CMIT North Middle School Newsletter
Week of November 27, 2022

August 4, 2024
CMIT's Mission
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for middle and high school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
Administrative Announcements
Welcome Back
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great Summer vacation and is looking forward with enthusiasm to the new school year. There have been several improvements made throughout the Summer that I look forward to seeing the students benefit from as we continually seek to evolve and adapt to our student's needs and provide them with educational opportunities and innovative ways to learn. Please read the letter in its entirety to learn about upcoming events, school improvements, and general district and school updates.
On Friday, August 23, 2024, CMIT Academy North Middle School will host a New Student Orientation for any NEW students. We understand that our new students are not familiar with the hallways and classrooms of CMIT Academy. New Student Orientation is designed to provide an opportunity for them to receive their schedules, meet their teachers, and find their classrooms before the official first day of school. Orientation will be a half day with drop off beginning at 8:15am and pick-up at 12:00pm. Student Orientation is not required, and attendance and grades will not be recorded.
The first official day of school for all students is Monday, August 26, 2024. Arrival time begins at 8:00 am for students purchasing breakfast and 8:15 am for all students. Student pick-up time begins at 2:48 pm. The students will be welcomed by the Administration and meet their teachers and classmates. This is the first required school day and attendance will be taken.
CMIT sets itself apart from traditional public schools by providing an advanced and rigorous STEM education. While we have a well-rounded curriculum in all middle school subject areas, we have a focus on Math, Technology, and Science. This year CMIT North Middle School will have a laser focus on mathematics with goals to continue student growth in the subject as measured by MCAP Math.
I look forward to a productive and educational school year and partnering with parents to make it a positive experience for all stakeholders. Enjoy your last weeks of Summer!
Educationally Yours,
Principal Andrew Brauer, M. Ed
Important Dates
Important Dates
CMIT Academy follows the PGCPS school calendar.
Import the CMIT North Middle School calendar to your own Gmail calendar to stay informed of all school-wide events.
8/23: New Student Orientation (New Students Only)
8/26: First Day of School (All Students)
9/2: Labor Day (Schools and Offices Closed)
9/16: Professional Development (Schools Closed for Students)
9/27: 3-Hour Early Dismissal
10/7: Parent-Teacher Conferences
10/18: Professional Development Day (Schools Closed for Students)
10/31: 1st Quarter Ends
11/1: 3-Hour Early Dismissal
Synergy ParentVUE
Synergy is PGCPS' new Student Information System. It is critically important that families activate their ParentVUE account. This will allow parents to view student schedules, attendance, and grades.
If you have questions or need support please click here: ParentVUE Support and FAQ
We are pleased to have you as partners in this educational year. As the year progresses, and as you become either more informed or more puzzled, we encourage you to call the school and talk with those who might be of help. If your question deals with in-class events, grades, or curriculum please ask to speak with the teacher. Teacher contact information will be provided to you on the student’s syllabus, as well as, on our school website at https://ms.cmitacademy.org/about-us/staff-directory/.
We always encourage parents and students to call our Main Office to be directed to the appropriate personnel at any time. Our Main Office phone number is 301-350-6051 or email Mrs. Petit-Homme, Receptionist, at monica2.petithomme@pgcps.org.
Each Sunday a Newsletter is published and emailed to parents and students. Please review this newsletter with your scholars to promote them being informed citizens in the CMIT community. The newsletter often has information about Teacher of the Month, Student of the Month, class projects, assessment dates, clubs, athletics announcements, PTO announcements, and other activities.
PGCPS transitioned to a new Student Information System (SIS) this year. Rather than using Schoolmax, Synergy will be the new platform used to manage student information such as home addresses, phone numbers, grades, transcripts, schedules, etc. Faculty and staff will be attend training on the use of Synergy when they return to school later this month. Training and assistance will also be available to parents throughout the school year. Opportunities will be shared via this newsletter, email, and other methods of communication.
Arrival/Departure Routine
Arrival/Departure Routine
Please see the Traffic Flow Map of the driving routes and drop-off/pick-up locations. Please note: All parents, carpooling, or individuals, must drop off and pick up in the rear of the building. The side parking lots are designated for commercial vans/buses only. Only students who ride on a commercial van or bus will be permitted to exit to the side parking lot.
Everyone will become more accustomed to the drop-off and pick-up routine as the school year progresses. The process will become more and more efficient. Typically, by the third week of school, all vehicles are gone within 15 minutes of the dismissal bell.
Please be patient and follow the instructions from those directing traffic. No one's time is more valuable than the safety of OUR children. It takes all of us, faculty and parents, working together to ensure a safe environment at all times.
Please complete the Dismissal Questionnaire.
School Hours
8:00 am: Student Breakfast
8:15 am - 8:35 pm: General Student Arrival
8:30 am - 2:49 pm: Instruction
2:50 pm: Car Rider Dismissal
2:55 pm: Bus/Van Dismissal
3:00 pm: After-School Activities Dismissal
Fees will be assigned to parents for students dropped off early and/or picked up late.
Before and After Care Enrichment is available through the Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation (CLF) Enrichment Program.
6:30am - 8:15am: Before Care (Zero)
3:00pm - 4:00pm: After Care (Stars)
4:00pm - 6:00pm: After Care (Scholars)
School Uniform
This year, we have two uniform vendors to choose from, All American Wear and Risse Brothers.
Please review the CMIT North Middle School Uniform Policy. Uniforms are expected to be worn on the first day of school for all students, August 26, 2024.
Please take note that we have updated our shoe policy on page 2 of the CMIT North Middle School Uniform Policy.
Shoes must be MOSTLY BLACK (logo okay, different color sole okay, shoestring must be black), closed-toed dress shoes or athletic shoes only.
Slippers, slide-ins, thin-soled shoes, sandals, flip-flops, open-toed shoes, high-heeled shoes (heels must be not more than 1 inch), Crocs, slides, roller shoes, shoes with wheels, and shoes with openings exposing the foot or socks are not permitted.
For safety purposes, shoes must be worn at all times and shoelaces must be tied properly, all buckles fastened - nothing may dangle or drag from shoes.
Socks, stockings, tights, or hose (solid black, navy blue, or white) must be worn with shoes. Clear or skin-colored hose are also acceptable.
School Supplies
Each educator will provide a syllabus during the first week of school to each student. The syllabus will provide a detailed list of needed supplies for each class.
Until that time, the following items are always needed:
1. 3-ringed binders
2. Pencil Pouch
3. Pens and pencils in bulk
4. Individual pencil sharpener
5. Composition Notebooks
6. Loose leaf paper (hole punched and placed in binder)
7. 2-pocket folders (hole punched and placed in binder)
8. Assorted highlighters
Family Hangout: August 10th
Athletic Eligibility
CMIT North Middle School participates in competitive athletics with other PGCPS middle schools. To be eligible students must have the following:
1. Complete the Athlete Participation Packet and return completed forms to the Athletic Director;
2. Have and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA;
3. Review and agree to the PGCPS Parent/Student Athletic Handbook;
The requirements must be completed prior to stepping on the field for tryouts.
Fall Sports: Baseball, Softball
Winter Sports: Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Cheer
Spring Sports: Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer
Families are encouraged to complete the requirements over the Summer months to ensure eligibility when seasons begin. Athlete Participation Packets and physicals are good for the entire school year.
PTO Announcements
Greetings Tiger Families and Staff!
We hope that you are enjoying these last weeks of summer. We look forward to
welcoming you all back to school at the end of the month. Below, please find
information on:
1. Gently Used Uniform Sale - Saturday, August 10 from 10am-12:00pm ET
2. Treasurer Report for May and June 2024
3. Action Requested: Review Draft PTO Budget for the SY 2024-2025
4. PTO Meetings for 2024-2025 School Year
5. Become a Volunteer!
Gently Used Uniform Sale - Saturday, August 10 from 10am-12pm ET
This coming Saturday, the PTO will be hosting a Gently Used Uniform
Sale at CMIT North Middle Academy (6100 Frost Place, Laurel, MD 20707). The
PTO can accommodate the following payment methods: Cash, PayPal, Zelle,
and Cash App.
Also, remember that August 11-17 is tax free week in Maryland.
Treasurer Report for May and June 2024
Please see below for the accounting for income and expenses for May
and June 2024. Because our last PTO meeting was Thursday, May 30, we are
providing the final accounting for the 2023-2024 school year. The PTO year
runs from July 1-June 30 of the following year.
Draft PTO Budget for the SY 2024-2025
Please click on this link to view the draft PTO Budget for the 2024-2025
school year:
Please review the draft as we will vote on the budget at our first PTO
meeting, scheduled for Thursday, September 12 at 6:30 p.m. If you have any
questions, please email us at info_nmspto@cmitacademy.org.
PTO Meetings for the 2024-2025 School Year
PTO meetings are held the second Thursday of each month, beginning at
6:30pm ET. These dates also can be found on the PTO home page and Events
Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 6:30 pm ET
Thursday, October 12, 2024 at 6:30 pm ET
Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, May 8, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, June 12, 2025 at 6:30pm ET (Tentative)
At our first PTO for the 2024-2025, scheduled for September 12, we will vote on
the annual PTO budget. We also will discuss upcoming activities and hear from
our CMIT North Middle administrators.
Presentations, meeting minutes, and meeting recordings from the
2023-2024 school year can be found on PTO’s Events page.
Become a Volunteer!
It’s a new school year, so whether you are a new or returning volunteer,
it’s time to submit your application and complete the approval process. In
order to volunteer at CMIT North Middle Academy, you must be a
PGCPS-approved volunteer. Visit the PGCPS Volunteer page for more
information and to access the application: Volunteer at Your School
Used Uniform Sale:August 10th