Hamilton Boys' High School -Term 2, Edition 1, May 2019
The Winter Sports Season is Underway
Here they are having a practice on how to use the quad bike under the guidance of the Property Manager, Mr Neil Gabolinscy on Friday morning 3rd May, before school.
11 Argyle House Boarders in the U14A Rugby Team
L-R Back: Raharuhi Palmer, Iotia Teokotai, Caelys-Paul Putoko, Rangiwai Lunjevich (Vice Captain), Daniel Fourie, Leo Scott, Jacob Garland. Kneeling: Mac Russ (Captain), Jahmal Enright. Absent: Zion Wipaki-McLarin, Snowden Hemi-Hill
Year 9 2020 Interviews completed, House Cross Country success, Movie rewards & Winter Sports has begun
The boys have returned refreshed and ready to gain the most from their academic and co-curricular programmes at school, with the last fortnight passing by so quickly. The hostel is abuzz with a positive energy as the boys go about their busy, daily lives.
The winter sports season is now underway with a large majority of our boys engaged in the many winter co-curricular opportunities available to them.
Thanks to the 8 Year 12 Dorm Leaders for volunteering this term to care for our Years 9, 10 and 11 boarders being accommodated in the dorm block. Angus Valler, Max Chow, Harry Russ, Aaron Couper and Lachlan Roose (all Prefects), have begun their second term leading a dorm.
71 boys have been rewarded with a trip to the movies to see "Avengers, End Game", for their positive citizenship and consistently 'good' behaviour throughout Term 1. They were accompanied by three staff and many of our Years 12/13 Prefects and Senior Leaders on Wednesday 8th May, with the balance going on Monday 13th May.
The Headmaster, Mrs Hassall, myself and Mr Jeremy Quigley (Dean of Boarding) finished the last of our 60 Year 9 2020 interviews on Friday 10th May. This is the largest group we have interviewed, and the calibre of applicants was notably very high. Nine brothers were interviewed over this period. All acceptance and waiting list letters will be posted out to be received by Friday 24th May.
Matua Mita Graham (Senior Master) returns after 3 weeks in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at the Touch World Cup. The 'NZ Touch Blacks', captained by Mita, went down 4-3 to Australia in the final last Saturday evening, 4th May. All the boys were up watching the live stream at 9.30pm.
Congratulations to Jack Dunlop (Year 12) who has won his 3rd national Motocross title this year in the 250cc class.
The School Cross Country Championships were held last Tuesday 7th May. Argyle House can be well proud of their second place overall, which moves us to the top of the House Competition table after 6 events, by only 3 points. A big thank you to our two Deputy Head Prefects Blake Morgan and Angus Ritchie, for organising the boys to ensure our best runners were in each of the three Junior, Intermediate and Senior championship age groups.
I hope you enjoy the remainder of the Set Leave weekend with your son. The hostel will re-open on Sunday 12th May at 5.30pm. We would like all boys to have returned by 7.30pm. If your son is returning on Monday morning, please indicate his return time on Boardingware. Thank you.
A reminder that the 2019 Argyle Term 1-4 Planner (Calendar) with all important dates on it e.g. Set Leaves, can be found on the Hamilton Boys' High School website under 'Boarding'. The Argyle Manual and Grove Manual are also attached to this section.
Kind regards
Murray McKenzie
Head of Boarding
021 516 477
Year 12 Dorm Leaders, Term 2
Dorm 1
Harry Russ
Max Chow
Dorm 2
Aaron Couper
Matthew Corney
Dorm 3
Angus Valler
Erik Attie
Dorm 4
Lachlan Roose
Cole Northcott
New Boarders Term 2
Divyne Shadrock (Year 9), Te Mata, Raglan
Harrison Browning (Year 13), Castor Bay, Auckland
Jack Dunlop (Year 12) Wins more National Motocross titles
Jack then won another title in the national MIni TT Series over the weekend of 4th - 5th May. Jack was placed first in the 250cc Junior class.
