Norco Intermediate School
January 31st, 2024

May At A Glance
May 1 - Incoming 7th Grade Parent Information Night (4:30 and 6:00)
May 2 - NJHS Induction Ceremony (By Invitation Only) 6:00
May 2 - AVID Field Trip
May 3 - 8th Grade Trip to Universal
May 6 - Wrestling Club
May 6 - NIS Press Club
May 6-10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8 - 7th Grade Honor Roll Awards (Invitation Only)
May 13 - Mental Health Awareness Week
May 13 - Wrestling Practice
May 13 - NIS Press Club
May 15 - Band Spring Concert
May 16 - Drama Club Performance
May 18 - Saturday School
May 20 - NIS Press Club
May 21 - Rescue A Generation Celebration (Invitation Only)
May 22 - Spring Choir Concert
May 24 - Family Engagement
May 27 - Memorial Day (No School)
May 28 - 8th Grade Awards (Invitation Only)
May 28- Fun Day on the Field (7th and 8th)
May 29 - 8th Grade Breakfast
May 30 - 8th Grade Dance
May 31 - Last Day of School
May 31 - 8th Grade Promotion at NHS @ 1:00
School Resumes August 13th
Norco JAAF and Cheer
Mammogram Screenings
Summer Events
Basketball Clinic
Soccer Camp
Care Expectations
All students received information on NIS CARE expectations. Please feel free to review this information with your child. https://cnusd-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/jwescott_cnusd_k12_ca_us/EaeFjiK8TYdOo0TjTXnnspwB0zw6XSf46y--8ue-Jx3AyQ?e=Dcn6Ez
Let's End Tardies!
Please Leave Gum At Home
Bobcats Care
Counselor's Corner
Mr. Gonzalez
Ms. McDowell
It's not too late to join PTSA. Please use the QR code to join this fantastic organization.