Sycamore Canyon Family Newsletter
August 18, 2024
Welcome Back!
We are just three days away from the 2024-25 school year and we can’t wait to welcome our students back into the classroom.
The District’s Theme for this school year is “Belonging.” A feeling of acceptance and belonging is important in a high-performing culture, and our team is dedicated to creating an educational environment that fosters belonging through events, literacy, and educational activities.
Tomorrow, August 19th, you will receive an email with your child’s ID number, teacher assignment, and classroom number.
In the meantime, keep reading below for some additional resources and important District updates to help ensure a great start to the school year.
Beautification Day
Attendance is Important!
California uses a district's average daily attendance as the basis for determining its general funding. In short - higher attendance numbers mean more dollars for our schools!
Opt-In for Emergency Texts
Staying in touch during an emergency is crucial. Opt-in for text messages for a convenient way to stay up-to-date during an emergency.
Text "Yes" to 67587.
Learn more.Kindergarten Orientation
Welcome to our Preschool families! Preschool Orientation will be on Tuesday, August 20th at 10:00 AM in each of the teacher's classrooms:
- Room 15 - Mrs. Miller or Mrs. Tami
- Room 16 - Ms. Shemtov or Ms. Dana
- Room 17 - Mrs. Meyerson or Mrs. Jess
Prior to the end of the day Monday, you should receive an email from your teacher, letting you know their name and room number. If you did not receive a message, please contact the front office and make sure we have the correct contact information for your family and to double check the school you are enrolled in. Thank you!
TK Orientations
- Room 6 - Mrs. Wilson
- Room 7 - Mrs. Kaas
- Room 18 - Mrs. O'Connor or Mrs. Jessica
- Room 20 - Mrs. McPhillips or Mrs. Chrissy
- Room 21 - Ms. Wiebort or Ms. Sam
Prior to the end of the day Monday, you should receive an email from your teacher, letting you know their name and room number. If you did not receive a message, please contact the front office and make sure we have the correct contact information for your family and to double check the school you are enrolled in. Thank you!
New to Sycamore Canyon
Parking Lot Changes
- If you have a student in the Special Education Preschool or Special Education TK classes (Rooms 15-21), you will be encouraged to drop your children at their classroom doors this year. We will no longer congregate at the gate and wait for it to open. Between the hours of 8:15-8:30 AM, parents in those classrooms will be invited to walk their students to the classroom door and drop their children with the Instructional Assistant or the Teacher in the classroom. The gate will be promptly closed and locked at 8:30 AM, at the start of classes.
- We have re-opened the top gate on Settle Road for morning arrivals and both the 2:20 PM and the 2:46 PM dismissals.
- Additionally, for our 4th-6th grade student dismissal at 2:46 PM, we will be opening the lower property gate on Strathmore as well. This gate opens between to homes, but there is a path there that we use as an emergency exit. We hope that opening an additional gate into the neighborhood will help relieve some of the congestion in the parking lot.
Thank you for your continued patience in the parking lot as we all get used to our new procedures.
Family Contact Information
During the school year, if you want to update an emergency contact, your address, or your phone number changes, please communicate with our Attendance Clerk. We want to be sure we always have the most accurate information available at all times. Thank you!
**If you are a returning family, and you did not complete the A.I.R. Process, your student will not be allowed to use or take home their iPad until the process is completed. Within the process is our Use of Technology form as well as some other necessary forms. Please see the office if you have any questions.
Stay Informed
Email: infoSC@santeesd.net
Website: https://sc.santeesd.net/
Location: 10201 Settle Road, Santee, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 956-5400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SYCCAN