Wrangler Weekly
Week of December 1, 2024
Message from Ms. Bratton, principal
Today was simply... AWESOME!
The weather, the kids having fun, the parents helping out and the faculty chipping in-- all celebrating this amazing community and the support we received with our campus fundraiser in September. Thank you to all who contributed to the fundraiser and a special thank you to parents who helped make this day fun for kids by volunteering their time. I appreciate you SO much!
The campus of SBMS smells amazing by the way thanks to all the delicious pies floating around and landing on teacher and staff desks thanks to PTA and our supportive community. We feel the love (and the stretch of a waistband)!
Wishing all of our Wranglers a beautiful Thanksgiving.
Go Wranglers & Go Rangers!
Mrs. Bratton
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Wrangler happenings this week!
Monday December 2
Tuesday December 3
Wednesday December 4
Girls BB vs BMS, 7th away, 8th home
Thursday December 5
Boys Soccer vs CHMS
Friday December 6
FCA Meeting
Saturday December 7
Boys Soccer tournament, ORMS
Wranglers of the Week!
Nominate here!
Active Duty Military Families - Federal Impact Aid Survey Available in Skyward
Under Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Comal ISD is eligible for Federal Impact Aid funds as the district enrolls students whose parents are active-duty military. In order to apply for these funds, the district must collect information from parents who may fall into this category.
The survey is available online to all parents as a tile in their Skyward Family Access. Please help us remind parents to fill out this form electronically. Below is the image of the tile, as it appears on the Skyward Dashboard.
Dance Team Tryout Clinics - Dec 16/Jan 27
Your SVHS Silver Spurs and Silverado dance teams are hosting two upcoming tryout clinics on Monday December 16th and January 27th. Your student can attend one or both dates. Click here to register.
UIL Academics
UIL Academics is in full swing, and we had a great turnout at the recent interest meeting. If your child missed it or you want to know more, please check out this site or reach out to Coach T. (david.tomasson@comalisd.org).
A Message from Nurse Keith
Please be aware of Comal ISD policy regarding fever, which requires that all students and staff be free of fever (100 degrees and above) for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medications, before returning to school. Thank you for working with us to help prevent the spread of illnesses at school.
Today was the annual PTA staff Thanksgiving pie give away. It is such a lovely tradition and warms our hearts to see the joy on teacher and Staff faces when they get to pick up their pie to take home for the holiday.
Thank you to all the families who donated pies and money to buy pies, you are amazing! Please know how much the staff appreciated it; they told us so.
We appreciate our sponsors so much!
You are awesome! Thanks for partnering with PTA this school year to support our SBMS community!
Thank you to our 2024 -2025 Silver Level Sponsor - TSM Digital Printing.
We appreciate our sponsors so much!
We so appreciate you for partnering with PTA this school year to support our SBMS community!
Thank you to our 2024 -2025 Silver Level Sponsor - Star State Plumbing
December 9: Boys BB vs NBMS, 7th away, 8th home
December 9: 8th grade parent meeting, SVHS 6pm
December 9: Beginner Band Concert, 6pm SBMS Gym
December 10: Advanced Band Concert, 6pm SBMS Gym
December 11: 8th grade to SVHS for Rising Rangers
December 11: Boys Soccer at SVMS
December 12: Girls BB semi-finals tournament
December 14: Girls BB championship tournament
December 16: Boys BB vs PRMS, 7th away, 8th home
December 16: SVHS Dance Team tryout clinic
December 17: Choir Concert, 6pm
December 17: HCCPHS Rising Falcons parent info night, 6pm
December 18: Orchestra Concert, 7pm SVHS Auditorium
Bulverde Christmas Tree Lighting - Nov 29
Hiring Bus Drivers
Spring Branch Middle School
Email: brandi.norton@comalisd.org
Website: sbms.comalisd.org
Location: 21053 Texas 46, Spring Branch, TX, USA
Phone: (830)885-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/CISDSpringBranchMS
Instagram: sbms_wranglers
Twitter: @SBMSWranglers