Jack now has a break from competition until October.
Hamilton BHS Cross Country, House Competition Event, Tuesday 7th May - Argyle House 2nd Place Overall
Argyle House can be well proud of their second place overall, which moves us to top of the House Competition after 6 events, by only 3 points. A big thank you to our two Deputy Head Prefects Blake Morgan and Angus Ritchie for organising the boys to ensure our best runners were in each of the three Junior, Intermediate and Senior championship age groups.
A special congratulations to the Argyle top 3 finishers in the Cross Country, that earned Argyle House alot of points: Dylan Brown (Year 9), 2nd place in the Junior championship. Johno O'Brien (Year 9), 3rd place in the Junior championship. Thomas Marchant (Year 11), 3rd place in the Intermediate championship.
Top 10 Cross Country finishers from Argyle House were: Quinn Boyle (Year 9), 4th in the Junior championship. Ashan Barr (Year 10), 10th place in the Junior Championship. Gus Nelson (Year 11), 8th place in the Intermediate championship and Harry Russ (Year 12), 7th place in the Senior Championship.
Matthew Allen Cup Cross Country, Won by Bennett House 931pts to 503pts
Bennett House won this event by a convincing 428 points.
Seth Roe's Bennett House scored 879 championship points and 52 non-championship points. George Butcher's Sutherland House scored 445 championship points and 58 non-championship points.
Congratulations Bennett for earning the 2 points, and drawing level 6 - 6 with Sutherland after the Cross Country.
Juniors enjoying afternoon tea on a quiet Saturday in the dining room, Saturday 4th May
Matthew Allen Cup Volleyball, Thursday 9th May, Gym 1 - Won by Bennett House 16pts to 8pts
Standing L-R: Te Pereiha Te Huia, Caelys-Paul Putoko, Iotia Teokotai, Max Steel, Carlos Miln, Lachie Pickett.
Kneeling, L-R: Carson Edwards, Max Pearson
Standing L-R: Charlie Anderson, Josh Flett, Caylus Brighouse, Hoani Ham, Ashan Barr, Snowden Hemi-Hill, John Anderson.
Kneeling, L-R: Jared Earnshaw
Standing L-R: Sam Boros, Lachie Ross, Harvey Valler, Cory Lansdown, Thomas Marchant, Thomas Hayward, Liam Parrott, Finn Wittenbecher, Adam Wallis
Kneeling, L-R: Keegan Caines, George Reeves, Levi Cressy-Baggott, Fox Tamou, Gus Nelson
Standing L-R: Tuhoe Kake, Tyler McNutt, Cody Nordstrom, Shinya Komura, Erik Attie, Austin Lupton
Kneeling, L-R: Max Chow, Angus Valler
Standing L-R: Blake Morgan, Mason Tombleson, Lachie Kettlewell, Semisi Koroibuleka, Kohei Shirai, Te Aonui Wharawhara-Muriwai
Kneeling, L-R: Nic Audas-Ryan
Thanks to Blake Morgan and Hakaraia Richards-Coxhead for organising their Bennett and Sutherland House teams for this event.
Movie Night Reward, "Avengers - Endgame", Wednesday 8th May
Rugby 1st XV 'Boot Camp' Tour to Japan
Tour game results:
Vs Keio High School, Won 74 – 14
Vs Kogakuin High School, Won 33 – 26
Vs Kousen High School, Won 58 – 14
Vs Josho Gaukin, Won 80 – 17
L-R: Te Aonui Wharawhara-Muriwai (Year 13), Joeli Matalaweru (Year 13), Mr Takuya Osaki, Hakaraia Richards-Coxhead (Year 13 and Team Captain), Shinya Komura (Year 12) and Tuhoe Kake (Year 12)
L-R: Joeli Matalaweru (Year 13), Nic McCurran, Kenta Komura, Shinya Komura (Year 12), Hakaraia Richards-Coxhead (Year 13 and Team Captain), Tuhoe Kake (Year 12) and Te Aonui Wharawhara-Muriwai (Year 13).
