pal Card for your child should be indicated on the Student Release Form being sent home with the placement letter
- Timing will be critical, we will not release students to vehicles before 2:57pm.
- If you need students before 3:00pm, please pick them up from the main office prior to 2:45pm
- Adults without Pick Up Pals cards will be instructed to pull into a parking spot while we verify identification. This will mean a prolonged wait to pick up
Specific information about arrival and dismissal procedures will come in the near future. I wanted you to know about the Pick Up Pals system so you hold onto the cards when they arrive home in placement letters.
We currently do not have any plans to hold a date to tour the buildings before the start of the school year. If that changes, I will notify you via the Barclay Bulletin. Parents will also not be able to walk students to classrooms on the first day of school. While I'm sure this creates worry and concern for some, I want to assure you that I'm looking at modifications to our first day routines to allow students to get connected with their classroom teachers. I'm also working on a virtual tour of the school. I hope to have it completed next week, I'm just waiting for some construction to finish so that the halls and classrooms are in working order.
Computer Distribution
Students who are not fully remote will receive laptops their first day of instruction.
Barclay Elementary School
Location: 40 Allen Street, Brockport, NY, USA
Phone: (585)637-1840
Twitter: @BCSDBarclay