Tofield School Titan News
February 2023
Treaty 6 Acknowledgement
Administrators' Message
February is a month focused on Kindness. Kindness is an act of being friendly, generous, respectful, and considerate of everyone we come in contact with. Everyone can participate in kindness everyday, every moment.
A Tofield Titan is expected to be kind to everyone in the school. We encourage everyone to make being kind a goal each and every day. February 22, 2023 is Pink Shirt Day - on this day students are asked to wear pink to support anti-bullying awareness.
Semester Two is up and running! Report cards were sent home on Friday February 3rd. We are proud of all the effort our students have put into their learning this past semester, and recognize they have had to adjust to a full return to school this year. We know our students will continue to grow in their confidence, stamina and success. As part of the new quarter, we are also focusing on “Responsibility” as part of our Caught Being a Titan recognition.
Communication between school and home is essential to the success of our students. We are reminding parents to first seek to have a conversation with teachers before speaking to the administration.This first step will ensure that you receive an accurate and timely response to your question or concern. If you are needing additional support please then contact administration.
Upcoming Events
February 6-10: Elementary Cake Walk Fundraiser in the Learning Commons
February 10: Tilly's Hot Lunch
February 10: Mental Health Presentation with Skylar RothFebruary 10: Diploma Exam Marks Available on MyPass
February 11: SAIT Open House
February 22: Pink Shirt Day
February 28: Hockey Hookey to see the Oil Kings!
March 9: Concordia University of Edmonton Info Night
New Bell Schedule
School Fees
Tofield School fees are due for Quarter 3 and Semester 2 and invoices have been emailed and/or mailed out. Please make payment online by visiting the Tofield School website and clicking on the “Online Payments and Ordering” icon (located at the bottom of the page) and
follow the links. Yearbook fees are optional and are not included in your fees total. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Janet Carlson at
Caught Being a Titan
Grade 5: Lynkin Hardy, Jeff Weiss, Gracelyn Hayduk, Cole Williams, Austin Dehid
Grade 6: Danika Pedersen, Aiden Zacharias, Connor Stapleton, Paityn Reiser
Grade 7: Ruby Knudsen, Braydo Crawford
Grade 8: Rodney Firingstoney, Grayson Armstrong, Alex Stewart, Kailey Hrabec, Weston McKnight, Evan Woode
Grade 9: Jordynn Dee, Kate Chicoine, Beth Hillyer
Grade 10: Peter Asante, Ben Behiels, Dawson McPhee
Grade 11: Mike Picardal
Grade 12: Duvan Mira, Reana Mead, Ian Umphrey, Jack Stewart
Thank You!
Thank you as well to Mary Taylor for her incredibly generous donation of $2000 to the Breakfast Club recently!
Purdys Fundraiser for the Learning Commons
The Learning Commons is teaming up with Purdys Chocolatier to fundraise for new books! Check out the linked catalogue below to see the wonderful treats available for the Easter season.
Ordering is easy! Just click this link, fill out your info (you’ll need an email address), click “Join Campaign”, and order to your heart’s content!
For easy shopping click "Shop Online" in the main menu bar and then hit "Use Marketplace" to get visuals and prices of all available chocolates!
Orders are open until March 5, 2023 and will be ready for pickup by March 20, 2023! Orders must be picked up in the Learning Commons.
Career Counselling February 2023
In addition, check out some upcoming open house and program preview opportunities. The link should be shared in the High School+ Google Classroom.
PE Activities
The Senior High Quint School Basketball Tournament was held again this year at: Tofield, Bawlf, Hay Lakes, OLMP and New Norway. There were 36 teams total. 18 Girls and 18 Boys. Next year is the 25th anniversary of this tournament. Our boys and girls played really well. Our boys lost in the Consolation final.
Basketball season is going very well. Our Junior High Boys team has made it to the finals in both Tournaments that they entered. Silver in Hay Lakes and Silver at OLMP. In the Div 2 league they are currently undefeated. Our Senior High Boys Team is undefeated in 2A league play as well winning games against Sedgewick and Wainwright.
Both of our Junior High and Senior High girls basketball teams have lots of players and they are getting better and better with each game they play.
Jr. Boys Basketball
Banner Recognition
The banners will be put up in the gym at a later date.
Tofield Minor Baseball Association
Special Presentation for Grade 5
Jam Club
Connect With Us!
Phone Number: 780-662-3133
Email: (only for absences)
Facebook: Tofield School BRSD
Twitter: @TofieldTitans
Instagram: tofield_school