Principal Richard's Notes
December Newsletter
Message to Gateway Families
Happy December! We hope this newsletter finds you well and in good holiday spirits. As we embrace the festive season, it's important to ensure that our little ones stay healthy and happy. Here are some cheerful and funny tips to help you keep those sniffles at bay and make this winter season a joyful one for our kids!
Gateway Sing-along!!
Dear Gateway Families,
I am so excited to tell you about a fun holiday music opportunity that we're going to try at Gateway this year!
On Friday, December 22nd, we're going to invite all families to a grade level sing-along!
Kindergarten & young 5's families will be welcomed to the gym at 12:25 for a 12:30 performance--all kindergarten and young 5's students will be sharing some beautiful holiday songs. We will sing for approximately 20 minutes. There will be a holiday treat and games to play in the cafeteria if you would like to hangout for a little but and then you're free to leave, having your heart full of holiday joy.
In a similar vein, 1st grade families are welcome to join us in the gym at 1:25 for a 1:30 performance. Again, all 1st graders will sing for about 20 minutes, and then you're free to leave.
Second graders are excited to share with their families also. Please arrive at 2:25 for a 2:30 performance. After the children are done singing, you're welcome to leave.
We are excited to welcome all our families during their child's specials time. It's so hard to put on a formal concert at this time of the year, but this grade level sing-along gives your child the perfect opportunity to show you their music skills, and fill you with the holiday spirit.
Please enter the school via door #12. It's a short walk to the gym from that door!
We'll even have a few holiday backdrops if you would like to get a photo of your child, or a photo with your child. Bring your cameras!
Looking forward to seeing you on the 22nd!
Mrs. Ries
Bundle Up Like a Snowman
Encourage your child to channel their inner snowman by dressing in layers! The colder it gets, the more layers they can add. It's not only a fun way to stay warm but also a great opportunity for some creative fashion choices.
Frosty the Handwashing Expert
Remind your child that washing hands is like magic for keeping germs away. Sing a quick chorus of "Frosty the Snowman" while they scrub away those pesky microbes.
Mittens Make Miracles
Ensure your child's hands are always adorned with cozy mittens. Not only do they keep fingers warm, but they also act as a barrier between little hands and shared surfaces.
Nutrition Nudges
Sneak in those winter veggies! Make it a game to find the most colorful fruits and vegetables during your grocery shopping trip. A rainbow on the plate means a happy and healthy body.
The Great Indoor Adventure
On days when it's too chilly to play outside, create an indoor obstacle course or treasure hunt. Physical activity boosts the immune system, and a bit of creativity keeps boredom away.
Drop-Off Procedure
Use the back parking lot.
Pull as far forward as you can. Do not stop in front of the door if there is room in front of you.
Stay in your vehicle.
Let your student out of the car on the passenger side only.
Once your student is out of the car, pull away so others can access the drop off lane.
No matter where you choose to park, please remember that you MUST YIELD to cars in the drop off line.
The cars in the drop off line have priority over parents crossing the parking lot. We are trying to get all students dropped off in a timely manner. Please wait until the line fully stops until you are crossing.
Pick-Up Procedure
Use the back parking lot.
Use your Pick Up hanging sign and pull as far forward as possible
Stay in your vehicle.
Let your student in the car on the passenger side only.
Once your student is in the car, pull away so others can access the pick up lane.
No matter where you choose to park, please remember that you MUST YIELD to cars in the pick up line.
The cars in the pick up line have priority over parents crossing the parking lot. We are trying to get all students picked up in a timely manner. Please wait until the line fully stops until you are crossing.
If you need to buckle your child up please park and then come get your child.
Please inform any caregivers that may drop off/pick up your child at school of these procedures.
Weather Warning
Michigan weather still remains unpredictable per usual. Please remember to send your children to school with appropriate clothing. A separate set of clothing is a great thing to send in as well. Students are slipping in the wet grass a lot and need a change of clothes. Any clothing items should have your child’s name written on it. This avoids a growing lost and found
Important Times
Drop Off: 8:10am
Start Time: 8:25am
End Time: 3:22pm
Early Release: 12:50pm
Temperature Guidelines
If the temperature or wind chill is 0° or below, we will have inside recess.
If the temperature or wind chill is 50° or below, we will ask students to wear jackets at recess.
It is important to dress your child appropriately. If the weather improves during the day, we will go out for recess.
Please be sure to send students in appropriate clothing. We all know that it could snow any day now.
**Students shall only be excused from outdoor recess with a signed doctor’s note.**
Information for breakfast!
We are excited to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students this year. We ask that families still fill out the free and reduced meal forms for our records. These forms allow the school to qualify for more resources for the community.
There is a change for our morning routine. We are now dropping off all bus students near the cafeteria doors to allow all students to pick up a breakfast if needed. We are also encouraging all students coming from parent drop off to grab a breakfast before heading to class. Please remind your child to grab a breakfast right away if they need one.
Students that come in late are still welcome to grab a breakfast but it will take away from their learning if they need to eat instead of paying attention to the lesson.
Suggestion Box
If you have any suggestions as things to implement or change here at school please click on the QR code. It will take you a google form that you can fill out. Thank you for your time.
Please try your best to have your child at school. It is so important for your child to be in class and receiving instruction from their teacher. There is no replacement for a teacher's instruction in the classroom.
Please remember that your child should stay home if:
- they have a fever over 100 degrees
- they vomited within 24 hours of coming to school
- they have a contagious disease or health condition
- their doctor suggests/requires them to stay home
To return to school, your child should:
- be fever free without medicine for 24 hours
- be vomit free for 24 hours
Sleep tips!
Did you know that lack of sleep can lead to problems concentrating and behavioral issues in addition to lower academic performance? Here are some sleep tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics:
-Preschoolers 3-5 years old need 10-13 hours of sleep per day
-School age children 6-12 years old need 9-12 hours of sleep per day
-A regular routine such as brush, book, bed helps bedtime go smoother
-Turn off electronics (TVs, tablets, phones) 1 hour before bedtime to help calm before sleep
Books For New Babies
One of our teachers has collected a slew of books that are perfect for newborns. We would like to make sure that children start off with a book to look at. Please let us know if you have any new babies that are a part of the Gateway family.
Title Resource Page
Are you looking for ideas to help your child at home?
Check out the Title Resource Page!
For extra practice of math games go to the top of the page and find math. Scroll down to Investigations Games. There you are able to play your student’s favorite math games learned in class. You may also ask your child’s teacher for games that would be helpful for specific skills.
You will also find videos to show you how to play other skills games under the Math Recovery Community Resource section.
Under the Literacy section, you will find a wealth of information, helpful hints, and links to free games.
PTO Information
The Wednesday, December 20th PTO meeting will be held at Main Street Pizza at 6:30 PM. All are invited to join. The next PTO meeting is January 10th at 6:30 at Main Street Pizza.
Gateway Oakview PTO Corner
President: Jayme Geers
Vice President: Emily Garrison
Secretary: Courtney Carlson
Treasurer: Elyse Walter
Member at Large: Brandi Greider
Member at Large: Aly Schuelke
Member at Large: Magen Kay
Member at Large: Melissa Redshaw
Member at Large: Amber MacLennan