2nd Grade Team
Here to help our critical thinking!
Weekly Updates:5/8
Dear families,
We had our field trip to the Austin Zoo this week. It was a great experience to see all of the different animals that have been rescued. Thank you to all the volunteers who came to help us.
We are entering into the last weeks of school. Our kids will be third graders soon. We are proud and grateful for the gift to have them. Please read the upcoming activities.
🙏🏽 Volunteer sign up to prepare copies and materials, please help us to prepare materials. Thanks! Please help us tomorrow, due to the Secure Dismissal parents could not finish the copies.
Every Friday we have weekly materials to copy, this saves us time. Our school only has one printer.
Homework: We’ll have only one more weeks with HW thank you for your support. One week with a project “Mi Negocio” and no HW the last week of school.
Volunteers needed 🙏🏽
Please sign up to help us with copies and materials. You can come at any time on Fridays, but next week.
Upcoming activities
Poetry Coffee celebration May 8th - 12th during Green Garden time. 9:00 - 9:45
Monday Ms. Arenas
Tuesday Ms. Castañon
Wednesday Mr. Portillo
Thursday Mrs. Bruzón
Mi negoció Business Home project presentation on Thursday May 23rd. (Students will present their ideas to their peers)
End of the year celebration day to be determined. It will be the last week of school during Green Garden time. Room parents and Green Garden will be informed to support and coordinate this activity.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Alphabetize a series of words and use a dictionary or glossary to find words. 2.2D, identifying and reading high-frequency words from a research-based list and decoding words with short, long, or variant vowels, trigraphs, and diphthongs. 2.2B(vii)
Vocabulary: Dictionary, trigraphs, and vowel teams.
SLA: Students will work on research a country and and write personal narratives
Vocabulary: país, ciudad, investigar, narrativa personal.
Ciencias: El ciclo de vida de las mariposas (2.10C)
Vocabulary: mariposa, oruga, metamorfosis, crisalida, pupa, larva.
Math: Solving one-step and multi-step word problems involving 3- digit addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value, including algorithms.
Vocabulary: Word Problems | Part | Whole | Addition | Subtraction
Homework clarifications:
I have spoken with some parents about homework time and expectations. This is the first typical year after COVID. In Second grade, we had 20 minutes of homework expectations. The reason for this activity is to create 20 min study habits with the students so they can be ready for the next year and future academic activities. Our homework only includes reading activities; sometimes, it gets adjusted depending on the skills to reinforce and cultural projects. We appreciate your understanding while we return to our average pace.
We include different options for homework activities that your child can do. The daily report is to register what they did and create their own agendas and time management. Our intentions are to avoid creating additional stress or completing the package all at what time. Homework goes on Monday and returns on Friday. (Families can extend the time and send it the following Monday if needed)
Here is an idea your child can do at home for only 20 minutes. Students and families can create their own schedules.
Monday: IXL 4 skills (2 math and two reading)
Tuesday: Read their favorite book
Wednesday: Read one of the stories from the packages (Students can continue the next day if they did not finish)
Thursday: Sight words and reading from the package or book. Any options are ok.
Friday: The package goes home, and the teacher collects it during independent reading.
Please talk with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns about this.
On a personal note, my son is in third grade. The grade has homework expectations for math and reading. I have had to work on routines and independence with him for several weeks. I want all our second graders to be ready for the upcoming expectations.
Mrs. Bruzón
PTA info
Also, please consider joining and support our PTA, our PTA sponsored four field trips this year, we have grade centers and manipulatives for SLAR and ELAR last year and this year we’ve received centers for Math and Science. In addition, PTA sponsored some of the materials for SOS days, to help our staff morale by sponsoring food during our professional development days and other important activities.
Our PTA plus your classroom support are important partnerships between teachers, families and communities to benefit our students. You can access to more information about the valued and crucial support from our PTA in the meetings; here is the email pta@beckerelementary.com
Resources for home:
🎵Spanish music Bruzon amazon playlist
Here is a document with different playlist Spotify playlists, Amazon and Youtube.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The Second Grade Team
Jon Portillo
Ana Arenas
Maria Bruzon
Grade Color: Green!
Weekly Updates:5/1
Pachanga video, Also, please upload the Pachanga pictures/videos here so we can share and keep the memories.
