The Weekly Update #4
February 27th, 2024

Amazing Falcon Students and Families,
It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." ~ W. Edwards Deming~
When you think of Nike, you inevitably connect it to the slogan "Just Do It," which conjures up champions like Serena Williams, Rafael Nadal, LeBron James, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, just to name of few. The slogan is so simple yet so impactful that it is synonymous with champions. The question that begs to be asked is, "What is it that these champions do and how did they know to do it?"
As Deming's quote states: "It is not enough to do your best, you must know what to do, then do your best." I often hear students say, "I have done my best." What does that mean when you say that statement? Did you know what needed to be done? Did you know what was expected of you? If you wanted an A in class, did you know what the class required for the grade of A? It requires knowing what is expected to reach the end goal; in school, this means the highest grade possible, and then do the work that is needed to reach that end goal.
Students, as you evaluate the grades that you will be receiving, I challenge you to know what it is you need to do in order to do your BEST for each class moving forward. Know that while your teachers will vary, it will require sacrifice on your part, practicing what you have learned, willing to receive feedback from your teachers and learning to never give up. In the end, if you do all of this, your BEST will always shine.
Falcon Scholars
Students and families, as we strive to do our best let's encourage students to attend Falcon Scholars after school tutoring Monday through Thursday each week day from 3:20-5:20pm in the cafeteria to ensure their academic success.
Saturday Academy
Saturday Academy will be most Saturday's from 8:00AM-12:00PM. Please access Hilltop Middle School Google Calendar and view information below for all Saturday dates to work on assignments and to clear tardies.
Labor Day Holiday Sept. 2, 2024 - No School Classes
Falcons, Monday, Sept. 2, 2024 is a Labor Day Holiday. School classes will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024. View Important Dates to Remember on school website.
First Progress Report is September 6, 2024
The first progress report is fast approaching. Students, if you are doing well in your classes, then continue what you are doing. If you are NOT doing well in one of your classes, now is a good time to catch up. Falcon Scholars is open as a homework center starting tomorrow after school. Make sure that you do not wait until the last minute to make up any missing work. If you are not doing well academically, please attend Falcon Scholars to catch up and also attend Saturday Academy.
California Ed Code on Student Achievement (Ed Code 49066)
In short, teachers are the issuers of grades for their students. Admin cannot compel teachers to give certain grades or change grades unless it fits the descriptors outlined in Ed Code. Ed Code 49066 states, "When grades are given for any course of instruction taught in a school district, the grade given to each pupil shall be the grade determined by the teacher of the course and the determination of the pupil’s grade by the teacher, in the absence of clerical or mechanical mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency." This is why students must talk to their teachers about their grades. Counselors and admin can help students with how to have conversations with their teachers.
Jupiter Grades Access
Falcon Families if you have not accessed your child's grades on Jupiter, now is the time to start checking up on them. If you do not know how, please email on of your child's teachers as they will be able to give you a temporary password. You can set Jupiter Grades to give you weekly notification if you want to. If you need help, please contact Ms. Garcia at claudia.garcia3@sweetwaterschools.org or Mr. Zaragoza at adrian.zaragoza@sweetwaterschools.org.
Student Corner
Falcon Students click on this link to view and answer Ms. Mallari's Question of the Week.
Upcoming Events:
Fall Sports Parent Meeting Sept. 3, 2024 @ 6PM
Families of students who have made the Falcon Flight Baseball, Softball, and Basketball teams, please plan to attend an informative Fall Sports Parent Meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024 @ 6PM in the Cafeteria. HTM Spirit Gear to support student atheletes will be available for purchase. Only cash will be accepted for purchases.
Falcon Athletic Games Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024
Please scroll down to view all of Saturday Game times and locations for baseball, softball, basketball and cross country. Information can also be viewed on the Hilltop Middle School website Calendar: https://htm.sweetwaterschools.org/calendar/. All SUHSD Middle School students are able to participate in cross country meets. Students may sign up day of event.
Fall 2024 Academic Celebration on September 12, 2024 @ 6PM
Eighth grade families, we will be honoring all students who received at 3.5 GPA in scholarship or higher on Thursday, September 12, 2024 @ 6PM. Families of students who will receive an award will receive an invitation via email. We look forward to seeing you all recognize our outstanding Falcons!
Credit Recovery Sept. 23- Oct. 11, 2024
Falcon Students and Families please see Credit Recovery information below to make up needed credits for promotion.
Finally, please read all the important information regarding HTM provided in newsletter. Please be sure to also read all the information on the images provided so that you know as much information as possible.
Let's make this a great week Falcons!
Ms. Galvez-Mallari
This is not district sponsored/funded event. There is a cost for trip.
See flyer registration information.
Hilltop Middle School Fall Credit Recovery
September 23rd-October 11th
Credit Recovery are classes offered to students who failed (received an “F” grade) a class and need to take it over again for credit. Students must pass all four semesters of their five core classes in order to participate in the 8th grade promotion activities. The following courses will be offered during Fall Credit Recovery.
PE 7 with Ms. Pulido
Integrated Math 7 with Mr. Chaidez
World Cultures with Mr. Horton
Counselors have met with all students who need Credit Recovery and given them the Credit Recovery Contract and the schedule for the specific Credit Recovery course needed. Please check with your student regarding those documents. If you have any questions please communicate with your student’s counselor.
Wellness Wednesday Movement: Every Wednesday, we send out a Wellness Wednesday Message to boost student morale. It includes a self-care tip, a kindness challenge and a positive statement to create a positive mindset. We also like to wear bright colors or shirts with positive sayings on Wednesdays too! Keep the tradition alive by supporting this Wellness Wednesday movement. All of our messages can be seen in our counseling center google classroom. All students have been invited to join.
General Information
- Morning Program from 6:30am to 8:05am
- After School Program from end of school day to 6:07pm
- Program Requires enrollment to Falcon Flight
Students interested in HTM Falcon Flight Cheerleading please see Coach Natalie about tryout practice.
Students must be enrolled in Falcon Flight and adhere to guidelines
Or visit https://sites.google.com/sweetwaterschools.net/falcon-flight/home
Fall Sports Parent Meeting on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 @ 6PM.
Parents, if your child has made it on Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Baseball, or Softball team, please join us for a strongly encouraged meeting on Tuesday at 6:00pm. The meeting will be held in the school cafeteria. You will meet the Falcon Flight staff and will also hear the school district and CIF expectations for being a student athlete. This is to ensure that everyone is on the same page for each game day and every practice session.Schedule A is a Regular Bell Schedule for Tuesday - Thursday, Sept. 3-5, 2024.
It is our collective expectation that everyone on campus will uphold the cell phone use policy as outlined in the district's board policy as well as in our handbook:
- Upon entry, all cell phones must be turned off and placed in the backpack.
- If a staff member directs a student to put it away, please listen and put cellphone in backpack.
- Cell phones are not allowed in the bathroom. If students are caught with cellphone in the bathroom, the phone will be taken immediately and must be picked up by the parents. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- If a staff member takes a cell phone away, they will give it back to student at the end of each period UNLESS it warrants being taken to the main office.
Gina Galvez-Mallari, Principal
Email: gina.galvez-mallari@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: htm.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 44 East J Street, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: 619.498.2700