Gym 1 Recreation on Saturday afternoon 4th May - Basketball
The boys watch Matua Mita Graham (Senior Master) live-streamed in the dining room as his NZ Touch Blacks team go head-to-head with Australia in the World Cup Final
School Links Emails to Parents/Caregivers from Hamilton Boys' High School
Hamilton BHS New Website
Emailed to Parents/Caregivers Friday 10th May
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Today we are delighted to launch our new Hamilton Boys’ High School website.
Please click on www.hbhs.school.nz to view the site.
We encourage you to navigate through the site to see the new look and added functionality.
The Pay School Fees button is not currently active, however, it will be in the next few weeks and you will receive notification at that time.
HBHS Web Team
Hamilton BHS 2019 Board of Trustees Elections
Emailed to Parents/Caregivers Friday 10th May
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Canterbury Education Services (CES) are providing BOT election services for our School in the forthcoming BOT elections.
In May nominations will be called to become members of the Board of Trustees. Key dates are as follows:
By Friday 10th May - Nomination forms will be posted to all persons on the school’s caregiver roll.
Friday 24th May NOMINATIONS CLOSE – 24th May at noon. An election will then be held if the number of nominations exceeds vacancies. For our school, the number of parent vacancies is 7.
Wednesday 29th May - Voting papers will be sent by post to all on the school caregiver roll.
Friday 7th June - Voting closes at 12 noon.
Thursday 13th June - Votes are counted, and your School advised of the results.
Friday 14th June - New Board takes office
Wednesday 26 June - First Board Meeting
Kristin Rillstone
Board of Trustees Secretary
Hamilton BHS Year 13 Ball
Emailed to Parents/Caregivers Thursday 9th May
Dear Parents/Caregivers
The Hamilton Boys' High School Year 13 Ball will be held on Wednesday, 19th June.
Further information will follow shortly.
Thank you.
Study Smarter Workshop
Emailed to Parents/Caregivers Wednesday 8th May
Study Smarter Student Workshop - Monday 8th July
Presenter: Karen Boyes – Study Skills Expert
Venue: Hamilton Boys’ High School Study Centre Time: 9am to 3pm
Dear Parent/Caregiver
Students from the Hamilton area are warmly invited to attend the Study Smarter Workshop on the first Monday of the upcoming school holidays. The presenter, Karen Boyes is described as Australasia’s “Mrs Education.” An expert in effective teaching, learning and living, Karen turns her research into practical and simple-to-use techniques that create success. Her workshops at Hamilton Boys’ have proven to be immensely popular in previous years, with attendees learning some excellent strategies for studying and preparing for examinations.
As the Founder of Spectrum Education, an author, publisher of the Teachers Matter Magazine and an Associate Director of the Institute for the Habits of Mind, Karen is an expert of teaching and learning throughout the world. A dynamic presenter, she inspires teachers and students globally.
Students will learn the powerful strategies that make a difference to their study. Through the use of simple, easy to apply and yet practical ideas, students can boost their own performance and exam results.
Please see attachment for more information and registration details.
Hamilton Boys' High School has attached a .pdf file to this email:
hamilton_sss_fl....pdfHamilton BHS Production
Emailed to Parents/Caregivers Monday 6th May
Hamilton Boys' High School & Hamilton Girls' High School
are proud to present Jeff Wayne's musical version of
'The War of the Worlds'
Based on the renowned H.G. Wells novel, Wayne's stage show version incorporates the music from his 1978 album in a dramatized live performance epic!