Dear families,
We had our walking field trip this week, it was a great experience to see water fountains and walk around our school. Thank you to all the volunteers who came to help us.
We are entering into the last weeks of school. Our kids will be third graders soon. We are proud and grateful for the gift to have them. Please read the upcoming activities.
🙏🏽 Volunteer sign up to prepare copies and materials, please help us to prepare materials. Thanks! Please help us tomorrow, due to the Secure Dismissal parents could not finish the copies.
Every Friday we have weekly materials to copy, this saves us time. Our school only has one printer.
Homework: We’ll have only two more week with HW thank you for your support. One week with a project “Mi Negocio” and no HW the last week of school.
Volunteers needed 🙏🏽
Please sign up to help us with copies and materials. You can come at any time on Fridays, but next week.
Upcoming activities
Austin Zoo field trip May 3rd at 9:00 - 13:00 we need four chaperones, please email your child’s teachers.
Poetry Coffee celebration May 8th - 12th during Green Garden time.
Mi negoció Business Home project presentation on Thursday May 23rd. (Students will present their ideas to their peers)
End of the year celebration day to be determined will the last of the school during Green Garden time. Room parents and Green Garden will be informed to support and coordinate this activity.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Demonstrate knowledge of distinguishing characteristics of well‐known children's literature such as folktales, fables, and fairy tales (2.9A) and identify, use, and explain the meaning of homographs and homophones in context (2.3D).
Vocabulary: Fairy tales, fables, legends, myths, homophones, and homographs.
SLA: Students will work on research a country and and write personal narratives
Vocabulary: país, ciudad, investigar, narrativa personal.
Ciencias: El ciclo de las mariposas (2.10C)
Vocabulary: mariposa, oruga, metamorfosis, crisalida, pupa, larva.
Math: Solving one-step and multi-step word problems involving 3- digit addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value, including algorithms.
Vocabulary: Word Problems | Part | Whole | Addition | Subtraction
Homework clarifications:
I have spoken with some parents about homework time and expectations. This is the first typical year after COVID. In Second grade, we had 20 minutes of homework expectations. The reason for this activity is to create 20 min study habits with the students so they can be ready for the next year and future academic activities. Our homework only includes reading activities; sometimes, it gets adjusted depending on the skills to reinforce and cultural projects. We appreciate your understanding while we return to our average pace.
We include different options for homework activities that your child can do. The daily report is to register what they did and create their own agendas and time management. Our intentions are to avoid creating additional stress or completing the package all at what time. Homework goes on Monday and returns on Friday. (Families can extend the time and send it the following Monday if needed)
Here is an idea your child can do at home for only 20 minutes. Students and families can create their own schedules.
Monday: IXL 4 skills (2 math and two reading)
Tuesday: Read their favorite book
Wednesday: Read one of the stories from the packages (Students can continue the next day if they did not finish)
Thursday: Sight words and reading from the package or book. Any options are ok.
Friday: The package goes home, and the teacher collects it during independent reading.
Please talk with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns about this.
On a personal note, my son is in third grade. The grade has homework expectations for math and reading. I have had to work on routines and independence with him for several weeks. I want all our second graders to be ready for the upcoming expectations.
Mrs. Bruzón
PTA info
Also, please consider joining and support our PTA, our PTA sponsored four field trips this year, we have grade centers and manipulatives for SLAR and ELAR last year and this year we’ve received centers for Math and Science. In addition, PTA sponsored some of the materials for SOS days, to help our staff morale by sponsoring food during our professional development days and other important activities.
Our PTA plus your classroom support are important partnerships between teachers, families and communities to benefit our students. You can access to more information about the valued and crucial support from our PTA in the meetings; here is the email pta@beckerelementary.com
Resources for home:
🎵Spanish music Bruzon amazon playlist
Here is a document with different playlist Spotify playlists, Amazon and Youtube.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The Second Grade Team
Weekly Updates:4/24
Happy Friday Families!
Our students researched biographies this week about their person of choice, they also made fresh lemonade during Green Garden, share their books with other classes, have fun time during recess and some students shared about their experience at the CAP10K race!
