Macleans Primary School Newsletter
Wednesday 6 November
Maori Whakatauki & MPS Values
Kia ora koutou Parents and Macleans Primary Whānau
The support for 'Gumboot Mental Health' Day was very positive indeed. The grand total that we will donate will be $625.90. You may have seen, heard or read the comments in the media that the head of the 'I am hope Charity' Mike King made. At the heart of the charity are the children, and regardless of what we think of Mike King's comments, it is the children in the charity that Macleans Primary supports. Speaking of support, what a great turn-out it was for the Macleans Primary School PTA Colour Fun Run last Sunday. Well done everyone who supported and of course a huge well done to the PTA!
The 2024 Macleans Primary Yearbook is available to be ordered now - see details below. The 2024 yearbooks is looking fantastic, so please order now as there are limited copies for sale. See details below on how to order. Note that the yearbooks will be disrbuted
Athletics day is this Friday 8 November - see details below. Children are invited to wear their house colours all day. Please remember sunscreen and hats as appropriate. Parents, friends and family are welcome to come along and cheer on the children.
Our plans for 2025 are all falling into place, which means we are able to provide 2025 information for parents. Please see below on the 'Meet the Teacher 2025'' evening below and our changes to how children we be informed of their new class teacher for 2025. Please note that in the next newsletter we will be sharing the class teachers for 2025.
A reminder to check out all of the dates for Term 4 at the bottom of this newsletter, and of course all the dates are on the Macleans Calendar which can be linked to HERE.
Please, please, please follow the road safety rules. We had a 'near miss' incident this morning whereby a child and a parent crossed Wycherley between cars and a the same time a car came around the corner on to Wycherley and had to slam on their brakes to avoid the child and parent. Use the crossings at Gills and Wycherley and DO NOT cross elsewhere.
Have a great week everyone and enjoy the newsletter!
Regards - Matthew Cooke
PS - Thanks to Farm Cove Superette for their sponsorship of this newsletter: 1/190 Fisher Parade, Farm Cove. See ad below.
PPS - Remember that at the end of this newsletter in your email you may get the note that the Message is Clipped and you may need to click on View Entire Message
Next Newsletter and Notices:
•Wednesday 20 November 2024
•MPS Notices and update at anytime
Mathex Competition 2024
The team placed a solid mid-table, working hard from the first to the final question. The Macleans Values were on full-display, especially resilience as the team never gave up on any of their questions! Well done team (pictured below).
Life Ed. Coming to Macleans Primary 18 November
Life Education is coming to Macleans Primary in 2 weeks. Life Education inspires tamariki and rangatahi to make positive choices. Life Ed is New Zealand’s largest health education provider, supporting the health and wellbeing of young people for over 35 years.You will see the Life Ed. Caravan in the parking where all the children from Y1-Y6 will be attending 3 sessions focussing on aspects of the Macleans Values: 'Making Healthy Choices' and 'Friendships'. Read more about Life Ed. HERE
HATS! Sun Safety Policy & Procedures (Purchase at School or John Russell)
The Macleans Primary Policies and Procedures include 'Sun Smart'. Please ensure the children are wearing the school hat as part of the Macleans Primary School Uniform. Children need to wear hats because as well as damage to the skin, Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can cause damage to the eyes and the sensitive skin around them. The face, back of the head, eyes and ears have some of the highest levels of UV radiation exposure and a sun-protective hat can substantially reduce this exposure.
Cricket Skills with Auckland Cricket
Year 2 Motutapu Team Enjoying Learning Based Play
Macleans 50th Birthday: 2 Speeches Presented at the MPS 50th Birthday Assembly
Macleans 50th Birthday: The History of Macleans Primary
Happy Diwali 2024...and thanks especially to Aayan's (Room 1) family for sweets and treats:))) All the teachers loved them. Yummy!
Colour Run - A HUGE Success. Thanks Everyone for supporting!
Children With Their New 2025 Teacher
This year Macleans Primary will be letting children and families know of their classes before the end of the year. Children will spend a few hours over the last day or two of the school year (12 and 13 December) with their new teacher and classmates. This will be a great way for the teachers to get to know the children, and the children to get to know their new teacher! We will communicate with you your child's new class through a note in the 2024 End of Year Summary Report card envelope that is coming home on Tuesday 10 December.
Classes and Teachers for 2025
On Thursday 28 November there will be a Meet the Teacher for 2025. All of the 2025 teaching teams will be introduced at these times : Y1-Y3 is 6.30-7.15 and Y4-Y6 is 7.20 - 8.10. The Y4-Y6 introduction will take a little longer as there will be a brief overview and discussion on the 2025 camps. There will be a time to ask questions following each presentation and introductions.
Fantastic Art From Room 1 As They Go Swimming With Orcas (Tinfoil Art)
Amazing Art From Room 13 As They Go Diving Into The Deep Blue Sea
'25 Education Outside The Classroom (EOTC): Y4-Y6 Camps
Camp Dates and Approximate Costs
Y4 Day Camp Activities and Experiences: Date TBA and approximate cost will be $40-$70
Y5: 1 Night Camp approximate costs will be $100-$130
Y6: 2 Night Camp approximate costs will be $180-$220
Y6 Camp at Chosen Valley Camp in Ramarama is Wed. 2 April to Fri. 4 April (2 nights)
Y5 Camp at Willow Park in Eastern Beach is Thurs. 10 April to Fri. 11 April (1 night)
Howick Int. Enrolment Info. for Y6 Children & Families
Enrolment Information
Parents and caregivers of in-zone students enrolling at Howick Intermediate School in 2025 should submit their application forms as soon as possible. All applications are done online on their school website: https://www.howickintermediate.school.nz/enrolment. They will only be accepting applications for in-zone enrolments for 2025. You can confirm if you are living in-zone on this link: https://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/find-school
Howick Intermediate New Parent Information Evening
Wednesday 6 November - 7:00pm - TODAY!!!!!!!
in the Howick Intermediate school hall
Student Achievement
Risindu Edirisinghe (Room 18) is a Cub Scout in the Bucklands Beach Sea Scout group ( from this term he is a junior Scout) and last term he achieved “Rata Cub Award “ which is the highest award as a cub. Well done Risindu! Scouts offers heaps of opportunities for adventure, leadership, skills and fun, so why not get in contact with your local scout group and follow in Risindu's footsteps!
Y1-Y3 Athletics: Friday 8 November @ 9.15am
The Junior School Athletics event will take place on Friday, 8th November, at 9:15 am. The physical activities are designed to involve all children in a variety of enjoyable team events such as relays, sprints, egg and spoon races, sack races and many more. Your child will attend school on Friday, 8th November, in sports gear, preferably their house colour T-shirt, shorts and suitable footwear. All children will be required to participate, and they will need their school hats and drink bottles. House tokens will be handed out to children who display our school values of Respect, Responsibility or Cooperation. In the event of rain on Friday, 8th November 2024, the Junior Athletics Day will take place on Friday, 15th November 2024.
Y4-Y6 Athletics: Friday 8 November @ 11am
The annual senior and middle school athletics on Friday 8th November 2024. Our saving day for this is Tuesday 12th November. Students will come to school in cazh house colours. This will take place from 11:00 am to 2:45 pm and will consist of the following events:
- 800 metres / 400 metres
- Sprints 60 metres & 100 metres
- Relays
- High Jump
- Shot put
- Long Jump
- Skipping Race
The children will need to come to school in their named cazh house coloured sports clothes, with a sweatshirt, sun hat, sunscreen, drinks and asthma inhalers if needed. We are in need of a number of parent helpers and would be most appreciative if you could spare some time to help with activities. You are most welcome to come and watch your children as they participate in the different events. If you are able to help, please return the slip below to school as soon as possible. If you can help please contact Mrs Cambie on a.cambie@macleansprimary.school.nz
YOUR Child's Art : 2024 Calendar Art For Sale
All calendar art has been scanned and it is now live for parents to place orders. Teachers have already put up posters advertising the products and prices. The children have all worked hard to create beautiful art. The money raised will go towards providing outdoor furniture and shade sails.
