Ferry Farm Forum
Some thoughts for the starting school year
Principal's Message
Dear Families,
It’s hard to believe we’ve almost reached the end of the first quarter! I want to thank you for your continued support in making this a successful start to the school year. Parent-teacher conferences are just around the corner, and this is a great opportunity to connect with your child’s teacher and discuss their progress. Be on the lookout for the chance to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher on Monday, October 14th.
October is packed with exciting events and activities, so please take a moment to carefully read through this newsletter to stay informed about all that’s happening. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events and conferences!
~Alissa Fraser, PrincipalDivision-Wide Multicultural Fair
The Multicultural Fair is a family engagement event designed to empower multicultural awareness for students, families, staff, and the community. Schools, staff, and students are invited to share authentic elements of their culture or ethnicity with other members of the Stafford community through storytelling, student organizations, children's activities, food, performance, and additional styles that make cultures unique. This Fair will allow families to feel more welcome in Stafford County by creating social connections within their specific school and the greater community. Families are invited to assist in hosting a table showcasing their culture and heritage. Students and families are also invited to perform dance, music, theater, and other performance art to demonstrate student talent and culture. If interested in participating please email fraseraa@staffordschools.net. The division-wide Multicultural Fair will take place on Saturday, November 16th, 2024, at Stafford HS from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Help Us Secure Federal Funding for Our Schools – Complete the Impact Aid Survey!
Each year, Stafford County Schools receive approximately $1,000,000 in unrestricted funds through the Federal Impact Aid Grant. These funds help offset the loss of local tax revenue due to non-taxable federal property, supporting our ability to maintain high educational standards for all students.
To qualify, we need families to complete the annual Parent-Pupil Survey. The survey applies to children of active duty service members, children whose parents work on eligible federal property, and those who live on federal property or in federally subsidized housing.
The survey will be sent home on October 15 on green paper. Please complete, sign, date, and return the survey to your child’s school as soon as possible. Your information will be kept confidential. Thank you for helping us secure this vital funding!
Your Voice Matters- Climate Survey!
Please take a moment to complete the climate survey which was distributed by Stafford County Public Schools last week. The survey remains open for two weeks. Your input is invaluable in helping us understand your experiences and make informed decisions to improve our school community.
Reading News
VALLSS Literacy Assessment
In this week’s Elevate Weekly, the division provided an overview of the literacy assessments being used this year, some of which are new. If your child was recently in K-2, you may remember receiving a PALS report, which was the old statewide literacy screener. PALS has now been significantly revised and is called VALLSS.
The new VALLSS assessment includes more tasks than PALS and measures a broader range of skills that are foundational to reading success. Across the state, division, and our school, we are seeing more students flagged as being at high or moderate risk for reading difficulties compared to PALS. Students who may not have been identified as at risk last year may now be flagged under VALLSS. We believe this is due to several factors, including the test's design to cast a wider net in identifying students who may need support. If your child is identified as at risk, please know that we will talk through what this means and how we plan to fill in the gaps identified by the test.
Notes From The Nurse
Morning Routines That Foster Calm
The alarm rings. Your child hops out of bed, gets dressed quickly, and sits down to breakfast. They brush their teeth, check their backpack, and arrive at the school bus stop five minutes early.
Oh, wait, you're still dreaming.
If your mornings look nothing like this, try these ideas to start your day on a calmer note »
Technology News
Help your kids shift to mindful tech use by talking about their habits and screen time.
What they do in their online lives can help them explore their passions and connect with others, but it can also amplify the stresses they feel every day. Parents and caregivers play an important role in helping kids be mindful of their tech use and protect their digital well-being.
Check out the link below to support healthy tech use at home.
Math News
As students work toward automaticity of their addition/subtraction and multiplication/division facts, it is important to recognize the progression of developing fact fluency. Automaticity is reached when students use strategies to become efficient, flexible, and accurate rather than through memorization. To learn about the computation strategies we are teaching at Ferry Farm, I will be sharing a one minute video each month highlighting one strategy. Please encourage your students to use these strategies when working on facts at home. This month, the video highlights an early addition strategy, “Count On”. Please click the link to learn more about this strategy.
As students work toward automaticity of their addition/subtraction and multiplication/division facts, it is important to recognize the progression of developing fact fluency. Automaticity is reached when students use strategies to become efficient, flexible, and accurate rather than through memorization. To learn about the computation strategies we are teaching at Ferry Farm, I will be sharing a one minute video each month highlighting one strategy. Please encourage your students to use these strategies when working on facts at home. This month, the video highlights an early addition strategy, “Count On”. Please click the link to learn more about this strategy.
Art News
Music News
Library News
We will be having an Author visiting on Oct 9th pictures will be in the next newsletter.
The Bedford Falls book fair will be taking place October 10th-22nd. If you would like to put money in a kid credit, please use this link or scan the QR code.
Please also consider signing up for volunteering for the book fair.
Click Here to Volunteer for the Book Fair! Or Scan the QR Code below.
P.E. News
In PE class we will be finishing our fitness testing with 4th and 5th graders. Thus far they have completed the push-up, curl-up and back-arch tests. Our final two tests will be the 20m pacer test and the sit and reach test which measures flexibility. With the weather being cooler, we will do our best to get outside as much as possible. Our next set of skills for Kdg-2nd graders will be kicking and throwing using correct form.
On Friday October 4th, all students will participate in the FUN RUN. This event takes place during their PE class. Times for the Fun Run are as follows 5th grade is 8:40-9:25 / 4th grade is 9:35-10:20 / 3rd grade is 10:30-11:15 / 2nd grade is 11:30-12:15 / 1st grade is 12:45-1:30 / Kdg is 1:35-2:10.
PTA News
New School Store- New this year, we have a fully online Spirit Wear store! In addition to our typical selection of sweatshirts and t-shirts, we now have expanded our product inventory to include many new customizable items in multiple colors. Simply click on the TYPE of item you want (ex: youth pullover sweatshirt) then you'll be able to select the color and choose design under "View More Designs". Support the school and look great doing it -- shop online anytime and everything will ship directly to your home!
How to join the PTA- Want to help support the teachers and school? Join the PTA! Your paid membership requires nothing of you (unless you want!) but helps the school provide and plan for fun events like Trunk-or-Treat, Pancake Breakfast, Spring Carnival and more! If you DO want to help out, there will be plenty of volunteer opportunities throughout the year -- follow the Official Ferry Farm PTA page on Facebook for updates.
Memberships can be purchased here:
We Are Hiring For Substitute Teachers!
Who can I contact if I need help or have questions?
Special Education: Contact Cherie Rackey (Special Education Chair)
English as a Second Language: Contact Michelle Dodd (ESOL Lead Teacher)
G.A.T.E.S. Program: Contact Paulah Lee (Gifted and Talented Teacher)
Health Services: Contact Becky Diaz (Nurse)
School Guidance: Contact Elizabeth Jenkins (Kdg - 2nd grade)
School Guidance: Contact Molly Finch (3rd - 5th grade)
Computer Technician: Contact Sarah Hall (CTT)
Instructional Technology Resource Teacher: Contact Jennifer Wolfenbarger (ITRT)
Registration: Contact Julie Little (Registrar)
Ferry Farm Elementary Main Line: 540-373-7366