St Charles Newsletter
21st March 2025
Message To Parents From Our Executive Headteacher
Dear Parent/Carer,
Not only has the sun decided to reappear, but it is also beginning to really feel like Spring has arrived as the blossoms dance on trees and the daffodils finally open up and show off their vibrant yellow colour.
Over the past two weeks, I have been fortunate to attend excellent assemblies in both schools where special people in History have been celebrated and famous Saints honoured. During the month of March, we remember some of the most well-known saints:
St David – 1st March Patron Saint of Wales
St Patrick – 17th March Patron Saint of Ireland
St Joseph – 19th March Patron Saint of the Universal Church
It is important that we remember their stories and acknowledge their tremendous contributions to spreading God’s words and developing our Faith.
As we continue to focus on service to others, fast and abstinence during this Lenten Season, let us not forget the joy that this time of year brings and to be thankful for all that we have.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Best Wishes,
Ms Hampton
Executive Headteacher
Catholic Life Of The School
Lenten Promise Tree
As part of our preparation for the season of Lent, every child made a Lenten promise. These make up our beautiful Lenten Promise Tree. Lent is the period for prayer, fasting and giving. What will you do?
Door Of Hope
At St Charles, the Door of Hope reminds us of the special door that Pope Francis opens at the Vatican to mark the start of each Jubilee Year. Our door has quotations from scripture which remind us of the hope that comes from God.
RE Home Learning
Gospel: The Fig Tree (Luke 13:1-9)
Using the Wednesday Word link below, read this Sunday’s Gospel
and reflect on the questions below with your family.
You will have an opportunity to discuss them again next week in School during the Gospel/Well done Assembly.
- Why did the man in the parable want to dig up the tree?
- What did the Vine worker want to do?
- What is the message of this parable?
- What was the meaning of the parable?
- Who is the message for?
- How might Jesus tell this story if he were telling it today?
New diary dates will continue to be included weekly
Our whole school attendance is currently at 93.7%
We are working towards achieving 96% attendance this academic year. Please help us to achieve this by ensuring that your child attends school each day and by not booking any holiday during term time. Please be aware that holiday leave in term time cannot be authorised.
In line with the Department for Education guidelines, where pupils miss school without a good reason (including a holiday), the Local Authority and schools can intervene, and you may be issued a fine.
There is strong correlation between good attendance and good progress. So together, let’s give our children the best possible chance of reaching their potential.
Oral Hygiene
Thanks to Dela, our school nurse, and the school nursing team who held an Early Years Parent Workshop today. She talked about positive brushing routines and healthier lifestyles to support oral hygiene. Thanks to the parents who came along.
Look What We Have Been Doing! EYFS and Key Stage 1
Planting in Reception
Reception children are learning about "Growing"! The children have planted their seeds, and we can't wait to see what will blossom. Will they be beautiful flowers, tasty vegetables, or fragrant herbs? Let’s wait and see what will grow!
Year 2
Year Two are exploring how Lent is a time of reconciliation and forgiveness for Christians by making links to the forgiveness Jesus shows at his Crucifixion. After listening to and discussing the story, each child used pastels to create their own artwork of a cross and added Jesus’ words.
Individuality and Learning Heroes
Congratulations to the following children who were recognised for making good choices during the week beginning 17th March.
Term Dates 2024-25
First Half Term
Staff Training – Monday 6th January – School Closed
First Day of School – Tuesday 7th January
Last Day of School – Friday 14th February
Half Term – Monday 17th – Friday 21st February
Second Half Term
First Day of School – Monday 24th February
Last Day of School – Friday 4th April - School Closes at 1.45pm
Easter Holiday – Monday 7th April – Monday 21st April
Summer Term – 2025
First Half Term
Staff Training – Tuesday 22nd April – School Closed
First Day of School – Wednesday 23rd April
Bank Holiday – Monday 5th May
Last Day of School – Friday 23rd May
Half Term – Monday 26th – Friday 30th May
Second Half Term
First Day of School – Monday 2nd June
Staff Training – Monday 30th June – School Closed
Last Day of School – Tuesday 22nd July - School Closes at 1.45pm
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St Charles Catholic Primary School
Email: info@st-charles.rbkc.sch.uk
Website: www.st-charles.rbkc.sch.uk
Location: St Charles Square, London W10 6EB, UK
Phone: 020 8969 5566