**Calendar Art Fundraiser is closed, so if you would still like to try and order you will need to contact the company direct - Kids Art Work. www.kidsartwork.com**
Order Some 'Christmas Cheer' From Bakers Delight: Kindo, Cash or PTA Bank
PTA Bank Account is: 12-3089-0170770-00
Dropping Off Your Child In The Morning or Picking Up After School? Remember...
Child Turning Five?
If your child is turning five in the next six (6) months please ensure you enrol them as soon as possible. Our roll is steadily growing and we need to plan for classes and teachers during the year. Please collect your enrolment pack from the office, or go to www.macleansprimary.school.nz for more information. You can also email the Office Team (Sally or Sharon) on admin@macleansprimary.school.nz. Deputy Principal Angelique Wendzich will also be able to assist with any questions. Angelique can be emailed on a.wendzich@macleansprimary.school.nz
Share Your Child's Achievements Outside of School With Us
Please let me know of any achievements by your child. Whether it be in sport, the arts, cultural or other! Perhaps you have seen a great example of the Macleans values at home. We know our Macleans students achieve great things, and we want to share them! Please email on m.cooke@macleansprimary.school.nz. I'd love to hear from you!
Yummy Apple Stickers: 1Sticker = 1 House Counter
Please collect and send in your yummy apple stickers. Collect the Yummy cut-out labels from bags (each cut-out label is worth 10 stickers) and individual Yummy apple stickers and Macleans Primary School can get free sports gear. Yummy apples are available from New World, PAK’nSAVE and participating Four Square stores. The more we collect, the more sports gear we can get so get going and start collecting your Yummy cut-out labels and stickers now. With each yummy apple sticker brought in, children get a House Counter! The sticker sheets are available for pick up from the office. They can also be downloaded below.
Dates For Your Diary - Term 4 2024
Friday 8 November - School Athletics (Jr. in the morning & Sr. in the afternoon - see sep. org.)
Thursday 14 November - EPro8 Semi Finals (Otahuhu Primary)
Friday 15 November - Dance Team Performance at Stockade Hill Christmas Lights (7pm)
Friday 15 November - Y6's at BBI for Performing Arts Showcase
Monday 18 November - Friday 29 November - Life Ed. Caravan at Macleans Primary
Tuesday 19 November - Maori Families Community Hui @ 6pm
Thursday 28 November - Meet the Teachers for 2025: Y1-Y3 is 6.30-7.15 and Y4-Y6 is 7.20 - 8.10
Friday 22 November - HPPA Inter-School Athletics
Sunday 8 December - Howick Santa Parade (Macleans Primary School Leaders)
Tuesday 10 December - End Of Year Prizegiving: Y0-Y3 is 9.15 to 10.30 & Y4-Y6 is 11.45 - 1.30
Tuesday 10 December - End Of Year Reports Sent Home
Wednesday 11 December - End of Year Fun Day (see sep. org.for all year groups)
Wednesday 11 December - Yearbooks Distributed to Classes
Thursday 12 December - Year 6 Grad. Party (Time TBA)
Friday 13 December - Last Day of School year 2024 (school closes at 12 noon).
Copyright © 2024 Macleans Primary School, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Macleans Primary School
10 Wycherley Drive
Bucklands Beach
Auckland, 2014New Zealand
Email: admin@macleansprimary.school.nz
Website: www.macleansprimary.school.nz
Location: Macleans Primary School Wycherley Drive, Bucklands Beach, Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: (09)534-591
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Macleans-Primary-School-and-PTA-194780747573611