McCullough Family Update
May 27, 2024
Good Evening Mustang Families,
We hope that everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend! This week is a four day week for students. Please see the updates below...
Week of 5/27 Exploratory Schedule
- Monday, May 27th: No School-Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 28th: A Day
Wednesday, May 29th: B Day
Thursday, May 30th: A Day
Friday, May 31st: B Day
McCullough will be very busy this week!
- Each grade level will be hosting their End of the Year Award Celebrations in the auditorium. Families of students that are receiving an award have been notified.
- 6th Grade: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 from 10:00-11:00am in the McCullough Auditorium
- 7th Grade: Thursday, May 30th, 2024 from 10:00-11:00am in the McCullough Auditorium.
- 8th Grade: Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 from 10:00-11:30am in the McCullough Auditorium.
- McCullough's Night Under the Stars: The 8th Grade Formal, will be held this Wednesday, May 29th from 6:30pm-9:30pm at the Executive Banquet Center, located in Newark, DE. Only McCullough students with tickets & staff are permitted into the venue.
- McCullough's Fun Day is scheduled for Thursday, May 30th. This day will be fun day for students and staff! Students should wear sneakers and socks, bring water, and apply sunscreen. We will have quiet rooms available for students that do not want to participate. The presentation linked below will be shared with students on Wednesday & Thursday of this week. Parents can review this with their student as well.
- McCullough Fun Day Student Presentation (click link)
We will have our final drill of the year, a lockdown drill this week. Last week staff began to review with students what to do in the event of a lockdown drill. Please remind your student that this drill is practice, and that they should follow the directions of their teacher and take the drill seriously.
As a school community we will begin to collect student devices starting on May 30th. Please be sure that your student has the device that was assigned to them, so that it can be turned in and accounted for. Student chargers should be in your child's homeroom, but if they have a charger please be sure that the charger is also returned back to school. If your child's last day of school will be prior to May 30th, please be sure that they turn in their device before their last day.
Finally, our Wellness Center will be converting to summer hours. Please see the Wellness Center section below regarding the summer hours.
Let's have an amazing week as a school community and remember, Mustangs Run Together!
Mrs. Hyacinth Lewis, Principal
McCullough Wellness Center
As a reminder, our Wellness Center is open for enrollment! Enrolling your student into our Wellness Center will not replace your primary care doctor, but will be in addition to. The services are free and can be done during the school day (parents will not have to leave work).
Please complete the Nemours enrollment packet. Once your child is enrolled, we can call and schedule their appointment. Parents/guardians may be present for appointment, join via phone or video or have your student complete the visit on their own.
MC Wellness Center Summer Hours
- Following the last student day on June 5th the Wellness Center will be open on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday until June 30th.
- The Wellness Center will be closed during the month of July and will re-open on August 12th.
- During the summer families may call 302.512.7500 to schedule appointments.
Please use the button below to enroll in the McCullough Wellness Center (Hard copies of the enrollment form can also be found in the main office).
- 5/27/2024: No School - Memorial Day
- 5/28/2024: 6th Grade Award Ceremony in the Auditorium from 10:00am - 11:00am
- 5/29/2024: 8th Grade Award Ceremony in the Auditorium from 10:00am - 11:30am
- 5/29/2024: 8th Grade Formal at Executive Banquet Center from 6:30pm - 9:30pm
- 5/30/2024: 7th Grade Award Ceremony in the auditorium from 10:15am- 11:00am
- 5/30/2024: McCullough Fun Day (Rain Date is 5/31/2024)
- 5/30/2024: McCullough Begins to Collect Student Devices
- 6/3/2024: 8th Grade Class Trip to Hershey Park
- 6/3/2024: William Penn Graduation
- 6/4/2024: Last Student Full Day
- 6/5/2024: Last Student Half Day (Non Attendance Day)
- Breakfast & Lunch will not be served
Mustang Hideway Corner (McCullough's Library)
Library Information
Our library has gone through a complete overhaul over the last few years with upgrades, such as painting, new furniture and new books. Students are able to visit the library to check out books during period 2 on their classes designated day. We are continuing to look for books to add to our library that represent our diverse student population and their interests. If you are interested in knowing what books are in our library please use the link below...
We also encourage you to follow our new library Instagram page @mcculloughreads (click link) to see all the great things happening in our library.
McCullough Athletics
McCullough offers DIAA sports teams during the fall, winter, and spring seasons. Please visit our athletics website (click link) to learn more about the sports that we offer.
Sports Requirements & Physicals
Student athletes must maintain passing grades in all 4 year long classes (ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies).
