Northrop Newsletter
August 2024
Meet some of our new staff members!
Mrs. Mary Jarstfer, secretary
Mr. Andy Riegelmayer, 5th grade
Mrs. Sharon Deinhart, 3rd grade
Mr. Brett Smith, Physical Education
Mrs. Kelsey Klatka, School Psychologist
Mrs. Lynn Houghtaling, Instructional Paraprofessional
Summer Reading!
Don't forget to participate in Northrop’s Summer Reading Program and get a FREE ice cream sundae!
Two options:
READ and LOG 20 books or 20 chapters (use paper from home to keep a list or use this log)
Participate in Medina County Library’s Summer Reading Program. Stop in the library to pick up a game board.
Get an adult to sign your log and Be sure YOUR NAME and (Fall) teacher’s name is on it
Return no later than September 2, 2024
Ice cream party will be in the fall, date to be determined, brought to you by the Northrop Staff!
Popsicles On The Playground
Popsicles & Playground/Book Trunk Dates
Join us on the Northrop playground for summer fun including popsicles, books, and friends! Mark your calendars:
- August 6th from 6-7 (incoming Kindergarteners only, sponsored by PTO)
- August 12th from 1-2
Save The Date - Meet Your Teacher Night
Thursday, August 15th
Last names A-L come from 6-6:45
Last names M-Z come from 6:45-7:30
All students can bring your school supplies and Meet Your Teacher! You MUST update Final Forms prior to August 9th in order to receive an email indicating who your teacher is.
Class Assignments
All families who have completed Final Forms by August 9th will receive a welcome email from your student's teacher. Emails will be sent on Wednesday, August 14th prior to 4pm. Please do not call the office prior to August 15th if you did not receive an email. If you need help completing Final Forms, please call the office (330) 636-4600.
Final Forms
You MUST complete and/or update Final Forms prior to August 9th in order to receive an email indicating your child's homeroom teacher for next year. Homeroom assignment emails will be sent on August 14th. Click the picture below to be taken to the Final Forms site.
School Supply Lists
Click the picture below for our school supply list. Please bring school supplies to Meet Your Teacher Night!
2024/2025 Calendar
Click the calendar below for a printable version
Please note that we implement a staggered start for KINDERGARTEN students ONLY. The schedule is as follows:
Last name A-L attend 8/19 & 8/20; no school 8/21 & 8/22; all Kindergarten students attend 8/23
Last name M-Z - no school 8/19 & 8/20; attend 8/21 & 8/22; all Kindergarten students attend 8/23