Liberty Newsletter: Volume 140
August 1, 2024
Iowa City Liberty High School
Email: colbert.justin@iowacityschools.org
Website: https://liberty.iowacityschools.org/
Location: 1400 South Dubuque Street, North Liberty, IA, USA
Phone: (319) 688-1350
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LibertyHighSchool2017
X: @ColbertJust, @ICLibertyHS
Instagram: liberty_bolts
**First day of school is Friday, August 23**
Liberty's Smore Newsletter
Although there are still over 20 days of your summer vacation remaining, welcome Liberty families to a new school year, and a new set of Smore Newsletters. For our entering 9th grade families and our new-to-District or Liberty families, WELCOME TO LIBERTY! This newsletter is your opportunity to stay up-to-date on all things Liberty. The information found here is a collaborative effort between staff, students, and families across our Liberty school community. Information is shared with me so I am able to share important information, as well as the neat things occurring across our school with students, staff, and families. During the summer months it is shared in the first week of June and July. Beginning in August and running though May, it will be published during the first and third week each month. Usually around the 1st and 15th of each month.
Dr. Justin Colbert
Liberty High Principal
Enrollment & Registration
Enrollment & Online Registration Information for the 2024-2025 School Year
Whether your child is returning, or new to ICCSD, all families need to register their student(s) each school year. Before beginning the registration process please use the attendance area look-up tool to confirm your assigned attendance center. The registration process consists of three steps: (1) Registering your student in Infinite Campus, (2) Completing and turning in forms & (3) Paying Fees. This process can be completed entirely online in most cases. Click on the links below for access to the detailed registration instructions and links on the District website:
- Click here to register your RETURNING ICCSD Student(s)
- Click here to register your NEW to ICCSD student(s)
The Liberty High main office is open throughout the month of July, Monday-Thursday, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. You can schedule an appointment if you need assistance or call 319-688-1350 with any questions you may have. Additionally, if you do not have regular access to a computer and/or internet, or would like in-person assistance completing the registration process, we have one day for New-to-District student registration and two days scheduled to assist returning student's families with this process in-person.
- New-to-District families may come to Liberty High School between 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM on Monday, August 5, 2024.
- Returning families may come to Liberty between 8:30 AM- 3:30 PM on Thursday, August 8 or Friday, August 9, 2024 and receive assistance with the online registration process.
- Optional math placement testing will be held at Liberty on Wednesday, August 7 from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM.
- English language learner (ELL) math & English proficiency testing (if needed) will be held at Liberty on Wednesday, August 7 from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM.
Important Beginning of the School Year To-Do Items
- Complete Online Registration (OLR) via Infinite Campus Parent Portal if you have not done so already
- Complete the free and reduced lunch application if needed
- Complete the Transportation Application for bussing if needed
- Add funds to student lunch account with My School Bucks
- Review and save the 2024-2025 school year calendar
- Students who will be driving to Liberty, must register their vehicle here
- Freshmen and all new to district students have new student orientation (NSO) on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
- Please inform friends, neighbors or coworkers who are New-to-the-District of registration at Liberty 8:00 AM-4:00 PM on Monday, August 5, 2024.
District Messages
Pay-to-Ride Program Information
We would like to notify you of the 2024-25 Pay-to-Ride program, which is available to families that do not qualify for mandatory transportation as required by the State of Iowa.
Iowa Code 285.1.a. The Board of Directors in every school district shall provide transportation, either directly or by reimbursement for transportation, for all resident pupils attending public school, kindergarten through twelfth grade, except that:
- Elementary pupils shall be entitled to transportation only if they live more than two miles from the school designated for attendance.
- High school pupils shall be entitled to transportation only if they live more than three miles from the school designated for attendance.
If you have any questions, before applying, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at Davis.Esme@iowacityschools.org.
The Pay-to-Ride program details are available on the attached Pay-to-Ride application and on our District website at www.IowaCitySchools.org/Transportation.
Payment and Fees for Service
- Pay-to-Ride fee is:
- $650 per student, per year, round trip
- $390 per student, per year, round trip, for students who qualify for reduced-price lunch.
- $0 per student, per year, round trip, for students who qualify for free lunch.
- Full payments must be made no later than June 7, 2024, to be included on a bus roster for the start of the school year.
- Applications submitted after June 8th through September 8th will be included on a bus no later than September 27 if space available. Efforts will be made to make placements earlier; however, a date prior to September 27th cannot be guaranteed and remains dependent on space being available.
- After September 8 applicants will be notified no later than 10 school days from submission if space available.
- Applications will be accepted after the due date while capacity remains on existing routes. (Note: Students will only be assigned to existing bus stops and routes; buses will not be re-routed to accommodate requests.)
- Students are not eligible to ride until payment is received and the application is approved.
Application Process
- To apply for pay-to-ride busing, please complete the attached Pay-to-Ride application.
