January News
Crescentwood Stars
Dear Crescentwood Families
Welcome back, families! We hope you had a wonderful holiday break filled with relaxation and quality time together. As the semester comes to an end this week, this is a time to celebrate all the hard work and growth your students have achieved. They will be setting goals in iReady and testing in the month of January. Our 1st and 2nd grade students are moving along in GRIT (guided reading infusion team). Let’s finish strong and look forward to exciting opportunities in the new year. Thank you for your continued support in helping your students succeed!
Warm regards,
Stephanie Morang
Even though the temperatures have been mild, it can be pretty chilly in the morning. Please make sure your child brings a coat to school each day. As long as the temperature/wind-chill is 15 degrees or above we will be outside for recess. Also, any school cancellations will be posted on DOJO and a robo call made through SchoolMessenger, please make sure the office has an updated phone number.
- Thursday, Jan. 9th: 11:50am dismissal; Records Day
- Friday, Jan. 10th: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- Friday, Jan. 17th: 2:45pm Shining Stars Assembly; Record Cards to be sent home
- Monday, Jan. 20th: No school Martin Luther King Jr Day
Jo'Lani Douglas
Reagan Hayes
Kinsley Miller
1st grade
Angel Herron
Jordyn House
Serenity Xiong
2nd Grade
Robert Aaron
Rakyiah Fedrick
Joveah Hawkins
Jamar Kenney
Bryson Lewis
Kasanova Broom
Kaden Purifoy
1st grade
Benjamin Brainard
Aiden Clark
Dallas Polk
Jahi Reese
Asir Vaughn
2nd Grade
Eural Alexander
Laila Broom
Bryson Lewis
Leo Russo
Cari Snipes
Brentlee Walters
Daily Schedule/Reminders
Lunch from home: The students don't have access to a microwave. Any food that needs to be warmed up should be warmed at home and placed into a thermos to stay heated throughout the day.
Birthday Treats: We don't mind celebrating with a treat to go around but those treats should be individually wrapped. We are an allergy smart school. This is for the health and safety for our students.
Medication: If your child needs any form of medication throughout the day, you need to fill out the required paperwork. Students can not have cough drops, inhalers etc in their possession this includes in their book bag. Please contact the front office if you have any questions.
Early Release: The office is closed for early release everyday from 2:45-3:15pm. The office is busy during that time getting our students and staff ready for dismissal. Thank you for understanding.
Parking lot: While pulling into our school isn't always the easiest, keeping Crescentwood Ave. free of parked cars will help with the flow of traffic. The circle lot at arrival and dismissal is for buses ONLY. We need to keep our kids safe and pulling up and releasing them at the front doors causes unsafe situation. Please make sure to continue using the parking lot at arrival and dismissal times. If you park on Beechwood and walk over, the homeowners just ask that you don't park across the driveways.
Attendance: Regular attendance is key to your child’s success. Please make sure your child is on time and ready for learning each day. as a reminder tardies and early release can lead to truancy. If your child will be absent, please call the school office to report the absence.
Meeting: If you need to set up time with a teacher it is best to arrange it with the teacher themselves through DoJo or email. Once the school day begins our teachers are hard at work with their students.
Main office is open from 8am-4pm daily.
½ Day
8:15 Students Enter
8:20 Instruction Begins
11:50 Dismissal
Full Day
8:15 Students Enter
8:20 Instruction Begins
3:15 Dismissal
Late Start Wednesdays
9:15 Students Enter
9:20 Instruction Begins
3:15 Dismissal
Lunch Schedule
11:00-11:30 1st Lunch- Kindergarten
11:30-12:00 2nd Lunch- 1st grade
12:00-12:30 3rd Lunch- 2nd grade
Tips to Building a Morning Routine
January Lunch Menu
Our School Vision, Mission and Goal
Vision Statement
Crescentwood students will achieve academic success and develop respect for others in order to become responsible citizens in our global society.
Mission Statement
The Crescentwood Community provides a safe, nurturing environment while helping students develop the necessary strategies to become life-long learners in our culturally diverse society.
Our Big Rock (Goal):
Implementing the district curriculum with fidelity and intentionally planning for student engagement.