Davis Elementary
E-news 1/10/25

Important Updates
Thank you PTO for the Sunshine!!
The Hot Cocoa Stand was a perfect warm-up today! Your encouragement and support mean so much to our staff and definitely brought Sunshine to this Snowy Day!!
Student Handbook
As a reminder, the Elementary Handbook is only available online - families do not receive a paper copy. Please review and refer to it regularly so you are familiar with school procedures and policies. Thank you for your support.
🧑🏻🤝🧑🏻👭 Welcome to Winter!! 🧑🏻🤝🧑🏻👭
First Grade Service Project
First grade wrapped up their second reading unit just before Winter Break. The Big Idea was “What makes a community?” One of the essential questions was “How do people help out in their community?” All first grade monolingual students made a placement for the residents at the Holmstad Retirement Community. Students learned about how to set the table and completed a directed drawing to decorate their plate. These were delivered to the Holmstad on Friday December 20th. The residents loved them!
Students stay active in Phys. Ed. with multiple stations of activities around the gym.
Watch DOGS Needed Friday Afternoons
- Dads/male guardians/grandpas/uncles/adult brothers etc. - this is your opportunity to interact with and provide positive male role models for Davis students.
- We need 4 volunteers every Friday from 11:15-1:25.
- Please click HERE for more information and to signup.
5th Grade Updates
5th Grade parents, please check your student’s backpack on Monday, January 13th for an important letter regarding Middle School Explore Course Choices. These choices will be available for viewing, beginning on Monday, at http://thompson.d303.org. The Course Selection Form needs to be completed and returned to school by Monday, January 27th.
News from the Nurse
Parent volunteers requested for Mobile Dentist
Parents, if you could spare an hour or 2 to assist the Mobile Dentist and Nurse at Davis (Feb 3) please email the Nurse:
Davis - Peggy Faught peggy.faught@d303.org
Mobile Dentist at Davis
Davis families,
Illinois state law requires that all children entering kindergarten, second grade, and sixth grade will have an oral health examination. A licensed dentist must perform the dental exam and he/she shall sign and date the report form. Dental offices usually have the form, but the dental exam form can be obtained by clicking here or by contacting your child’s school and requesting a dental exam form or by visiting d303.org website under departments, then Health Services. This exam must be within 18 months of May 15, 2025.
In an effort to assist you in completing this oral health exam for your child, the Mobile Dentist will be on site at Davis on Monday, Feb. 3rd -provided we have enough students for the Mobile Dentist to come. Please consider taking this opportunity of in-school care at little to no cost to you.
- The Mobile Dentist accepts Medicaid and private insurance.
- Self-pay by cash or check for $70 is also available for those without insurance coverage.
- Services provided are cleaning, screening, sealants, and flouride.
- Forms will be sent home and must be completed and signed by parent or guardian. Extra forms are available in the health office or you can click below to download a copy.
- Please return the forms ASAP.
- Sign-up can also be completed online by clicking here: My School Dentist
If you have any questions, please contact your school’s health office:
Davis Primary - Peggy Faught, RNC (phone: 331 228-2204)
Cold and flu season is upon us! Recently, the nurses at Davis Elementary School have been caring for a number of students experiencing fevers and other cold-like symptoms. We are also aware that some students are absent from school because they have been diagnosed with the flu and other influenza-like symptoms. During the months of October through April, each school in District 303 tracks influenza activity in cooperation with the Kane County Health Department. We consult with their staff to determine whether influenza activity in a school warrants additional follow up, and at this time, there are no additional interventions needed. Preventative measures remain the most effective way to reduce the spread of influenza.
