SGE Family Newsletter
Summer Edition!
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Looking Ahead...
August 14 - First Day of School for the 2024-2025 School Year
Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Click Here for Student Registration!
Please, PLEASE help us staff Shady Grove appropriately for the upcoming year by completing your 2024-2025 registration NOW! Early registrations will help us determine when additional teachers need to be hired and since we're in a national teacher shortage, SGE wants as much time to hire quality candidates as possible. Registration information can be found here!
If your student is not planning to return to SGE for the 2024-2025 school year, please contact the registrar, Skeeter DeLeon, at sdeleon@burnetcisd.net or by phone at 512.756.2126.
Thank you for your help!
Summer Meals!
As the school year ends and summer begins, we'd like to share some information regarding summer meals for all children ages 18 and under. There will be several locations serving meals:
RJ Richey Elementary Cafeteria
500 E Graves St, Burnet, TX 78611
June 4 - July 31
Monday - Friday
Breakfast: 8:00a - 8:30a
Lunch: 11:30a - 12:00p
*Child must be present and eat the meal onsite
**No meals served the week of July 1-5
Boys and Girls Club
709 Northington St, Burnet, TX 78611
June 4 - July 31
Monday - Friday
Breakfast: 9:00a - 9:30a
Lunch: 11:30a -12:00p
*Child must be present and eat the meal onsite
**No meals served the week of July 1-5
Burnet High School - Athletic Field House
1000 The Green Mile, Burnet, TX 76811
June 4 - July 31
Monday - Thursday
Breakfast: 9:15a - 9:45a
Lunch: 11:45a -12:15p
*Child must be present and eat the meal onsite
**No meals served the week of July 1-5
We are also excited to introduce a meal bundle option that includes 5 breakfasts and 5 lunch meals at a convenient one-day pick up. Guardians may choose to pick up meals without a child present if there is proof of guardianship. This includes documentation such as a student report card, attendance record, student id, or birth certificate. Documentation will only be required at the first pick up, after which a summer meal card will be issued. The summer meal card will be required at future meal pick up times. No documentation is required if the child is present. Only one meal bundle per child per week is allowed. Meal bundles may be picked up at the following locations:
Bertram Library
170 Gabriel St, Bertram, TX, 78605
Meal Bundle Pick Up
June 5 - July 31
12:00p - 1:00p
*No pick up the week of July 1-5
Hoover Valley
Location to be determined
Meal Bundle Pick Up
12:00p - 1:00p
*No pick up the week of July 1-5
All locations and times are subject to change. You may view the Department of Food Service Webpage for any changes over the summer: https://www.burnetcisd.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=460110&type=d&pREC_ID=1007480
You may view other locations across the state of Texas by going here: www.summerfood.org
Locations will only appear during dates in which there is a meal service. For locations in Burnet, please select 6/4/2024 or a later date.
Yearbooks! Yearbooks! Get your Yearbooks!
Available only while supplies last! The store will close on May 31, 2024.
Herman Brown Free Library Summer Reading Program
Keep your students reading over the summer!! Registration for the Herman Brown Free Library summer reading program opens June 1, 2024! Click here to visit the Herman Brown Free Library website.
Scholastic's Free Summer Reading Challenge!
Scholastic has a FREE summer reading challenge! To read more on how you can help your child over the summer, click here!
Leader of the Pack
Our final Leader of the Pack for the 2023-2024 is Miss Payton! She was in the hallway as a PreK class was entering the building. She demonstrated leadership when she took initiative to help the students stay caught up with their class! Way to look after the little ones!
Academics + Character = Success
SGE Attendance Tracking
SGE's ADA for this past week was 93.69%! Above you'll see SGE's attendance averages for the entire year. We were really close to 98% a few times, and we'll working to meet that goal. Attendance counts!
(ADA stands for Average Daily Attendance and is defined as the total days of student attendance divided by the total days of instruction. "98 IS Great!", so 98% is our goal!)
Check Out the Burnet Sports Camps!
Viewing Report Cards and Progress Reports
An important piece in the family-school partnership is staying aware of student performance. It is requested that parents view and electronically sign progress reports and report cards. See the directions below, and be sure to get those signatures in! In addition, parents are encouraged to regularly view grades in Skyward.
Notification of Student Absence
A parent must provide an explanation for any absence within 5 days of the student’s arrival or return to school. The student must submit a note signed by the parent. The campus may accept an email from the parent sent to the school’s attendance clerk, but reserves the right to require a written note. The form below will send an email to SGE's Attendance Clerk and then the campus will determine whether to classify the absence as excused or unexcused.
This information may also be found on the BCISD website:
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for pictures from behind the scenes at SGE! "Shady Grove Elementary School - BCISD"
How do I request a change in transportation?
Submit an email on the same day as the transportation change request by 1:30 p.m. to sge-transportation@burnetcisd.net
Include the following details in the email:
- Student’s full name
- Student’s grade level
- Student’s homeroom teacher
- The transportation change you want made for today (bus rider to car rider or car rider to bus rider)
Requests made after 1:30pm will not be processed. Notes, phone calls, text messages and emails sent to any other email will not be processed.
Shady Grove Elementary School
7:15am Office Opens
7:40am School Begins
7:45am Tardy Bell
9:00am Students not in attendance are marked absent
1:30pm Transportation changes due, please email: sge-transportation@burnetcisd.net
3:20pm Student Dismissal
4:00pm Office/School Closes
Email: sge-transportation@burnetcisd.net
Website: sge.burnetcisd.net/
Location: 111 Shady Grove Road, Burnet, TX, USA
Phone: (512) 756-2126
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShadyGroveBurnet