The Olive Branch 9.15.23
What's Up At The Nest...
Principal Message
Lost and Found Video
OMS Multicultural Night - Save the Date & Register!
What is ABC 25 Foundation?
Science Club Registration
Yearbook Ordering
D25 Superintendent Search - ONLINE SURVEY OPEN
Important Dates
Principal Message
Dear Families,
A few reminders:
- Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up Information will be sent on Tuesday, September 19th.
- Conferences will be held on Thursday, Oct. 12th and Friday, Oct. 13th
- We will have a fire drill with AHFD on Monday, September 18th.
Have a great weekend,
Erin, Julia, & The OMS Staff
OMS Multicultural Night - Save the Date & Register!
We are excited to share that we will be having our first Multicultural Night at OMS! As an Olive community, let’s come together to teach, learn, and share about our many cultural backgrounds. This special event encourages all Olive families in Kindergarten through 5th grade to participate. Our third graders will be performing during multicultural night similar to how our 4th graders perform during STEAM night.
When - Thursday, November 16th from 6:30 - 8:00pm.
*All families that wish to create a poster, tri-fold, bring in a display, etc, must complete the form linked above.
What is the ABC 25 Foundation?
The ABC/25 Foundation is excited to launch the 2023-24 school year! We have an array of thrilling developments in store, and it all begins with the unveiling of our fresh, redesigned logo and new slogan, "GRANTING INSPIRATION TO FORWARD EDUCATION"
If you're curious to learn more about the ABC/25 Foundation or are eager to get involved by volunteering on our committee, we invite you to attend an informative meeting at the Arlington Ale House on September 21st.
Please RSVP here:
Join us in our journey to support and enhance education in our community! Make sure to explore our revamped website and follow ABC/25 of Facebook and Instagram for all of our latest updates!
Science Club Registration
Science Club is back with two sessions, meeting on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, October 3 through November 15. We’re offering hands-on science adventures for students in grades two through five; first grade students may participate if an older sibling is enrolled in Science Club AND an adult can volunteer to help every day that the first grade student attends. We meet from 3:35 until 4:45 PM in the LMC.
Session 1: Super Soil Sleuths (three weeks)
Without healthy soil we cannot grow successful crops or beautiful gardens. Interested students will collect soil samples from various locations around OMS in September, recording the plants and animals found in each location. Then we’ll all spend three weeks in the lab to measure moisture, pH, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus levels with chemical tests, examine physical structure with microscopes, determine the soils’ composition, and explore porosity, retention, and permeability of various soil types.
Session 2: Towers and Bridges (three weeks on Tuesdays, four weeks on Wednesdays)
Can you design and build the bridge with the largest load to weight ratio? Can you build and design the tallest tower that can withstand wind and earthquakes?
Want to join in the fun? Then complete and return the registration form as soon as possible. Sessions can fill up very quickly. The number of students per session is dependent on the number of adult volunteers.
To ensure that we’re able to provide a safe and enjoyable activity at least two adults will be present each day. Any days that do not have at least one adult volunteer will be cancelled. Please consider signing up to help on one or more days as your schedule allows.
Questions? Please contact Cynthia House at
OMS Yearbook - On Sale Now!
Click the image to enlarge for more details. You can also find information on the PTA Twig. Look for the button below.
Superintendent Search | Survey NOW OPEN
The following are opportunities for you, our parents/guardians, to give your feedback to be considered in the selection process of the District's next Superintendent.
Online Survey (NOW OPEN) - encuesta en español
This survey is now open and will be available until 5:00 pm on October 2.Community Forums | Virtual & In-Person
To see the schedule of these three forums, click here.
Remember, for all things Superintendent Search, visit
9.18.23 - Fire Drill Practice with AHFD present
9.19.23 @ 10:00am - P/T Conference Sign Ups Open - Email Sent
9.19.23 - Band Parent Meeting
9.25.23 - Non-Attendance Day - No School
9.26.23 - D25 School Board Meeting
9.27.23 - Switch Day/Pretend Monday - This day will operate as if it is a Monday schedule.
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Ms. Erin Davis, Principal
Mrs. Julia Pemberton, Assistant Principal
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive