Family Bulldog Bulletin
Week of January 20th

- 1/20: NO SCHOOL
- 1/21: NO SCHOOL
- 1/21: WCPSS School Board meeting
- 1/28 Report Cards Go Home
- 1/30: 2nd-3rd Grade Chorus Performance-Club Students Only
- 2/4: Counselor Appreciation Day
2/4: WCPSS School Board meeting
- 2/11: Bus Driver Appreciation Day
2/11: PTA Meeting @ 7pm
- 2/12: Spirit Night – Dairy Queen @ 4-8pm (with spirit wheel!)
- 2/14: Valentine's Day
- 2/17: No SCHOOL Teacher Workday
2/18: WCPSS School Board meeting
- 2/25: 3rd Quarter Interims Go Home
Grade Level Newsletters (as of 1/21/25)
Yearbooks for the 2024-2025 school year are on sale now!
Link: https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order
ID Code: 14923025
Price: $21 (cash, check, online)
Questions? Email hehorton@wcpss.net
We are celebrating 25 years of this incredible program and we need your help! We are asking our community to nominate teachers for this award.
The Cary Chamber of Commerce has been a leader in supporting education in our community through numerous programs and activities. One of the most critical needs of Wake County schools is that of attracting and retaining the best classroom teachers. With the Cary Chamber of Commerce's Honor a Teacher Program we hope to help our school system in meeting that challenge.
Building on the success of the Discovery Award first sponsored by the Ashworth family in 1991, followed by the Clara Knoll Award in 2000 by Barry and DJ Mitsch, the Cary Chamber has secured sponsors to develop a teaching awards program for all schools in the Cary Area.
Excellence in teaching – We know it when we see it. It can be the teacher who spends extra time with the students who need it most, or the teacher who is creative enough to inspire a real love of learning in a student. Perhaps it’s a teacher who cares enough to be involved with their students beyond the classroom. Whatever their methods, certain teachers make a real impact on students and their learning abilities.
Click Here to complete the nomination!
Kindergarten Registration
Enrollment for Kindergarten is open. Please help us prepare by enrolling your upcoming Kindergarten early. Here is a link to the online process. All enrollments start online first.
AIG Testing Spring Opportunity
The window for 4th and 5th grade students for AIG testing will open soon. We are accepting parent nominations until January 27, 2024. Testing will begin on January 27, 2024 and will consist of the CogAT and IOWA. We are looking for 95% or higher to qualify for AIG services in math and reading. Please look at your child's CogAT, IOWA, EOG scores, classroom grades, and any other data from last year to make a nomination. Be sure you ask your child's teacher if this type of differentiation is appropriate. We will meet with our committee to go over all of the nominations and decide if this type of testing is appropriate for your child. Please email cviverette@wcpss.net for questions and to request a nomination form. Thank you, Cammie Viverette
Annual Asbestos Notification to staff and families
The following are annual asbestos notification .
Recess/Outdoor Temperature Guidelines & Reminders
From the BESt PTA
PTA Meeting Highlights
Thanks to all who joined us Tuesday night for a very productive first meeting of 2025! Minutes will be posted on our website as soon as they are available.
Priority volunteer needs for the spring:
- PTA Treasurer (Board position) for the 2025-26 school year: you don't have to be good with finances, but it's helpful if you are good with spreadsheets. We'll help train you!
- Spring Fling is coming up on April 17, and we need help coordinating and requesting donations from local businesses and community members.
- Reach out if you're interested in writing grants to help us get funding, planning an Earth Day campus clean-up, preventing food waste in the cafeteria, or helping our DEI committee provide opportunities for our students. We have ideas, but we need your help to make them reality!
Our next PTA meeting will be on Tuesday, February at 7pm – in the Media Center and on Google Meet. Email briarcliffpta@gmail.com with any questions!
Important Classroom Needs for the New Year
- Urgent need for spare clothes! The front office needs more "middle" sizes for student emergencies – i.e., medium sizes for 2nd-4th graders. In particular, new underwear and socks (still in packages) and *new or gently used* warm winter clothes (long pants, long sleeves, sweatshirts) are needed. Drop donations at the front office, or bring them to our next PTA meeting!
- Deliver Backpack Buddies meals to classrooms: Help our students and teachers by volunteering on Thursday afternoons or Friday mornings. Sign up here!
- Help with shelving books in the Media Center: Let Ms. Parrish know if you have an hour to spare during the school day, any day of the week!
Spanish Academy Part 2 was a success!
The Media Center was packed on Thursday night for Spanish Academy Part 2!
Thank you to all the families and community members that came out to learn more about all that Briarcliff offers. We are happy that you are part of our Bulldog family!
And Remember...
It's never too late to join the PTA and get involved! All are welcome!