2023-2024 DIAA Sports Physical Form (use this form if you are taking your child to their doctor for the physical.
McCullough Reminders
Grade level Administrators & Counselors(click names to send and email)
The names and contact emails for our grade level assistant principals, student advisor and school counselors are listed below. They are your go-to contacts for supporting your student. Our school phone number is 302-429-4000 and our secretaries are Ms. Moore & Ms. Butcher.
Principal: Hyacinth Lewis
6th Grade Admin: Sarah Bateman 6th Grade Counselor : Nichelle Artwell
7th Grade Admin: Aaron Lamb 7th Grade Counselor: Tonya Bailey-Smiley
8th Grade Admin: Nicole Sumner Grade Counselor: Kahlil Fitzpatrick
Follow us on Social Media
There are lots of amazing things going on at McCullough, so I encourage you to follow us on Facebook (click link) and on Instagram (click link) to see all of the wonderful things happening at school! Please review our weekly update that contains announcements and updates for families.
Hallway Transitions
Please continue to speak with your student regarding school rules and expectations. Grade level admin are continuing to complete hall sweeps during transitions. Please speak with your student about transitioning themselves directly from class to class. Students should arrive to class on time and come to class with all materials needed to learn.
Student Lockers
In order to ensure the safety of our students and their belongings, all lockers that are unsecured (do not have a lock) will be secured. If students wish to be able to use a locker at school, they must present a lock to their homeroom teacher to be assigned a locker. We plan to have combination locks available for sale in the main office for $1.00 dollar. Students may bring in their own lock from home if they would like to.
Social Media Challenges
We want you to be aware that students of all ages are being influenced to participate in numerous “social media challenges” some of which pose significant health risks up to and including hospitalization. We encourage you to discuss these challenges with your children and discourage them from engaging in risky behaviors.
After School Activities
After school activities such as clubs and sports have started at McCullough. Please know that we conclude after school activities at 4:30pm. Students may be picked up or they can take the after school bus (if they are a bus rider). Please be patient with after school buses; if they are late arriving to McCullough your student may be delayed with getting home. If you are picking up your student please arrive promptly at 4:30pm.
Student Arrival & Car Rider Line
As a reminder, our doors open at 7:55 AM for students, advisory meetings in homeroom will begin at 8:15am and students are considered late if they arrive after 8:20am. All walkers and car riders will enter the building through the front door and buses will still drop off and pick up in the rear of the building. In order to ensure that we have safe arrival and dismissal we are asking that parents dropping off students be sure to...
- Pull up in single line along the curb
- Pull your car up as far as you can
- Be sure that your student is ready to promptly exit your vehicle in order to keep the line moving (arrival only)
Student Expectation Reminders
Please discuss with your student the importance of adhering to our school expectations....
Please reinforce the importance of respect & the boundaries for students.
Please continue to remind your student regarding cell phone expectations (click link).
Please review the student code of conduct (click link) & discuss appropriate dress with your student(s). Such as...
Hats & hoods should be off in the building
Midriffs should be covered
Ski masks should not be worn in the building
COVID 19 Guidance
As we approach cold/flu season please be sure to monitor your student for signs that indicate that they are ill. If your child is not feeling well they should not attend school. Colonial School District is continuing to monitor the increased reports of COVID-19 cases nationally. Students and families should refer to Delaware Department of Education’s Isolation and Exposure Guidance for K – 12 School Settings for guidance on testing positive for or exposure to COVID-19. This document will provide information on when you should return to school following a positive test and what to do following exposure.
Families who have any further questions should consult with their primary care provider for specific medical guidance. Your school nurse continues to be available to support your student’s medical needs at school.
Winners After School Program
The Winners After School Program will be held at McCullough for the 2023-2024 school year. The program is scheduled to run from 3:15pm to 6:00pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays when school is open from October 3, 2023 through May 23, 2024. While in the program students may participate in tutoring, mentoring, homework help, academic enrichment, music, arts, sports, cultural activities, and community service opportunities. Participating students will have the option to ride the 4:30pm after school bus home or will be picked up by parent/guardian/designee anytime after 4:30pm. If you are interested in having your child participate in the Winners Program please use the link below to register your child.
Please be advised that students may not participate in the program until they are registered. Space for the program is limited so we encourage families to complete the form as soon as possible.
McCullough Middle School
Website: https://www.colonialschooldistrict.org/mccullough/
Location: 20 Chase Avenue, New Castle, DE, USA
Phone: 3024294000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/McculloughCSD