The Mustang Minute
May 24, 2024- Issue 33
Remembering Our Veterans
While this is the traditional start of summer it is also Memorial Day, when we remember those that served our country and made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us, you are not forgotten. Thank you to all of those that have or continue to serve our country.
Grade 6 Field Day
The PTO is doing a sign up for water and volunteers for the grade 6 field day on June 17th. Sign Up Genius is linked below!
Yearbooks On Sale!
We're excited to announce that the Coakley Middle School 2024 Yearbook is available for sale! This year's yearbook is a Full Color Soft Cover bound and available for delivery after 6/12/2024. The cost of books this year is $18.00. You can purchase your yearbook anytime before 5/31/2024.
Please consider purchasing and donating an extra yearbook for an 8th grade student who is unable to purchase their own. This donation would be greatly appreciated!
Moving Districts?
Any students (6-8) transferring to another school district, attending a private school or another high school other than Norwood High, please make sure to contact your child's guidance counselor before the end of the year. Attached to this newsletter is the release form that must be filled out in order to ensure that your child's new school receives the pertinent school information (Transcripts, attendance, testing results, health record, discipline, etc.).
Ashley McCaffrey (Gold Team) - amccaffrey@norwood.k12.ma.us
Jenn Tucker (Blue Team) - jtucker@norwood.k12.ma.us
Allyson King (Green Team) - acking@norwood.k12.ma.us
No School and Early Release Days
May 27th - No School Memorial Day
June 19th - No School Juneteenth
June 21st - Early Release: Last Day of School
Grade 8 Events
Washington DC: May 28-31st
Grade 8 Dance: June 7th
Grade 8 Promotion: June 14th
Canobie Lake Park: June 17th
Grade 8 Promotion
This year's Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony will be held on the Little League Filed behind the Coakley. To maximize room for families we will have three ceremonies, one per team. The schedule is below. The awards broadcast will be the evening before on NCM. More details to come!
Gold Team: 9:30AM
Blue Team: 11:00AM
Green Team: 1:15PM
The PTO Needs You!
Coakley PTO
The PTO is a parent/teacher organization that helps fund a variety of activities at CMS from assemblies, to field trips, to classroom projects and more. We would love for everyone to be a part of the PTO!
New Treasurer needed for the 2024-2025 School Year. If interested, please email coakleynorwoodPTO@gmail.com . We would have you start in May of 2024 to work with the current treasurer and transition to the new year.
PTO meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm both virtually and in person. The dates are listed below a link to the meeting online is sent out the day of the meeting.
Next Meeting: June 18th
Notes from May 21st Meeting
Guests in attendance/contact info
Margo Fraczek, CMS Principal, mfraczek@norwood.k12.ma.us
Principal Update
Request for funding for literary luncheon ($300) *Need to vote (back up in case Roche Brothers doesn’t come through)
Wegman’s donated gift card
Reaching out to Roche Brothers about donating platters
Request for funding for grade 8 t shirts ($2000) *Need to vote
$300 being covered (total cost was $2300) from 8th grade fundraisers
This is the only request so far for 8th grade from PTO
Update on Grade 8 events
Raised $4000+
$2000 towards Canobie Lake
Rest of money for t shirts, dance (will be expensive: $1200-$1500- ice cream, DJ, etc…- donations coming in too from parents for food/decor), Launch overage, Promotion ceremony (couple hundred)
Grade 6 Field Day (water &volunteers)
Sign up genius (Sam will make): 8 am - 9 am set up slots, 11 am - 12 pm clean up slots, 20 cases water, June 17th, rain date June 18th
Potential “Mathematics” presentation for Fall 2024
Motivational speaker (whole school)
Split cost?
Don’t need to vote yet
Treasurer’s Update-
Incoming money (fundraising)
PTO Dues - $0
Dine Outs (Fuego) - $162
Box Tops - $0
8th Grade Dance donations - $105
Raffle 8th Grade - about $2300
Yard signs/donuts - $1690
Custom Ink - $961.01
Cash Calendar - $450 I deposited
Outgoing money (budget requests/payments)
See below
PTO Funds
Bank Balance = $18,835.08
Outgoing = - $3010.50
Funds Available = $15,825
Board Member/PTO Member Updates
Cash calendar- change to March for next year? (March Madness)
Winner Wheel- wait until fall?, gift cards (Chipotle, Bubbling Brook, Limey’s)
Can we have parents subscribe to the school calendar so they get reminders for meetings?
Dr. Margo Fraczek
Email: mfraczek@norwood.k12.ma.us
Website: https://sites.google.com/norwood.k12.ma.us/cms-principal/home
Phone: 781-762-7880
Facebook: facebook.com/CoakleyMIddleSchoolPTO
Twitter: @mfraczek