Meadows Message
Greetings Meadows Families! Please read below for this week's update.
I have continued to receive a large amount of complaints from neighbors in and around our community regarding morning and afternoon traffic. I understand that our neighbors have chosen to live near our school and that there are both pros and cons to living near Madison Meadows; however, we want to be good community members and be mindful of the school neighborhood.
I urge you to spend 5 minutes reading the email below so we can take steps toward improving student safety and being mindful of our neighbors.
Below are the guidelines I need you to follow in the morning:
Students should NOT be dropped off before 8:10 am when we have scheduled supervision.
If you arrive before 8:10 am, please have students wait in the car with you. If you arrive before 3:40 pm in the afternoon, please have your younger students wait in the car with you.
In the 3rd Avenue lot, please note that spots in the northwest corner of the lot need to be reserved for staff.
Depending on your timing with drop off or pick up, you’ve probably seen the traffic build-up. Below I have copied from the City of Phoenix municipal code Sec. 36-134: Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places which are related to the issues we have seen.
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with law or the directions of a police officer or traffic control device, in any of the following places:
In front of a public or private driveway or the entrance to an alley.
Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection.
No person shall park a vehicle so as to force a pedestrian to walk in the traveled portion of the roadway. (Code 1962, § 37-50.03; Ord. No. G-1554, § 1; Ord. No. G-1851, § 1; Ord. No. G-7005, § 1, 2022)
You can find the full list by following the link below:
I do believe that a few things will help alleviate traffic congestion:
Drivers should follow the directional map below and enter the Church lot off of McLellan ONLY and exit using Ocotillo ONLY, that should allow student walkers and bikers to stick to the side when approaching Central and should limit the blocking of all driveways on both streets. Students should ONLY be dropped off in the Celebrations Church parking lot and not on any street.
Consider carpooling whenever possible. There are some great community pages on different social media platforms where you might be able to network.
The weather is about to turn! If you live close, biking to/from school is a great option for your student.
Bingo Night
Calling all Meadows families! Come join us for our annual BINGO night, which is a family friendly event for students, parents/guardians, and siblings. Doors open at 5:30 pm! This year’s theme is outer space so feel free to dress up (or not) and come enjoy the fun. Pizza, drinks, and Scoopwell's Cookie Dough can be purchased at the event, and lots of fun prizes will be given away to the winners. Raffle tickets will be sold at the door and prizes are pretty epic this year and include Diamondbacks tickets, a dine out package, a photofacial and spa package, a pop shot basketball arcade game, a night at the movies bundle, and more!
End of Quarter 1
We have 8 days left of the first quarter and we know everyone is hyper aware of grades in PowerSchool. If your student has a concern, the first step should be to log into PowerSchool and click on the details of the assignment and/or comments to see what information has been posted. Next, students should have a conversation with their teacher in class or via email if they still have questions. If there are further concerns after students have reached out themselves, then parents should contact the teacher directly. Our goal is to develop self-advocacy and communication skills in our students.
Books for Africa
Book Donation Requirements are:
- Children's Books
- Books that are 15 years old or newer
- Dictionaries or Reference books, Medical, Nursing, Technical, and Science books published in the last 10 years
The Week Ahead
For Athletics Schedule - Check Sports App
Books for Africa Book Drive (all week)
Chess Club @ 2:15 pm
BINGO Night @ 5:30 pm
Ramazon for students @ lunch