Production Dates & Times:
Saturday 18th May - 7.00pm
Sunday 19th May - 2.00pm (Matinee)
Wednesday 22nd May - 7.00pm
Thursday 23rd May - 7.00pm
Friday 24th May - 7.00pm
Saturday 25th May - 7.00pm
Ticket Prices:
General Admission - $20
Concession - $15
Contact Number & Office Hours:
07 853 0421 - (8.00am - 1.00pm)
Hamilton Boys' High School has attached a .pdf file to this email:
hbhs_production.pdfHamilton BHS Badminton Season 2019
Emailed to Parents/Caregivers Sunday 5th May
Dear Parents and Badminton Players,
We are in the process of getting ready for the up-coming Badminton Season for 2019 on the 14th of May. If your son is wanting to play either competitively or socially they will need to register using the link below and pay the fee to the school shop.
Div 1 games are held on Tuesdays, Div 2 games are held on Thursdays, and Social Players will have access to Gym 2 during the Badminton season on Tuesdays (as long as there are no competition matches) between 3.30 and 4.45, and Thursdays from 2.30 - 4.
Students participating in the Waikato Secondary School competition starting on the 21st of May are expected to make arrangements to get to their venue on time. If there is an issue they must speak to their manager or me the day prior to the match so we can help to make arrangements.
Any queries, please contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Mala Varma
TIC Badminton
Hamilton BHS Wellness Centre Update
Emailed to Parents/Caregivers Friday 3rd May
Dear Parents/Caregivers
We are seeing a number of boys presenting to the wellness centre with issues relating to dehydration and lack of food intake.
In many cases the lack of fluid can be attributed to students either not bringing a drink bottle and/or simply not drinking adequate amounts of fluid. This results in headaches, lethargy, stomach aches, constipation and generally not feeling well.
The issues with food intake relate to some of the boys poorly managing themselves and not eating breakfast or simply having a cup of coffee and then complaining of stomach aches, nausea, and feeling tired.
We are also seeing a lot of injuries secondary to not wearing footwear during PE. This is particularly prevalent with those boys with foot conditions such as flat feet (as some of these students require extra support to prevent injury).
Please note that the Wellness Centre is not a GP clinic. We are seeing boys who are presenting to us on a Monday morning with injuries and illness which they have sustained or been suffering from over the weekend. We are more than happy to see boys if they become unwell or injured during the school day, but it is inappropriate for us to be treated as a GP clinic.
Things to remember:-
- Ensure that you are eating adequate amounts to provide your body with the fuel it needs throughout the day, this includes breakfast. Some people are not big breakfast eaters, but even a slice of toast and jam or a piece of fruit is better than nothing and essential to get through the first part of the day.
- Adequate nutrition is particularly necessary for those participating in sports or sitting exams/assessments.
- Drink plenty of water: The fluid requirements for the average teenager in a temperate environment varies greatly, however, the US Food and Nutrition Board recommended in 2004 that teenage boys 14 - 18 years of age drink 3.3 litres of water per day.
- Wear adequate footwear including when participating in PE and especially if you have diagnosed foot problems requiring extra support. This will make you less likely to sustain foot and leg injuries.
- Don't come to school if you are sick. You won't be able to concentrate or participate adequately, it will take you longer to recover, and you will likely make your classmates and teachers sick too.
Thank you
HBHS Nurses
South Waikato Residents Only - Spirit of New Zealand Scholarships
Spirit of New Zealand Scholarships for South Waikato Residents in the following areas; Te Awamutu, Otorohanga, Te Kuiti, Waitomo, Pio Pio, Putaruru and Tokoroa.
Dear Parents/Caregivers
We have a very narrow 'scholarship window' to help send boys on 10-Day Voyages leaving on the following dates; May 15th, July 3rd and July 12th.
Scholarships could provide full or partial funding, depending on family financial circumstances. Parents need to be able to demonstrate that they would not normally be able to send their son on this amazing youth development opportunity, (the normal cost is $2500).
Parents should e-mail jtizard@hbhs.school.nz with some information regarding financial criteria. Students must be genuinely keen to go and be aged between 16 and 18 years.
Background information - What you will read if you visit https://www.spiritofadventure.org.nz/...
