June 24 Spruce Scoop
From the Main Office:
Congratulations to Ms. Maize, who was our Principal for the day after she raised the most during our Fun Run Fundraiser!
Congratulations to our students who received our Principals Award, for academic achievement at our Final Character Assembly.
Spruce Hosted its first Ever Awards night! We gave out, Spruce Scholar, Superstar and so may more awards! Thank you to all the families who came out to support our amazing students. See below some photos of our winners!
Just a few more days until we officially have a new batch of first graders! Where did the time go? Kindergarteners have been so busy! In this last month of school, students have been learning new things and practicing the skills they learned throughout the year. They enjoyed a wonderful field trip to Kelkenberg Farm and a fun-filled field day thanks to our amazing SPTO. They are now preparing to celebrate all their accomplishments on Kindergarten Celebration Day!
All the K teachers wish everyone a fantastic summer! Spend time with your family and friends, go on adventures, and make memories. Visit the NT Public Library, and of course, don’t forget to keep reading, writing, and practicing those math skills all summer long. See you in September!
-Spruce Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Posch's Class
Has a bunch of indoor and outdoor fun to end the school year!
Celebrating CdLS Awareness day by Wearing Purple!
1st Grade
All of 1st grade enjoyed their day at the zoo!
Mrs. Kiedrowski's Class
Mrs. Doel & Mrs. Luparello's Class!
2nd Grade
Second Grade Snippets
We cannot believe it is already the end of the school year. Time has flown by. June has been a very busy and fun month of learning in second grade, as usual.
This month, we wrapped up all of our units of study in all subject areas, did some review of important skills, and celebrated all that we have learned in many ways. Students were also assessed individually to “show off” their growth and progress in all areas of their learning. All of the children have grown and progressed as learners at their own individual rate/pace, and should be very proud! We are proud of them.
Many papers, folders, journals, etc. will come home in backpacks over the next few school days, please be sure to look through all of your child’s hard work and his/her progress made this school year!
Report cards will come home on the last day for students (June 21), please be sure to read both sides of it fully.
The “summer slide” is a very real thing, and we all want the children to sustain the great growth he/she has made this year to be ready for grade three. Please, please be sure to have your child continue to read, write, and practice math facts OFTEN over the summer.
We are thankful to have had the pleasure of teaching all of your children this year, and wish them all the best always.
May your summer be safe and happy. May your days be filled with many magical moments, for these are the days you’ll all remember…Enjoy!
Logan's Learners get a Visit from 2 Baby Kangaroos!
3rd Grade
Third Grade Thread
Highlights from Miss Trimboli's 3rd Graders
Social Emotional Learning
Counselor & Social Worker
A Message From Mrs. Gorman and Mr. Zon
As we wrap up the school year we had a great time with all the amazing events around the school. Congratulations to our 3rd grade GOTR Team who completed their 5K recently. They all trained and ran 3.1 miles. We hosted our final character assembly award ceremony where we celebrated those who won the courtesy and principals awards!
This school year has been one like no other, we taught so many lessons and we hope you all remember to make green choices, use your anchor breathing when you need it and always try your best! Below is a summer packet to practice some of these skills, as well as mindfulness coloring to calm your brain. We will be here next year to talk about so many more awesome tools to help ourselves.
Have an amazing school year everyone, best of luck to the 3rd graders who are headed to NTI!!!
-Coaches Banks, Gorman, Mistriner, Posch, Trimboli & Zon!
Congratulations to our Courtesy Award Winners!
Community Resources
School Events & Important Dates
Important Dates
NO SCHOOL 6/19/24
HALF DAY 6/20/24
Field Day Fun!
Thank you SPTO and Staff for helping us to have a fun and successful field day despite some rain! Enjoy pictures of students having fun at all the activities!
Ice Cream Station!
Visits from the NT Police & Fire Departments!
Outdoor Game Station!
Dunk Tank Station!
Petting Zoo
Don't forget to Read this summer!
& More
Congratulations on your retirement Mr. Woytila!
Jacks on the Move College and Career Week!
We enjoyed dressing up for the Jacks on the Move College and Career Week that happened District Wide! Our favorite day was "Dress as your future career!"