Springton Manor Elementary News
August 29, 2024
Hello Springton Manor Families
What an amazing first week of school! If you didn't see our video on FB - check it out! There were so many smiling faces in classrooms and hallways, in the cafeteria and on the playground. We are all happy to be back at school!
We are welcoming Ms. Amberlynn Habich as our new Speech Therapist! She can be reached at ahabich@dasd.org.
If you haven't already registered for your Pick-Up Patrol Account - please do so as soon as you can. You will input your child's regular dismissal procedures. This is our primary tool for managing our student's dismissal procedures. We appreciate your help getting our information fully updated!
All parents and guardians will receive an email from our Pick-up Patrol Website with a live link. This link is live for 48 hours. You can use this link to register an account. This site is where you will indicate your child's dismissal plan. If your child is planning to ride the bus home everyday, just indicate that they are a bus rider and please include the bus number. If you have any questions, you can call our office during office hours at 610-942-8950. You can use this website to make any changes to your child's dismissal plan or let us know about early dismissals.
There is no school on Monday, September 2nd for Labor Day. Enjoy your long weekend!
Robyn Spear
Springton Manor Elementary School
Save the Date!
September 2 - No School - Labor Day
September 5 - Back To School Playground Party - 6-7:30 PM on the SM Playground
September 9 - HSA Meeting 6:30 in the Library
September 26 - Picture Day
September 27 - Culture Fest at Marsh Creek
October 3 - No school for students - Rosh Hashanah. Staff Development Day
Message from our SM HSA!
The first HSA meeting is September 9th at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend. We encourage parents to get involved in our meetings, planning sessions and events to ensure success. We have big plans for the 2024/2025 school year! Keep an eye out for upcoming information on our Fun Run scheduled for October 4th. Our goal is to raise funds to support assemblies, field trips, class programs and an upgrade to the main playground!
Looking forward to another memorable year with our Mustangs!
SM HSA Board
Susan Richie, President
Ashley Murray, Vice President
Lisa Bosken, Secretary
Tina Van Zyl, Treasurer
Jennifer Bartine, Assistant Treasurer
From the Nurse's Office
Welcome back from your school nurses! We are hoping for a healthy and safe school year for all. Please complete your student's on-line registration if you haven't done so already. See the section below on "Student Information Update on Infinite Campus" for more details.
When reaching out to us with questions, concerns, or information regarding your child’s health, please use the SMNurse@DASD.org e-mail. Please be sure to include your child’s full name and grade. If you e-mail Jyeager@DASD.org please also include SM as the school they attend. This will help us to efficiently and accurately address your needs.
As a reminder, new medication orders are required for each school year, including "as needed" medications, Epi-pens and inhalers. Please submit these forms as soon as possible for your child. Additionally, we kindly ask that you encourage your child to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water (Hâ‚‚O) and to practice good hand hygiene, which is essential in preventing the spread of illness.
We are committed to supporting your child’s health and well-being and are here to assist with any needs that may arise. Wishing you all a healthy and successful school year,
Nurse Jill and Nurse Angela
After School Opportunities
Previously Posted Information
DASD Culture Fest - Click below for more details.
Preparing for the School Year
As we embark on another exciting school year, we would like to take this opportunity to remind our parents and guardians of our expectations for dressing for school and electronics from home. These expectations are in place to ensure a safe, respectful, and focused learning environment for all students.
Dressing for School:
- Students are expected to wear clothing that is appropriate for a school setting. This includes avoiding attire with offensive language or images, and ensuring that clothing is comfortable for the school environments.
- Footwear should be safe and suitable for school activities. Flip-flops and high heels are discouraged. Students should wear sneakers on gym days.
- Students will have their assigned district device to bring to and from school each day. Students must take their district device home each day to be charged - thank you for your help with this!
- Students are allowed to bring electronic devices (like phones) to school; however, these should be turned off and stored away in their backpack during class time.
- We ask that students refrain from wearing smart watches in school. They can be a distraction to students during instruction. Students may keep their smart watches in their backpack if they prefer.
- The school is not responsible for lost or damaged electronic devices. We recommend that valuable items be left at home.
Thank you for your adherence to these requests and expectations. We know how important it is to team up with our families to ensure our students have a safe and focused learning environment.
Standards Based Grading
Last year, DASD announced we would be moving towards a standards based grading approach at all elementary schools. This year, I am happy to say, we will be in full implementation of this model. A letter was sent to parents last year. In case you missed it, I have attached it below.
In anticipation of this change, our district leadership team and our grade level leaders have been working hard to prepare a framework that supports kids and teachers.
Our district will maintain clear and consistent grading practices. The purpose of grades is to communicate student performance. The grade represents what a student knows and is able to do and is based on PA State Standards.
We have four indicators for grade level standards and our proficiency scale is a range of 1-4 :
1-Limited progress
While teachers will share more in the coming weeks, our goal is to keep communication lines open; sharing how your child is progressing towards standards throughout each trimester. Please see the attached letter and click on the link within email to learn more.
Student Information Update - Infinite Campus
Each year, each family needs to confirm their information for your child in our system. Please take a few moments to complete this.
Confirmation of Student Information:
Parents or guardians should visit the Parent Portal to update your information with the district (click More > Online Registration > 23-24 Current School Year Existing Student Registration). Ensuring that we have accurate demographic, health and contact information for your child directly impacts our ability to best serve our students and is an essential piece to ensuring student safety.
Please complete on either a computer or tablet as it does not function best on a mobile phone before your child returns for school this year.
All parents for students attending SM next year will need to complete this process.
Parents who just registered their child for the first time for next year (23-24 school year) do not need to update their contact information.
School Emails going to Junk Mail
Please use the link below to see some steps you can take to resolve this.
If you notice this continues, please put in a ticket with our technology department so that they can reach out to you directly to resolve this. This link will take you to the DASD webpage where you can submit a tech ticket.
SM Food Services
Students will be able to purchase breakfast when they arrive to school each day. Breakfast will again be free for students when purchasing a full breakfast. When students choose just one item, they will be charged. See the website (linked below) for updated prices and menus)
Students will eat lunch at their scheduled time. If your child is buying lunch, we encourage parents to pre - order their lunch using the link on our food services webpage (see link below). Students can also order their lunch that day if they forgot to pre-order.
Students will have the opportunity to purchase a snack at the end of their lunch period. We tell students that they can only purchase a snack if their parents has given them permission. Please talk to your child about whether they are allowed to purchase a snack before you start the school year.
If your child has a food allergy and requires a separate spot to sit, please connect with the teacher at the start of the school year so that we can plan accordingly. If you need to update your child's health records, please reach out to our new school nurse, Mrs. Jill Yeager, at jyeager@dasd.org after August 22nd.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding breakfast, lunch, or snack, please reach out to your child's teacher at the start of the school year.
DASD is working to phase in the use of the Chromebook instead of iPad. This year, kindergarten, first grade and fifth grade will have Chromebooks. All other grades will keep their iPads.
If your child has an iPad, please take some time before school starts to clear the pictures. Often students will take cute and fun pictures throughout the summer. Once they bring their device back to school, we will be updating them automatically. If there are too many pictures saved, this halts the update and our technicians will need to clear their pictures. Please take some time to save the pictures to your personal device or delete them so that their device is ready for the update.
All DASD students are required to pay technology fees. Click here to see the DASD technology website with information on technology fees and more. All fees are already in your child's SchoolPay account and can be paid anytime.
Helpful Links
Mrs. Robyn Spear
Email: rspear@dasd.org
Website: https://sm.dasd.org/
Location: 400 Fairview Road, Glenmoore, PA, USA
Phone: 610-942-8950