Volunteer video celebrating all the wonderful work our school does thanks to all of your support, this video was made by Ms. Vasquez
Dear families,
We have 5 weeks left of school! It has gone by so fast and we have so many things coming up. This Saturday is the Pachanga Fest, it's from 5:30 pm - 8:30pm. Our second graders will dance “La Gozadera”. Here is the link to the video if your childs wants to practice dancing at home. Students are encouraged to wear any country t-shirt or a white t-shirt with a printed flag (e.g. a Mexico soccer jersey, a U.S. soccer jersey, a Portugal soccer jersey, etc). The second graders will be dancing around 7ish.
Next week we will have our walking field trip. It will be during your child’s green garden day. We will be walking to Nicholas Dawson Neighborhood Park at 9:00 am and will be returning at 10:00am. If you have not signed the field trip permission slip please sign it before your child’s green garden day. Volunteers are needed and greatly appreciated!
PTA info
Also, please consider joining and support our PTA, our PTA sponsored four field trips this year, we have grade centers and manipulatives for SLAR and ELAR last year and this year we’ve received centers for Math and Science. In addition, PTA sponsored some of the materials for SOS days, to help our staff morale by sponsoring food during our professional development days and other important activities.
Our PTA plus your classroom support are important partnerships between teachers, families and communities to benefit our students. You can access to more information about the valued and crucial support from our PTA in the meetings; here is the email pta@beckerelementary.com
Homework due date every Friday, teachers can give you extension until Monday if you need.
Grade calendar with upcoming activities we updated information.
🙏🏽 Volunteer sign up to prepare copies and materials, please help us to prepare materials. Thanks!
Every Friday we have weekly materials to copy, this saves us time. Our school only has one printer.
Volunteers needed 🙏🏽
Please sign up to help us with copies and materials. You can come at any time on Fridays, but next week.
Upcoming activities
Walking Field trip to Nicholas Dawson Neighborhood Park during Green Garden April 24th - 28th. - This field trip will be during our Green Garden, except for Mrs. Bruzon will have her trip on Friday due to the STAAR restrictions.
Pachanga April 22 5:30 - 8:30, second grade will dance La Gozadera.
Becker Family worker day April 16th, 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.
PTA meeting April 19th, 6:00 p.m. zoom will be provided soon
Austin Zoo field trip May 3rd at 9:00 we need four chaperones, please email your child’s teachers.
STAR test, Thursday, April 20th, Thursday April 27th, May 4th no visitors allowed in the school.
Poetry Coffee celebration May 8th - 12th during Green Garden
Mi negoció Business Home project presentation on Thursday May 23rd.
End of the year celebration day to be determined
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Demonstrate knowledge of distinguishing characteristics of well‐known children's literature such as folktales, fables, and fairy tales (2.9A), adjectives, including articles (2.11D(iv)), and adverbs that convey time and adverbs that convey place. (2.11D(v))
Vocabulary: Adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, fairy tales, fables, legends, and myths.
SLA: Discuta el uso del lenguaje descriptivo, literal y figurado. 2.10D
Vocabulary: metáfora, personificación, aliteración, lenguaje
Ciencias: Las cadenas alimenticia. (2.9C)
Vocabulary: carnívoro, herbívoro, omnívoro, productor, consumidor, cadena alimenticia,
Math: Solving one-step and multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value, including algorithms.
Vocabulary: Word Problems | Part | Whole | Addition | Subtraction
Homework clarifications:
I have spoken with some parents about homework time and expectations. This is the first typical year after COVID. In Second grade, we had 20 minutes of homework expectations. The reason for this activity is to create 20 min study habits with the students so they can be ready for the next year and future academic activities. Our homework only includes reading activities; sometimes, it gets adjusted depending on the skills to reinforce and cultural projects. We appreciate your understanding while we return to our average pace.
We include different options for homework activities that your child can do. The daily report is to register what they did and create their own agendas and time management. Our intentions are to avoid creating additional stress or completing the package all at what time. Homework goes on Monday and returns on Friday. (Families can extend the time and send it the following Monday if needed)
Here is an idea your child can do at home for only 20 minutes. Students and families can create their own schedules.
Monday: IXL 4 skills (2 math and two reading)
Tuesday: Read their favorite book
Wednesday: Read one of the stories from the packages (Students can continue the next day if they did not finish)
Thursday: Sight words and reading from the package or book. Any options are ok.