"This programme is the best way to up your courage, unlock your potential and make lifelong friends. The Spirit is about overcoming ALL obstacles, and this starts now. Our shore crew will work with you and your community to get you on board.
Start your adventure today."
"A 10 Day Voyage on board Spirit of New Zealand is a life-changing experience – unlocking your potential, leaving you ready to face your future!
You’ll be one of over a thousand young Kiwis each year who get on board to experience the trip of a life time. You’ll leave with a whole new set of skills, lots of new friends and a new confidence to take on the challenges in life. The whole voyage is based on learning by doing. You’ll face all sorts of challenges and take part in lots of activities on the ship, on the water and on the shore. Leaving you with a level of self-empowerment only found on the Spirit of New Zealand.
Increased confidence and skills: On Spirit you’ll improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of a team. As you face the various challenges your confidence will increase as you increasingly move outside of your comfort zone.
New friends and connections: You’ll meet 39 other young kiwis from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures. Over 10 days you will come to depend on each other, learn tolerance and acceptance and create close and lasting bonds. Once you leave the ship you are connected to the Spirit community for life! You’ll have the opportunity to return as a crew member and share your experiences with others."
Defensive Driving with Evolve Driver Training
Emailed to Parents/Caregivers Tuesday 30th April
Defensive Driving with Evolve Driver Training - Courses for Term 2 are as follows:-
Term 2
Monday, 13 May (13, 16, 20 & 23 May)
Monday, 10 June (10, 13, 17 & 20 June)
Holiday course - starting 8 July 2019 (8, 11, 15 & 18 July)
Register on Evolve website: www.evolvedrivers.co.nz
Spirit of New Zealand
Emailed to Parents/Caregivers Wednesday 10th April
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Spirit of New Zealand Five Day Voyage from 9th June, (evening) to 14th June.
We have a small number of places available to make up a group of ten Year 10 students to take on a unique adventure on this tall ship. Students from four schools work on a variety of challenging and enjoyable activities, both on the ship and ashore on islands such as Kawau and Motuihe
Activities in the programme include ship-handling, a raft race and a variety of competitive games that involve ingenuity, leadership and fun.
The students will be accompanied by a teacher. Parents can find out more by visiting spiritofadventure.org.nz
The cost is $1215 and parents would need to be able to provide their own transport to and from Auckland, (carpooling is a possibility).
Please email jtizard@hbhs.school.nz by Thursday evening if interested. Places could be offered to students from other schools as early as this Friday to ensure that we have a full team.
Kind regards
Jeremy Tizard
'Man Of The Week': Jack Dunlop (Year 12), Week 1 Term 2
Important Dates:
Friday 10th:
Set Leave 3. Hostel closes 5.30pm
Sunday 12th:
Set Leave 3 concludes. Hostel re-opens at 5.30pm
Friday 24th:
Year 9 2020 placements notified
Thursday 30th:
Auckland Grammar Sports Exchange
Cycling Exchange with AGS is on Wednesday 29th May
Friday 31st:
Set Leave 4. Hostel closes 5.30pm
Monday 3rd:
Set Leave 4 concludes. Hostel re-opens at 5.30pm
Thursday 6th:
New Plymouth BHS Sports Exchange (Hamilton)
Friday 14th:
Field Days (no school on this day. Boys can take weekend leave from 2.10pm Thursday 13th)
Thursday 4th:
Tauranga Boys' College Sports Exchange (Tauranga)
Friday 5th:
Final day of Term 2. School finishes at 2.15pm
Hostel closes for the term at 5.30pm
Our two Argyle House Parent Representatives for you to contact about any hostel matters
Mrs Shay-Lee Wylie (Te Kuiti)
Feel free to contact me by email grizwiles@xtra.co.nz
Hamilton Boys' High School, Years 9-13 Boarding Hostel
Email: argyle@hbhs.school.nz
Website: www.hbhs.school.nz
Location: 34 Argyle Street, Hamilton East 3216, Hamilton, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7 8530437