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BWMS Family Update
Veterans Day Breakfast a Success!
BWMS Community,
BWMS was honored to host many local Heroes today at our 7th Annual BWMS Veterans Day Breakfast. Organized by student and staff leaders, many Veterans were able to enjoy a great program and special meal with their BWMS student. I wish to share special thanks to our local Scouts, Builders Club, MS Choir, Daniel Nikolenko, Staff leaders (Ms. Donohue, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Beeson & Mrs. Grubb) and many Community Partners for serving such a vital role in the preparation and execution of such an event. Check out the Placemat below. Also, special thanks to PJs Family Restaurant for providing awesome food to help us honor our Veterans. More pictures coming soon with a special thanks to Mrs. Stewart. Great Job BWMS and Community!
Go Eagles - Beat Ashland,
~Mr. Josh Frame
Special Thank You to our Sponsors for the Veterans Day Breakfast
School Updates
- Thank you to our BWMS Community for helping us celebrate our veterans today. Please look for a link to be shared in the future with access to our photos. Special thanks to Mrs. Stewart for capturing the memories from this event.
- Thank you for helping us exceed our goal of 200 boxes of stuffing for families in need. Well Done BWMS!
- Grade Update Day is on Friday 11/15/24. As a reminder, this is a good time to check in on your student's assessment marks from the 2nd quarter via PowerSchool.
- The Builders Club Food Drive will be November 18-26. Encourage your Advisory to Support the Big Walnut Friends Who Share! Check out the details below.
- The next Parent/Teacher/Student conference sign up for Thursday 11/21/24. The sign up can be found here with additional details below. Also, our PTO could use some help with the final preparations for our teacher meal support for this evening. Please also see below.
- Student council is planning for two spirit days before Thanksgiving break. In addition, they are preparing for our Staff vs Student Volleyball game on Tuesday 11/26/24. At the same event, National Junior Honor Society will be looking to pie a staff member for a good cause.
- Thanksgiving Break is 11/27/24 through 11/29/24.
- There is no school for students on Monday 12/2/24 due to Teacher PD Day.
- STAR testing in Reading and Math will take place the week of December 3rd.
- The SOAR cart will be rolling on Wednesday 12/4/24.
- Attention Parents: We would ask that you please let the office know by 1:30 in the event there needs to be an adjustment to after-school transportation. This will help us ensure the message is delivered to your student.
- AM Parent Drop Off Information: Thank you for continuing to pull all the way around the circle and filling in each space to support an efficient drop off of students each morning. As a reminder, our first period class begins at 7:30 am. The doors open at 7:05 am for your convenience and there is typically no waiting line until after 7:20 am.
Our PTO Needs Your Help with Supporting our Conference Night - Click Below
We still have some spots open for help with our next parent teacher conference meal.
On November 21st we're having a potato and chili bar for our teachers. Can you help with sides or dessert? See the sign up below.
BWMS Activities
A Little Advisory Competition for a Great Cause
Spirit Week is Coming!
Lions Club Peace Poster Project Winners
Congrats to our Greece Project Winners! 1st-Kira A, 2nd-Aubrey C, 3rd-Cooper G
Parent Teacher Conferences - 11/21/24
We're using SignUpGenius to organize our upcoming BWMS Conferences.
Click on this link to go to our 11/21/24 invitation page on SignUpGenius.
We look forward to speaking with you. Please find the corresponding BWMS teachers by team with the conference times available. You may choose to sign up to meet with the team of teachers or any of the related arts teachers depending on your needs, just make sure to include everyone you desire when you sign up. Please note, you will receive an email about a week prior to the conference with a form link to help us best meet your needs. Please contact the office for support.
*Please note we have designated 3:00 PM-5:00 PM conferences this round to be virtual and 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM conferences to be in person. We thank you for partnering with us to Inspire and Guide your student in 2024-25.
Note: If you prefer not to use your email address or if you need any help, please contact the BWMS Office and we can sign you up manually.
Congratulations to Ms. Koby Donohue - OMLA State Support Staff of the Year!
Important BWMS Dates
15 Grade Update Day
15 Veterans Day Breakfast
21 Conferences 3:00-7:00
26 SC spirit day - Staff vs Student Volleyball Game
27-29 Thanksgiving Break
2 No Students - Teacher Prof Dev Day
3W STAR Testing (6-8 in Reading & Math)
9 BWMS Winter Concert, 6:00pm
10 BWMS PTO Meeting, 7:00 PM
13 What I Need (WIN) Day
13 Eagle Profile Reports Sent Home
13 Holiday dance, Time: 6:00 – 8:00
20 End 2nd quarter
12/23- 1/2 Winter Break
Month View Calendar Link
iCalendar Link
BWMS SOARing Staff Member Award
The SOARing Staff Award and used to recognize a Big Walnut Middle School Staff Member who goes above and beyond to support the mission of BWLS to inspire and guide each student to his or her maximum potential. If you would love to recognize a staff member, please submit their name and reason on the following form... HERE.
BWMS Athletic Information
Reminder that all athletes should have their final forms complete and hard copy of the physical submitted prior to participation.
All information for BWMS athletics can be found at bigwalnutathletics.net and on Schoology.
Scholarship, Ownership, Awareness, Respect
Mr. Josh Frame
Email: JoshFrame@bwls.net
Website: bwls.net
Location: 555 S Old 3C Road, Sunbury, OH, United States
Phone: (740)965-3006
Twitter: @Josh_Frame