Hugo Newman Family Newsletter
PS/IS 180 Hugo Newman College Preparatory
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
PS/IS 180 is such a special place to learn and grow. We are proud of our beautiful school and have high expectations for each and every student. Our blended learning focus on Coherence & Connectivity will continue to guide our mission to provide a rigorous and joyful school environment. Whether we are learning in person or remotely at home, our goal is to create intentional opportunities for discovery and connection. I am very proud of the collective efforts from staff and scholars in our first two months of school.
This week, there have been many updates from the DOE. Citywide grading policy for Remote and Blended learning was released, and we revised our policy to promote equity and flexibility in our grading practices for all students. To streamline communication, we have centralized announcements in one newsletter. Please see below regarding the following information:
- Community Day 11/3
- Revised Grading Policy 2020-21
- Parent Teacher Conferences 11/5
- Blended Learning Opt-in Window 11/2- 11/15
- Calendar Changes on 3/8 and 4/26
- Fall Fest has been postponed to 11/6 due to weather
I want to thank you for your continued support in the blended learning process and policy updates throughout the unprecedented school year.
Jeneca Parker
Principal, PS/IS 180
Community Day 11/3
On 11/3, we will host our inaugural Community Day via Zoom. Jaguars across the grade will participate in mindfulness and social-emotional learning exercises with staff from Brain Power Wellness (BPW). Each grade will receive 30 minutes of focused physical and mental breaks to support a healthy, happy and focused school environment. Zoom link and schedule will be shared on Bloomz and Otus.
When your child is not zooming with BPW, he/ she is expected to engage in asynchronous remote learning on Pre-K Padlet or K-8 Otus class boards. Mini-lessons and independent tasks will be posted online. Teachers will be unavailable for the day; our staff will be participating in professional learning as well as preparing for parent-teacher conferences.
PS/IS 180 Grading Policy (Grades K-8)
We believe that
grades are not rewards nor punishments, but are a way of communicating where students are in their learning,
grading provides students with feedback on their own learning, clarifying for them what they understand, what they don’t understand, and where they can improve, and grades can help let parents know how well their children are progressing in school.
Graded Curricula: Teachers narrow the scope of the curriculum to only the most Essential Concepts using the NYC DOE Priority Learning Standards. Mastery Based Grading allows teachers the opportunity to communicate about student growth in two ways:
Acknowledge when students have successfully mastered an Essential Concept
Note specific learning targets for which students need to make improvements.
Assessment Instrument: Formative assessments and other graded coursework proceed. Students have multiple opportunities to work towards mastery through multiple measures of performance. Feedback remains the top priority.
Student progress will be available for students and families to view frequently updated holistic scores on Otus in the Gradebook. Click here for a tutorial in how to navigate Otus Gradebook.
Math: Weekly Feedback on Otus
Writing: Weekly Feedback using rubric on Otus
Reading: Approximately 2x per month using rubric on Otus
Enrichment: 1-2x per month on Otus
We use Decaying Average to calculate grades. This formula is calculated based on an average with more weight given to the most recent scores; the higher the decay rate, the more heavily recent attempts are weighted. This allows for a better measure of growth by rewarding students for how far they’ve come without punishing them for where they started.
Parent Teacher Conferences: This year, parent teacher conferences for Pre-K- 8th Grade will occur remotely on the dates and times listed below:
Thursday, November 5th from 12:20PM- 2:20PM and 4:30PM- 7:30PM. Students will be dismissed three hours early at 11AM.
Thursday, March 4th from 12:20PM- 2:20PM and 4:30PM- 7:30PM. Students will be dismissed three hours early at 11AM.
Grading Scale:
- Progress Reports: Families receive a printout from Otus summarizing the child's performance on each learning standard. This is communicated in friendly “I can” language with a bar indicating whether the child is Exceeding, Meeting, Approaching, or Developing in their mastery. There is not an overall course grade on the progress report; instead, it is a detailed overview of each learning standard midway through the term.
Report Cards: For official school records, we use the numeric 1-4 grading scale to communicate mastery for the course with 4 (Exceeds Standard) or 3 (Meets Standard) on the report card and student transcript. This year, we will not have scores of 1 or 2 for marking periods and final grades. In Grades K-8, students will receive grades of “needs improvement” (N) in place of failing grades. In Grades 6-8, students will receive grades of “course in progress” (NX) when there is insufficient work to calculate a final grade. Middle school students have the summer to make up work to change NX grade(s).