Students who present to the Health Office with a fever or are feeling poorly are sent home. To prevent widespread flu in the school, we recommend that your child stay home from school if experiencing flu or cold symptoms. To decide whether or not to send your child to school, please consider the following guidelines:
Consider keeping your child at home for an extra day of rest and observation if he or she has any of the following symptoms:
Very stuffy or runny nose and/or persistent cough
Mild sore throat (no fever, no known exposure to strep)
Mild stomach ache
Definitely keep your child at home for treatment and observation if he or she has any of these symptoms:
Fever (greater than 100 degrees)
Vomiting (even once)
Diarrhea (even once)
General malaise or feelings of fatigue
Frequent congested, croupy (barky) cough or if it is productive
Nasal congestion with frequent blowing of nose
To help prevent the flu and other colds, teach your children good hygiene habits:
Wash hands frequently
Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth
Blow your nose often
Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, use a paper tissue, throw it away and then wash hands
Avoid close contact with people who are ill
Colds are the most contagious during the first 48 hours. A child who has a fever should remain at home until "fever free" for a minimum of 24 hours without medication. A child who has started antibiotics needs to be on medication for 24 hours before being considered non-contagious and able to return to school. Keeping your ill child at home will minimize the spread of infections and viruses in the classroom.
** If your child has not fully recovered or hasn’t remained home for the recommended length of time, parents may be called and asked to take the child home.
Thank you in advance for helping make this year at school as healthy as possible.
Nurse Peggy (peggy.faught@d303.org, 331-228-2204)
After-School Soccer Clinic
K-5 Free Soccer Clinic held after school at Davis, held by St Charles East High School Soccer.
Grades K-2 is Monday, February 10th from 3:30-4:30PM
Grades 3-5 is Wednesday, February 12th from 3:30-4:30PM
Please sign up HERE.
If you have multiple kids wanting to sign up, please fill out the form for each student.
Please bring clothes to potentially go outside. If the weather is nice enough we will go outside. Cleats and shin guards are not required. Gym shoes and athletic attire are preferred.
*** We are capping each session at 40 total kids per session due to safety concern
New Plant-Based School Lunch Choices
Starting in January, Organic Life Food Service will be offering Plant-Based entrees alongside the traditional lunch entrees. This includes Meatballs, Chicken Nuggets, Burgers, Chicken Tenders and Chicken Patties.
For example, on the days that we are offering a traditional Chicken Patty Sandwich, option "E" will be a Plant-Based Chicken Patty Sandwich for students to choose if they would like. Please click HERE to view school menus and review upcoming choices with your children.
Mark Your Calendars
Click HERE for Davis Google Calendar
16th, Thursday - 7:00 pm PTO Meeting in Davis LRC
17th, Friday - 9:30 am Q&A with PTO Board at Maple Leaf Coffee
20th, Monday - Martin Luther King Jr Holiday - No School
22nd, Wednesday - Fundraiser all day at Panera (2871 East Main St.)
23rd, Thursday - 6:00-7:30pm St Charles Library Night
27th, Monday - Kindergarten Online Registration opens
27th, Monday - 5th Grade Choir Concert at Wredling Middle School
28th, Tuesday - 6:30 pm BPAC Meeting at Davis
29th, Wednesday - 2:35 pm Early Dismissal
3rd, Monday - Mobile Dentist at Davis
10th, Monday - Soccer Clinic Grades K-2
12th, Wednesday - Soccer Clinic Grades 3-5
13th, Thursday - Dance Fit Challenge (held during school day)
14th, Friday - Classroom Valentine Parties
17th, Monday - President’s Day Holiday - No School
18th, Tuesday - School Improvement Day - No School for Students
20th, Thursday - 7:00 PTO Meeting in Davis LRC
25th, Tuesday - 6:30pm BPAC in Davis Community Room
26th, Wednesday - 2:35pm Early Dismissal
PTO News
District News
Davis Elementary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: https://davis.d303.org/
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavisElementaryD303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303
Community Information
Wredling Middle School invites families to submit ideas for our first STEM Night on Tuesday, April 22nd from 5:30 till 7pm at Wredling Middle School.
Parents - and students - if you have an idea to suggest, please submit it HERE.