Gage County Extension
September 2024
Welcome to the Gage County Extension Team!!
Gage County Extension wants to welcome our new Food & Nutrition Educator, Carly Applegarth.
Carly is excited & ready to help with everyone's Food & Nutrition questions and concerns.
Please contact Carly at 402-223-1384 or email her at chillburn2@unl.edu for all your Food & Nutrition needs!
Are you headed to Husker Harvest Days?
Come check out the Nebraska Extension Building and chat with Nicole! On Thursday, September 12th Nicole will be there to talk all things Horticulture, Landscape, & Environmental Systems with you.
Plant a Tree for Fall Color
Evenings are finally starting to be more enjoyable, maybe even a little chilly, which means fall is coming! Fall is one of my favorite seasons for so many reasons, including fall color that can be so amazing in our landscapes. It is sometimes hard to get good fall color in Nebraska, but when we do get good fall color, it is worth the wait. The photo above is of Shagbark Hickories. Continue Reading...
Early Lawn & Garden Activities
It’s hard to believe that we are already in early September. Husker football has begun, and the weather will start to cool off. That doesn’t mean that we are done with our lawns and gardens for the season. There are many things we can do now through the next couple of months to get plants ready for winter dormancy and help them thrive next year. But don’t get too excited, there are also plenty of things to wait on, correct timing is very important. Continue Reading...
Fall Fertilization
Fall fertilization is the most important application for a lawn. Apply a granular fertilizer with 50% slow-release nitrogen, or less, from the beginning to mid-September. Apply 1 pound of Nitrogen per 1,000 square feet for this application. A second application of fertilizer can be applied around mid-October, if necessary. Older lawns likely do not need a second application in the fall. If your lawn maintains a medium green hue, forego the second application. Don't wait until late October to apply a second round of fertilizer if you do fertilize later in the fall. It isn't absorbed by the plant so late in the season
Fall Care of Iris and Peony
Transplanting and division of Iris and Peony can happen this time of the year, late August through September is best. You can divide iris’ by separating the crown either by hand or with a spade. You should leave about half of the leaf material on each plant when you divide and transplant them. You should divide iris’ every couple of years or when a ring occurs where the middle of the plant is bare. Peonies need to be divided less often and each division should have 3-5 eyes or pink nose-like structures to ensure good growth. If you are just looking to clean up the plants and not move them, wait until the leaves die back and turn tan for the year.
Fall Weed Control
Perennial broadleaf weeds including dandelions, creeping Charlie or ground ivy, and clover are best controlled in the later Fall once the weeds have begun their preparations for winter. Spray weeds with a 2,4-D product two or three times from late September through the end of October. Make sure that temperatures are below 85 degrees for 72 hours following application to reduce damage to nearby plants because those chemicals will turn into gas and move to non-target plants if applied in hot temperatures.
Congratulations State Fair Exhibitors
The 2024 Nebraska State Fair featured over 4500 4-H exhibitors and nearly 11,000 exhibits. Congratulations to all Gage County 4-H exhibitors. Proud of you for representing Gage County youth with pride, dignity, character, and kindness.
Husker Harvest Days
The 2025 Judges Registration window is now open!
Adults interested in serving as a county or state fair judge in 2025 are invited to submit their interest via the online registration process. The process captures interest and asks interested individuals to agree to the indirect volunteer application process.The 2025 registration will open on July 1 and close on September 30, 2024.
Find more information at 4h.unl.edu/judges.
Gage County Extension
Gage County Extension
How to contact us
For Horticulture & Entomology questions:
- E-mail Nicole Stoner at nstoner2@unl.edu
For Food & Nutrition questions:
- Email Carly Applegarth at chillburn2@unl.edu
For 4-H & Youth Development questions:
- Email Jacie Milius at jacie.milius@unl.edu
For Water & Cropping Systems questions:
- Email Ritika Lamichhane at rlamichhane3@unl.edu
For Agriculture Profitability questions:
- Email Anastasia Meyer at ameyer71@unl.edu
For Early Childhood questions:
- Email Ingrid Lindal at ingridchavarria@unl.edu
For Livestock Systems questions:
- Call our office at 402-223-1384
Email: gage-county@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/gage/
Location: 1115 West Scott Street, Beatrice, NE, USA
Phone: 402-223-1384