See pages 26-27 of the Blended Learning Handbook below
Parent Teacher Conferences
This year, parent teacher conferences will occur remotely on the dates and times listed below:
- Thursday, November 5th from 12:20PM- 2:20PM and 4:30PM- 7:30PM. Students will be dismissed three hours early at 11AM.
- Thursday, March 4th from 12:20PM- 2:20PM and 4:30PM- 7:30PM. Students will be dismissed three hours early at 11AM.
Please note: On 11/5, progress reports will be shared electronically. Progress reports are a summary of mastery-based learning as documented on Otus. End of first term official report cards will be distributed before Winter Recess.
Teachers will share calendar invites to meet via Zoom for conferences.
Blended Learning Opt-In 11/2- 11/15
Calendar Updates
Revised dates: March 8th and April 26th are now B days for all grades to balance the cohorts.
College bound
Middle School & High School Admissions
Middle School
The middle school directory and admissions guide will exist exclusively in a virtual format, and will not be printed. As the application opens, families can learn about the admissions process on DOE website where you can both read an admissions guide and watch videos explaining the admissions process. Sign up for our middle school admissions email list
High School
The high school application is not yet open, and no longer closes on December 4, 2020. Registration for the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT) and LaGuardia High School auditions are not yet open, and no longer close on October 21, 2020. Families and school staff will have additional time to register. The high school directory and admissions guide will exist exclusively in a virtual format, and will not be printed. The new High School Admissions Video Series is now available, and more videos will be added soon: Sign up for our high school admissions email list
Families Temporarily Living Outside NYC: Students who have temporarily relocated outside NYC, but who have maintained a permanent residence in NYC, may participate in admissions.
If you have questions about admissions and enrollment, you can contact
- AP Kristen Marren at
- DOE Office of Student Enrollment at 718-935-2009
Grab & Go Meals Available
The parents/guardians of those students may also pick up the take-out meals. Take-out meals for students and other NYC children will be available on school days from 9:00AM - 12:00PM. No registration, ID, or documentation required.
What's on the Menu
Upcoming Events
Title 1 Parent Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 0358 2022
Passcode: 031800
Friday, Oct 30, 2020, 10:30 AM
RAIN DATE: PTA- sponsored PS/IS 180 Fall Family Harvest
Friday, Nov 6, 2020, 02:00 PM
Public School 180 Hugo Newman, West 120th Street, New York, NY, USA
Jazz Concert at PS/IS 180
Our Core Actions to Prevent Spread of COVID-19
Bloomz is available on the desktop, iPhone and Android phones. Downloading the app is very easy and can be done in a couple of minutes. It is a private and secure way that we communicate with families.
New Bloomz Parent
1. Download the “Bloomz" app from the AppStore/PlayStore and click on "Enter Code". If browser, go to and click on "Join Bloomz" followed by "Enter Code"
2. In the text box, enter the following codes to access the following pages:
- PS/IS 180 Announcements: P8WSVG
3. Create your account
Existing Bloomz Parent
1. Log into your Bloomz account
2. Click “+Add Class/Group” on the left navigation.
3. In the text box, enter the codes as provided by classroom teacher(s)
4. Click next
Things to be aware of……
- The app will provide you with access to your child’s classroom blog
- For those who give photo/ video permission, we will periodically post pictures from activities/ events of your child(ren) visible to the grade
- You will be able to view general news posted by the school, PreK grade team, PTA and any other important announcements
- Upcoming events are listed on the app
- Your child’s classroom teacher may send you alerts and reminders via the app
Tech Support for Families
Please fill out this form to let us know what issues you're having with NYCDOE iPads/devices, access to applications, or other technical problems, such as Transportation, Report Card, Student Account Access, and Status of iPad Request. We will use the contact information you provide to get in touch with you and try to solve your problem.
PS/IS 180 Hugo Newman College Preparatory School
Location: 370 West 120th Street, New York, NY, USA
Phone: 212-678-2849
Twitter: @ps180hugonewman