See Shaw Shine
Shaw Montessori Newsletter Week of November 1st, 2020
- Message From Jennifer (Hawkins) Collier
- Message From Laura Hildwein
- Congratulations
- Galileo Testing
- Attendance Announcement
- Enrollment Paperwork
- Materials Pickup
- Date Reminders
- Important Updates - Grab & Go Meals
- Save The Date - Book Fair
- ABSI Online Spanish Classes
- Message From Shaw PTA
- Newsletter / Yearbook Photos
- Shaw Calendar
- District Information
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Message From Jennifer (Hawkins) Collier
Greetings Shaw Montessori Community!
On Thursday, October 29 the PESD Governing Board and Administration made the decision to postpone in-person learning to January 14, 2021. This decision was based on current metrics for our district zip codes, with the priority for the health and safety of our students, teachers and families. We understand that the current circumstances impacts each of our families differently. The continuation of online learning into January offers an opportunity for consistency as well as to refine the current processes to continue to improve teaching and learning. The teaching staff will be reflecting on refinements for instruction and we encourage you to do the same for the home environment. Together, we can make the most of this time of virtual learning. We appreciate your partnership and as always, please reach out with any questions or support you may need.
Jennifer (Hawkins) Collier
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Message From Laura Hildwein
Getting started is usually the hardest part of any task. Sometimes we lack the motivation to start and complete tasks. We can be lethargic and have difficulty accomplishing our goals. It is important to consider the reasons we are struggling and then develop a plan to get going.
Reasons we lack motivation could be:
- Fear that we may not succeed at the task
- Avoidance of discomfort
- Being over-extended (overwhelmed)
- Lack of commitment to a goal (agreeing to a task out of obligation)
- Mental health issues (depression, anxiety)
- Fear of what others think
There are many potential reasons for lacking motivation. It is important to recognize when and why we are lacking motivation or avoiding a particular task. Here are some strategies to use to help us get moving.
Solution strategies for improving motivation:
- Act as if you feel motivated (get dressed and moving, think about what success will look like)
- Argue the opposite (if you think you will fail, list all the reasons you might succeed)
- Practice self-compassion (recognize times are stressful and don’t be to hard on yourself)
- 10-minute rule (Give yourself permission to take a break from the task after 10 minutes if necessary)
- Go for a walk in nature (this has a calming effect and can rejuvenate the brain)
- Pair a dreaded task with something you enjoy (ex. Music while cleaning house)
- Manage your to-do list (prioritize and allot a realistic amount of time to complete each task)
- Practice self-care (Healthy diet, exercise, getting enough sleep)
- Reward yourself for working (do you do best with frequent small rewards or a larger reward when the task is completed?)
- Seek professional help if needed (if your lack of motivation is affecting your daily functioning, it is time to seek help)
Our kids sometimes lack motivation as well. Instead of getting angry or frustrated, teach them some of these solutions. Try them all and find out what works best for you and your family.
If you have questions or need support, please reach out to me at Laura.Hildwein@phxschools.org
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Congratulations to our very own Shaw Montessori Child Nutrition Manager, Yadira Ortiz, who was recently recognized with the STAR (Special Thanks and Recognition) award for the Child Nutrition department. We at Shaw Montessori agree whole-heartedly with the sentiments that were shared in her recognition below. Thank you, Yadira, for your warmth, positivity, and hard work for the children and families of Shaw Montessori.
Yadira Ortiz
Child Nutrition Manager at Shaw Montessori
"Yadira is a front line hero who represents the cream of the crop of the department. Yadira’s leadership skills are impeccable and her courageousness and perseverance allow the CN Department to continue to feed children during school closures. Yadira goes above and beyond to ensure the needs of our students are exceedingly met and it is truly an honor to serve by her side. Some of the words used to describe Yadira are responsible, courageous, phenomenal, dependable and caring."