- Payment can only be made online: https://www.myschoolbucks.com
- Mail or bring your application and receipt from MySchoolBucks to the following address:
Iowa City Community School District
Transportation Department
1725 N Dodge Street
Iowa City, IA 52245
If you are interested in participating in the Pay-to-Ride program, please return the application and payment no later than June 7, 2024, to be considered for a bus roster for the start of the school year.
Cell Phones, Technology, and Artificial Intelligence in School
We hope you’re doing well. We have received significant feedback and questions about student use of cell phones, technology, and artificial intelligence in school. These are complex topics that require careful thought before we make any changes to our policies or practices.
In response to this feedback, we are initiating a comprehensive review of our current cell phone, technology, and artificial intelligence policies. During the July 23, 2024, board meeting, our school board approved us to move forward with the following timeline:
Proposed Timeline:
- August 1: Board and community book study of "The Anxious Generation."
- August and September: Administer a survey to district administrators.
- August - September 13: Administer a survey to staff.
- September 13 - October 4: Administer a survey to 6th - 12th grade students and parents.
- August 13, August 27, September 10, September 24, and October 15: Five school board meetings for board members to discuss cell phones, technology, and artificial intelligence and to hear from the community.
- October 29: Recommendations will be presented to the board with the proposed implementation date.
We value the input of our entire community and look forward to working together to develop policies that best support our students' learning and well-being. Your participation in surveys and meetings will be crucial in helping us understand diverse perspectives and needs.
Thank you for your continued support and engagement as we navigate these important discussions.
Liberty Features & Information
New Student Orientation
Liberty's New Student Orientation will take place on Wednesday, August 21 from 9 AM- 2 PM. Our National Honor Society members planned an exciting day for all of our new Bolts coming to Liberty in the fall for the first time.
A few highlights include:
- Meet your Lighting Leader and advisory group classmates
- Acquire high school "how-to" tips and tricks from fellow Bolts
- Enjoy an assembly with games and prizes put on by your Lightning Leaders
- Experience a guided tour around the school and campus
- Master the lunch process and navigate the Bolt Café
- Walk through your schedule, see classrooms, and meet your teachers
- Learn about clubs and other opportunities Liberty has to offer
Check in at the main entrance starting at 8:30 AM, and please have your lunch accounts funded. The Bolt café will be open during lunch time, similar to a regular school day.
For those students who need transportation assistance and live in the Kirkwood Elementary attendance area, a school van will be available to pick up and drop off students from Northwest Junior High School. The van will leave Northwest at 8:15 AM and will depart from Liberty High School at 2 PM.
We can't wait to see you there!
- Your NHS Lightning Leaders
School Picture Orders
Halverson Photography will be at Liberty all day on Thursday, August 29 for school pictures. Students will be provided with a few minutes out of their English class to get their photo taken. The 2024 Liberty Fall Photo Ordering Link is now available for parents to order fall pictures. Click on the link included here or scan the QR code below.
Meet Our New Liberty Staff
Erin Phillippe- Special Education Teacher
Hello Liberty, My name is Erin Phillippe and I graduated from Liberty University. I have taught the last five years in CRCSD. I taught one year at Harding Middle School and four years at Cedar River Academy. I started my teaching career in Georgia where I taught 2 years at Snelson Golden Middle School. What I am looking forward to most joining Liberty is building strong relationships and Roots in the Liberty community. I am looking forward to creating successful and meaningful transitions for my students through building life-long skills and confidence in being part of their community.
Matt Harding- Science Teacher
I'm originally from Clinton, Iowa. I received a BA in Physics Teaching from the University of Northern Iowa in 2000, and MA Science Education from UNI in 2010. For the previous 24 years I have been teaching physics and AP physics at Iowa City West. Having already coached boys soccer at Liberty for the past two seasons, I am really looking forward to becoming a part of the Liberty community on the academic side of things!
Joshua Niyokwizigirwa- ELL Teacher
My name is Joshua Niyokwizigirwa (Mr. Niyo) , I earned a BA in secondary education (Applied Pedagogy in Teaching English) from the University of Burundi, Bujumbura Burundi, and an MAT in Special Education from Morningside University in Sioux City, IA. I taught English in Burundi, Africa for two years. I also taught ELL for grades 5 and 6 and middle school in the College Community School District for three years. I am excited to join the Liberty High School family and I am looking forward to working with the team and connecting with students and family.
Kelsey Harrison- Behavior Interventionist
I am a 2016 City High Graduate, I have been working at City High as a Paraeducator for the last 3 years. Once a Little Hawk, always a Little Hawk but I’m ready to put on some purple and be part of the Liberty Lightning Family!
Andrea Jayne- Student Family Advocate
I received a BA of History and Anthropology at the University of Northern Iowa, an A.A.S in Human Services from Kirkwood Community College, and a Master's of Social Work degree from the University of Iowa. I've worked in the district for over 6 years as the district Equity Specialist, and for the last 6 months I've worked at Mann as a Media Secretary and Supervisory Para. I'm looking forward to a good 2024-25 school year for the staff and students.
Kate Degner- Math Teacher
This fall will begin my 21st year in education! I earned my BA and MA from the University of Northern Iowa and my PhD from the University of Iowa. Prior to working in Iowa City I taught at St. Ambrose University and the University of Iowa, as well as Lone Tree, Williamsburg, and Maquoketa Community School Districts. I am currently Iowa City Community School District's Secondary Mathematics Coordinator. I'm looking forward to joining the Liberty community this fall and can't wait to get started working with students!
Kaleb Williams- Special Education Teacher
Hello, students! My name is Mr. Williams. I graduated from Liberty High School in 2020 and then went on to graduate from Morningside University in Sioux City, IA, with a Bachelor of Science degree in education. I also played football at Morningside as a running back and kick returner for 4 years. This will be my first year teaching! I look forward to giving back to the Liberty community by building relationships through teaching, coaching, and clubs.
Fun Fact: Mr. Williams is the first Liberty graduate to return to Liberty as a teacher!
Leah Wiseman- English Language Arts Teacher
I graduated from Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota with my degree in Secondary ELA Education. Since then, I've been teaching at Hardin Valley Academy in Knoxville, Tennessee. What I'm most looking forward to about joining this team is the chance to contribute to the positive culture that has already been established at Liberty! And, of course, cross country.
Extracurricular Activities
2nd Annual Color Run
The Color Run is the official kick-off to the Liberty Homecoming Week! Registration is now open and can be accessed by clicking here, or on the image below.
2024-2025 Liberty Athletic Registration
All athletic registrations must be completed online and paper forms are no longer accepted.
Registrations can be completed or renewed by clicking on GoBoundIowaCityLiberty Once on the Bound Website, click on 'Registration' and follow the directions provided.
If you do not already have a Bound account, please create one by entering your information and creating an account. Next, follow the steps listed for setting up a new Bound account. If you cannot remember your password - click the "forgot password" link. Do not create a new account.
Physicals must be uploaded as a .pdf or .jpg file. Please make sure you have completed the health history questions and provided a parent/guardian signature to avoid delays in processing. You must upload and go through all forms before your registration is complete. Please make sure that you are creating a registration for the 2024-25 school year.
Every cell phone can turn a photo into a PDF using one of these free apps:
If you have any registration questions - please email the athletic trainer, Anna Manternach, directly: manternach.anna@iowacityschools.org or contact Athletic Secretary, Tristan Sievers via email (sievers.tristan@iowacityschools.org) or the Athletic Office by phone, 319-688-1352. You can also access a registration step by step guide here.
Ecuadorian Science Expedition
Since 1999, Brad Wymer (former West High science teacher) has organized an expedition for students and families into the Amazonian rainforest, hiking through the Andean mountains, and island hoping the Galapagos! COVID put a halt to this trip until this summer. Brad Wymer and Jenifer Secrist took 21 students and two grandmothers on this incredible adventure this summer. Six Liberty High students joined Secrist in Ecuador from June 10 to June 26. Class of 2024 students, Sophia O’Sullivan, Maya Marquardt, Preslie Logan, Jessica Bly, and Lindsey Roether, along with class of 2025 student Ellie Stopak and her grandmother, traveled with Secrist. The trip is a science dream, experiencing the full gamete of ecosystems while all on the equator, from Galápagos sea level up to 16,000 feet on Cotopaxi. Ecuadorian culture is beautiful along with the environment, and plethora of species. Secrist plans to continue offering this trip moving forward. Please contact her at Secrist.jenifer@gmail.com if you would like more information.
Graduation Gown Donation
Cultural Diversity & Equity Newsletter
Liberty Lightning Virtual Spirit Store
Check it out by clicking on this link: https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/iowa/northliberty/liberty-high-school or by clicking the image below.
The Liberty Fund
Support Student Programs. Leave a Legacy. Donate today!
The Liberty Fund needs your help! We want to ensure all Liberty students can participate in school activities where belonging and school pride come together through both academic and co-curricular activities.
The Liberty Fund has provided grants to students and groups to support student access to opportunities through fundraising. Here are a few program examples that grants have supported:
- New Student/Freshman Orientation
- National French Competition Exam
- Liberty Lightning Technical Theater
- Garden Club
- African American Literature Classes & Black Student Union
- Business Professionals of America Leadership Conference
Make a tax deductible donation to The Liberty Fund today! Donate at The Liberty Fund Website or email for more information at libertyhighfund@gmail.com.
Liberty High PSTO
Liberty High PSTO (Parent Student Teacher Organization) welcomes all new and returning families to Liberty for the 2024-2025 school year. Please follow us on Facebook: Liberty High PSTO to stay up-to-date.
All PSTO meetings will occur on the 3rd Wednesday each month at noon via Zoom. Keep an eye out for the 24-25 PSTO meeting dates in an upcoming newsletter.
If you have any questions, please send them to libertyhsPSTO@gmail.com
The PSTO has an ongoing fundraiser with our Amazon Smile account. Please consider using this with your next Amazon order.