Dear Families of Johnson Primary School,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am thrilled in having your children back in our classrooms and hallways, filling them with energy and enthusiasm for learning. Our continued commitment to fostering resilience, perseverance, and empathy, will undoubtedly help our students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. It is our purpose to have every student feel welcomed, connected and a part of our Johnson family!
Our team will continue to embed critical thinking and collaboration across all content areas. We will also continue working diligently to meet the diverse needs of our students through small group instruction across all grade levels, school-wide implementation of early literacy skills, and emphasize meaningful timely feedback to help students work towards academic mastery.
As a “Be Kind” school with a Schoolwide Positive Behavior Intervention Support, our deliberate work to instill tools for self-regulation and emotional wellness will carry on through lessons by our counselor, teachers, and staff. Practices such as communicating needs, and self-advocacy, help our students have ownership over their responses to their emotions.
I feel so privileged to continue this new chapter of my professional life leading a school with such dedicated staff, fantastic students, and supportive families! I continue to look forward in building relationships, guiding, and learning to provide an engaging experience for our students.
Again, I am honored to serve as the principal of Johnson Primary. It is truly a privilege to be a part of a community where parents, teachers and students care for each other and strive to build positive relationships that support academic and social growth.
We will continue to keep you updated with our Parent Link, School DOJO, Marquee, Website, social media & Newsletters.
Principal Cota
Our principal and teachers ready to welcome a new school year.
Parents and students got off to a great start with the Meet Your Teacher Ice Cream Social.
Our Rainbow Makers were greeted with “high fives, fist bumps and smiles” by Principal Cota, Counselor Bateman and Ms. Madril.
Kinder parents writing letters to their children on the first day of school.
It is extremely important that you call the school office when your child will be out so that we are aware of your child’s absence. The office will be keeping track of students with excessive unexcused absences. If your child has excessive absences, it is difficult for them to learn the material being taught. This may result in additional work or retention for your child. Our late bell rings at 9:15 a.m. If your child arrives to school after that time, you must walk the child in the building to sign them up for a tardy slip for class.
Welcome back to the Johnson Rainbow Library! We are very excited to start our new school year with students. The library will be open for checking out materials starting August 19th, and students will be sent home with practice library books. These papers need to be returned every week for 4 weeks before students are allowed to take books home from school. We are open to parents and guardians to check out books to read to their students at home. Please see Ms. Smith in the library to set up an account. Library hours are as follows:
Monday: 8:30-3:30
Wednesday: 8:30-2:30
Thursday: 8:30-3:30
Friday: 8:30-3:30
If you happen to find a library book from last school year or a computer from years past, feel free to drop it off at the library or the front office.
Greetings! My name is Suzette Madril and I am the School Community Liaison. I can be reached at 520-908-3805. Welcome Rainbow Makers! Let us make this a great school year! When parents are partners with their children in their education, everyone wins. Families at one time or another may find themselves in difficult situations in which they need special services or assistance such as food, clothing and referrals to community agencies. If you need help, please call me, or just stop by the office and see me. I look forward to meeting and collaborating with you.
One of school goals includes increasing family engagement. Parents and guardians are encouraged to take an active role in their school community by participating in parent organizations such as the PTO, the Family Engagement Team, or the School Site Council Team. When parents engage in their children’s education, children are more likely to earn better grades, attend school regularly and be more positive in their attitude toward school.
Uniform Policy: Navy Blue Bottoms with Maroon or White Tops. Please ensure your children come to school dressed according to the uniform policy.
Hello everyone!
Some friendly reminders from the health office:
Please make sure your child is up to date on their immunizations for the school year. If your child does need immunizations, the following link has the information for the Pima County Immunization Clinics.
Immunizations | Pima County, AZ
If your child gets sick, please keep them home until they are fever free for 24 hours (without fever reducing medication) and are overall feeling better. If you have any questions, please contact the health office at 520-908-3817.
Thank you!
Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday: 08:00 – 4:00; Wednesday: 9:30 – 6:00; Thursday: 10:30 - 7:00; Closed for lunch daily: 12:30 – 1:00. Phone: 520-908-3980.
Family Resource Center services are available to TUSD students and their families, free of charge. Please call the center to register for classes. Childcare is available to TUSD students and siblings for most classes. Please inform staff of the need for childcare when you register. Include the number of children, ages, and any special needs. Interpreter services are available. Please inform staff of the need for an interpreter when you register. Please register at least two weeks in advance if interpreter services are needed.
Other services include: Open computer lab; Clothing bank; Food pantry; Help with TUSD forms; Information and referrals.
This month's calendar can be found on the Classes for Family & Community webpage.
Come join the Johnson PTO for our first meeting on August 15 at 9:30 in the portable by the playground. We have had so many parents reach out to us wanting information on what the PTO is all about. The PTO is a valuable part of the Johnson Primary community. Our PTO plans community events that allow families to connect with each other and the school. The PTO helps fund supplies for the school, fun school events, and appreciation and rewards for students, teachers, staff, and parents. We want you to feel welcome at the school and participate in your child’s education. The Johnson PTO will be looking to fill positions.
Following the meeting, we will have a volunteer orientation where you will also learn of the opportunities available to volunteer for field trips, school events and afterschool activities.
Contact PTO Sponsor Suzette Madril at 520-908-3805.
The Johnson Primary Open House will take place on August 20, 2024, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. We will discuss our mission, address Title 1 and Code of Conduct procedures. This is an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher, learn about the curriculum, the best way to communicate with the teacher, how to support the curriculum from home, see your child’s classroom and meet other parents.
Johnson Primary is fostering the love of reading in our school. Every Rainbow Maker will receive a book on their birthday. If the student’s birthday falls on a weekend or school holiday, they will receive their birthday book prior to their birthday. For those students who have a birthday in the summer, they will receive their birthday book prior to the end of the school year. The Johnson PTO has purchased the beautiful Little Birthday Library and donated some books.
August 12: Preschool Begins
August 15: PTO Meeting/Volunteer Orientation
August 20: Open House
August 21: Professional Learning Day, No School for Students
August 30: Perfect Attendance Celebration
We want you to stay informed. You can ensure you do not miss important Parentlink notifications by ensuring your information is current in ParentVue (phone/email). Be sure you have not blocked the phone number or that your spam filter is not blocking emails. You can also look for current information on our school marquee and our social media, Facebook- Johnson Primary; Instagram- johnson_primary #Rainbow Makers; TikTok- @principal Cota Chronicles; Twitter- @RoseCota3 and our webpage.