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Galileo Testing
November 3-19 is the next Galileo testing window for the B1 district benchmark. 1st to 8th grade students will be taking the assessment for ELA and Math. The testing process will be the same as the Pretest. Students will login in for their virtual meeting with their teacher while they take the assessment via the Galileo/Imagine Learning website: login.imaginelearning.com
The parent-student testing agreements remain the same (attached). Your student will need a quiet space to take the test, free of distractions. Students are to complete the test independently. Teachers and Instructional Assistants will proctor the test and any student questions should be directed to the teaching staff. The assessment results help show growth and progress toward the grade level standards.
Your student's teacher will be informing you of the testing dates. Please contact your teacher or Jennifer (Hawkins) Collier jennifer.hawkins@phxschools.org with any questions you may have.
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Attendance Announcement
Starting Tuesday, November 3rd, our district attendance auto-dialer will begin making calls again to families with students marked absent.
In the past, this phone call went out at 9:30am for the current day. Going forward, this phone call will come the day AFTER the student was marked absent. Please try to remember to contact the office ahead of time in the event your student will be unable to attend any part of the school day. If your child CAN attend for a portion of the day, or login and complete even just a few minutes of work in IXL, they will not be marked absent on their permanent attendance record.
The easiest ways to contact the office for your student’s attendance concerns would be to phone us at 602-257-3914 OR you can email Christina.Girard@phxschools.org or Teresa.Carreon@phxschools.org. We ask that you provide a REASON for the missed school day. We must code absences by type for the state department of education.
A reminder as we continue distance learning with asynchronous learning Mondays; your child is expected to participate by uploading work in their google classroom or to work in IXL on Mondays to log their participation. This allows us to verify that they receive attendance credit for the day. Attendance is closely tied to school funding, and more importantly the success of your child. Thank you for being a partner in your child’s education!
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Enrollment Paperwork
Notice from the office:
We still have 40 students without their required 20/21 enrollment paperwork. PLEASE turn in your students enrollment packets immediately. Paperwork can be dropped into our secured drop box, to the right of the office door M-F 6:30am-5:30pm. If you have lost your enrollment packet, we can print you another one by calling 602-257-3914.
Thank you,
Office Staff
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Materials Pickup
Families! Please come pick up your student materials on the tables outside of the office.
Tables are available M-F 7:30 to 5:30
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Date Reminders
Please check with your teacher regarding classes/work that day. Thanks!
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School closed Wednesday, November 11th in honor of Veterans Day
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Important Grab & Go Meal Updates
Holiday Schedule
Meal distribution for November's Wednesday Veterans Holiday will instead
take place the day before on Tuesday, November 10th.
There will no meal distribution the week of Thanksgiving. Instead, the
distribution of meals on November 18th will include 2 weeks of meals.
At Home Meal Delivery
Visit https://phxschools.org/update/ for more information and forms
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Save The Date - Book Fair
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Fall Enrichment / ABSI Online Spanish Classes
Online Spanish classes. For contact and more information visit:
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Message From Shaw PTA
The Shaw PTA is still looking for a Secretary for the 2020/2021 school year!
The position description is below. If interested contact Addie Weddington or Heather Vittori at:
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Newsletter / Yearbook Photos
This week's theme: The Great Outdoors
With our beautiful AZ weather, I know we are all getting outside more!
Send in your photos of your recent outdoor play.
Thanks in advance, Ms. Patti
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Shaw Calendar
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• District Updates phxschools.org/update
• Health & Safety Mitigation Plan phxschools.org/healthsafety
• Governing Board Agendas & Minutes go.boarddocs.com/az/pesd1#
• District Calendar phxschools.org/calendar
• Shaw Montessori Website phxschools.org/shaw
• Previous Issues of See Shaw Shine phxschools.org/shaw-newsletters
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Contact Us
Email: Susan.Engdall@Phxschools.org
Website: https://phxschools.org/shaw
Location: 123 North 13th Street, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Phone: 602-257-3914
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1614897512101327/?ref=group_header