Lander Elementary Friday Newsletter
Friday, September 6, 2024
Lander Families,
As we prepare for our third week of school, it's wonderful to see our students settling into their routines and embracing the new academic year with enthusiasm. The energy and excitement are contagious, and it's clear that our students and staff are getting into a rhythm.
As we walk in and out of classrooms, it is exciting to see students engaging in classroom activities, building positive relationships with classmates and staff, and following the 4 P’s (Prompt, Polite, Prepared, & Productive). We have enjoyed conducting our grade level behavior meetings, and facilitating opportunities where our students add insight to making our school community a safe and welcoming environment.
Thank you to all our families who were able to attend our first PTG (Parent Teacher Group) meeting of the 2024-2025 school year. It is always so humbling to see and feel the support from our school community, and we pride ourselves on the positive and collaborative relationships between school and home. If you have not already had a chance to do so, please consider signing up to be a member of our PTG. More information on how to sign up is included in the newsletter below.
Wildcat Welcome Back Night - September 19th
We will be hosting an opportunity for all Lander families to visit the school and connect with one another as a school community on September 19th. Families may use this time to visit grade level teachers, enjoy ice cream on the playground, meet new friends, and reconnect with old friends. To assist with traffic and crowd control, we ask that families attend during the times below.
6:00-6:45 Families with last names A-L
Curriculum Presentation 6:00 - 6:15
K-2 Families in the MPR
3-5 Families in the Gym
6:45-7:30 Families with last names M-Z
Curriculum Presentation 6:45 - 7:00
K-2 Families in the MPR
3-5 Families in the Gym
We look forward to providing you with our continued support and assisting all of you in any way we can. Please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher, school counselor, our office team, or the administrative team with any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to collaborating with you to ensure your child has a successful year.
Thank you,
💥This must be complete for students to engage on technology or field trips.💥
Important Information: Annual OLR Updates
OLR Update for all students - Beginning July 1st
Please update each student's OLR (On line registration) in Infinite Campus prior to the start of school. Even if there are no changes you must go through each screen for each student to verify all information is current. This process is not complete until you press the submit button. This needs to be complete for students to engage on their 1:1 devices and participate in field trips.
23-24 Yearbooks still available
Girl Scouts
Food Service Information
The national, free schools meals have ended. Households must apply for free or reduced-priced meals. The free reduced meal application is also used to determine eligibility for free or reduced school fees and/or P-EBT benefits. Please complete an application if you are interested in applying for any of the above benefits. Applications can be submitted online by logging into your Parent Portal (Infinite Campus) and clicking on More-Meal benefits. You can click on the link below for more info:
You must apply each year, the benefits from last year will only cover through September.
Updates from the Clinic
Please have all forms and medications at the school by 8/23/2024 so that your child is all set for the first day of school.
Before & After Care Information
Transportation Schedules
Contact Information
Shawn Cramer, Assistant Principal
Rebecca Schmidt, School Counselor
Brittany German, School Psychologist
Bonnie Varanese, School Secretary,
Nicky Digeronimo, School Secretary,
Kathy Schmidt, Health Care Paraprofessional,
Lander Elementary School
Location: 1714 Lander Road, Mayfield Heights, OH, United States
Phone: 440-995-7350
Twitter: @LanderElem