Dear Colebrook Families,
Each day, I continue to be amazed by the rich classroom learning experiences that engage our students. To ensure that each child’s learning is supported, I want to remind everyone of the importance of school attendance and of arriving daily on time. Research shows that students who attend school regularly perform better academically, socially and emotionally. The educational process requires a continuous sequence of instruction. When broken by a period of absence, this instruction can never be fully regained by extra work. Additionally, consistent attendance adds to the creation of a vibrant and engaged school community. Students who actively participate in class discussions, group activities and school events not only benefit academically but also contribute to our overall positive atmosphere. Our time with your child is precious and we appreciate your support in valuing that instructional time with them.
The Response to Intervention process or Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) aims to support the whole child through academics, behavior, social-emotional and attendance. In support of improving attendance for all students, we have aligned our interventions to the MTSS process.
Tips for Families:
- Encourage your child to maintain a consistent sleep schedule to ensure they are well-rested and ready for the day.
- Communicate with your child about the importance of attending school.
- Work with teachers and school staff to address any concerns or challenges that may be affecting your child's attendance.
As we reach the midpoint of our school year, I want to share the importance of our upcoming mid-year assessments and how they help us support your child’s learning journey. These assessments allow our teachers and staff to analyze student progress in key areas such as English Language Arts (ELA) and math. By reviewing this data, we can:
- Identify Growth Areas – Understand where students have made progress and where additional support may be needed.
- Provide Targeted Support – Determine which students may benefit from intervention supports to strengthen foundational skills.
- Adjust Instruction – Tailor lesson plans and teaching strategies to better meet the needs of each student.
- Ensure Readiness for the Second Half of the Year – Help all students stay on track and build confidence as they continue learning.
Mid-year assessments are not graded tests but rather a tool to guide instruction and ensure that every child receives the support they need to succeed. I appreciate your partnership in your child’s education and look forward to a strong second half of the school year together!
We are all partners in creating a school environment where every student is present, engaged and ready to learn. Thank you for your continued support in fostering a positive climate and culture!
In partnership,
Jennifer DeWitz
Address: 210 Colebrook Dr.
Principal: Jennifer DeWitz | Jennifer_DeWitz@westiron.monroe.edu
Main office: 585-336-1600
Fax: 585-336-0866
Secretary: Melanie Maloney | Melanie_Maloney@westiron.monroe.edu
Website: Click here
Health Office: 585-336-1608
· Nurse: Sue Johnston
Transportation: 585-336-2992 | Web page
District Office: 585-342-5500 | District website: westirondequoit.org
Social media
- Facebook: @WestIrondequoitCSD
- Instagram: @west.irondequoit.csd
- X/Twitter: @WestIrondequoit
- 2/2 - Polar Plunge (consider donating to our Icy Eagles team)
- 2/14- Carnival- During school day
- 2/17-2/21- NO SCHOOL- Winter Recess
- 3/5- Kindergarten Orientation 7pm- for incoming kindergartners
- 3/26- Open House 6:30-7:30pm
- 4/11- Half-Day-Dismiss at 11:30- Parent-Teacher conference day
- 4/14-4/18- NO SCHOOL- Spring Recess
Link to full Colebrook calendar
Link to 2024-25 District calendar
Parents/guardians: Please note that all students will go outdoors for recess as long as the temperature and wind-chill are 20 degrees or warmer. Students will need to wear hats, mittens or gloves, boots and snow pants to play in the snow. Students lacking proper clothing will still go outdoors but will remain on the sidewalk with limited play. Please remember to send appropriate outside play clothing in everyday! . Let us know if you need any help with cold weather clothing.
Curriculum & Instruction
Artificial Intelligence in our schools
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming an integral part of our daily lives, and it's essential for our children to understand and use it responsibly. At West Irondequoit, we are committed to building AI capacity among our staff while shaping guidance for its use in our schools.
What is AI? AI is technology that can perform tasks such as:
Recognizing patterns
Making predictions
Creating content
The most recent significant shift in AI includes the advent of generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Microsoft Co-Pilot and Gemini.
West Irondequoit's Progress with AI
During the 2023-2024 school year, the Technology Advisory Committee began developing capacity around AI to lay the foundation for the 2024-2025 school year. Additionally, teachers piloted an educational AI tool, MagicSchool AI and recommended its adoption for the 2024-2025 school year. Professional learning by staff around AI and MagicSchool was also offered during our Superintendent’s Conference Day last fall.
Our Next Steps
The Technology Advisory Committee is drafting an AI guidance document to continue driving our AI initiatives. The document will guide additional professional learning for staff and help integrate AI into student learning. A cornerstone of this effort is teaching how to use AI responsibly and understanding how it works, in alignment with the NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards.
Learn more about PASSN
What is PASSN? It stands for Parent Advocates for Student Service Network and is a sub-committee of PTSA. It's made up of district parent advocates of students who receive support through West Irondequoit Student Services. What to expect from PASSN meetings in 2025:
Q&A for CSE preparation (with WICSD Student Services Directors, Amy Donk and Joanna Rowe)
- Self-direction for students
- Self-care and stress relief for parents/caregivers
- Transition teams for students moving up in the district or graduating
- Bullying (joined by counselors from the district)
- Supporting neurotypical siblings
- Preventing parent/caregiver burnout
- Embracing and celebrating our individual students
- Sensory input/output techniques (with a greater community professional)
- General coping and communication strategies
Please reach out to Hailey Austin with any questions or for further information at haileyzcomet93@gmail.com.
Our district held a Public Hearing on Jan. 23rd regarding a Veterans’ Tax Exemption (VTE), which could impact school property taxes of local veterans, among others, and non-veterans. The VTE would reduce the assessed value of a qualifying individual’s private, primary residence before the tax rate is applied. A veteran, spouse of the veteran, or the unmarried surviving spouse of a veteran may apply for the exemption. If adopted by the WICSD, the VTE would mean a school property tax increase for non-exempt residents due to the shifted tax distribution. Based on current assessment and exemption data from the Town Assessor’s office, the estimated financial impact would be a shift of $803,964 of the tax levy from exempted properties to non-exempt. To compensate, the tax rate would increase by 8.6 cents/$1,000 assessed property value. For example, a property valued at $200,000 would pay $17.38 more in taxes (per year).
Our Board must make a decision before March 1, 2025. Learn more:
Public hearing video/presentation
Submit feedback: Email public_info@westiron.monroe.edu
Ms. Xie teaches Second Grade about the Lunar New Year!
Kindergarten Art Class
Learning in 1st grade class
Grade 2 Happenings
Do you:
Have a new cell/work phone number or email?
Switched phone carriers recently?
Need to update your emergency contacts?
Please keep us informed of any changes to numbers or emergency contact info. Update it directly in the Infinite Campus Portal or send a note with your child.
Our system does NOT default if you have just one field filled (Home/Work/Mobile). Best practice: Whatever number you receive calls on, put that in the HOME field; for text messages, put that number in the MOBILE field even if the same number.
If your mobile number is not in the correct field, you will not receive text messages from our school/district for emergencies (such as school closings in winter months).