Friday: The package goes home, and the teacher collects it during independent reading.
Please talk with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns about this.
On a personal note, my son is in third grade. The grade has homework expectations for math and reading. I have had to work on routines and independence with him for several weeks. I want all our second graders to be ready for the upcoming expectations.
Mrs. Bruzón
Resources for home:
🎵Spanish music Bruzon amazon playlist
Here is a document with different playlist Spotify playlists, Amazon and Youtube.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The Second Grade Team
Weekly Updates:4/17
Happy Friday Families!
Dear families,
Last week we did our MAP test, and reports were sent home. We are proud of the students' progress. We strongly believe that this test does not measure the awesomeness of our students. We celebrate their effort to grow.
Also, we want to celebrate that our grade performed higher than the district average in Spanish 169.7 and Becker did 183.3. 👏🏽 👏🏽 We’ll continue developing biliteracy, please support your child to continue watching Spanish at home, singing songs and appreciating the Spanish culture. For our native Spanish speakers families thank you for all the enrichment you bring to our communities. In Reading we also were 7 points above the district and in math the same as the district.
Pachanga fest Our second grade will dance “La Gozadera” here is the link of the video if your childs wants to dance at home.
PTA info
Also, please consider joining and support our PTA, our PTA sponsored four field trips this year, we have grade centers and manipulatives for SLAR and ELAR last year and this year we’ve received centers for Math and Science. In addition, PTA sponsored some of the materials for SOS days, to help our staff morale by sponsoring food during our professional development days and other important activities.
Our PTA plus your classroom support are important partnerships between teachers, families and communities to benefit our students. You can access to more information about the valued and crucial support from our PTA in the meetings; here is the email pta@beckerelementary.com
Homework due date every Friday, teachers can give you extension until Monday if you need.
Grade calendar with upcoming activities we updated information.
🙏🏽 Volunteer sign up to prepare copies and materials, please help us to prepare materials. Thanks!
Every Friday we have weekly materials to copy, this saves us time. Our school only has one printer.
Volunteers needed 🙏🏽
Please sign up to help us with copies and materials. You can come at any time on Fridays, but next week.
Upcoming activities
Picture Day April 18th
Walking Field trip to the Saint Edwards aquifer - during Green Garden April 24th - 28th.
Pachanga April 22 5:30 - 8:30, second grade will dance La Gozadera.
Becker Family worker day April 16th, 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.
PTA meeting April 19th, 6:00 p.m. zoom will be provided soon
Austin Zoo field trip May 3rd at 9:00 we need four chaperones, please email your child’s teachers.
STAR test, Thursday, April 20th, Thursday, May 4th no visitors allowed in the school.
Poetry Coffee celebration May 8th - 12th during Green Garden
Mi negoció Business Home project presentation on Thursday May 23rd.
End of the year celebration day to be determined
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Recognize characteristics and structures of informational text, including: (ii) features and graphics to locate and gain information 2.9(D) (Biographies). Make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society. 2.6E. Pronouns 2.D(vii).
Vocabulary: Biography, Pronouns, and Text features.
SLA: Read and write about fairy tales (2.9A) maps and globes (2.3 A).
Vocabulary: Mitos, mapas, globos terraqueos
Ciencias: Las cadenas alimenticia. (2.9C)
Vocabulary: carnívoro, herbívoro, omnívoro, productor, consumidor, cadena alimenticia,
Math: Solving one-step and multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value, including algorithms.
Vocabulary: Word Problems | Part | Whole | Addition | Subtraction
Homework clarifications:
I have spoken with some parents about homework time and expectations. This is the first typical year after COVID. In Second grade, we had 20 minutes of homework expectations. The reason for this activity is to create 20 min study habits with the students so they can be ready for the next year and future academic activities. Our homework only includes reading activities; sometimes, it gets adjusted depending on the skills to reinforce and cultural projects. We appreciate your understanding while we return to our average pace.
We include different options for homework activities that your child can do. The daily report is to register what they did and create their own agendas and time management. Our intentions are to avoid creating additional stress or completing the package all at what time. Homework goes on Monday and returns on Friday. (Families can extend the time and send it the following Monday if needed)
Here is an idea your child can do at home for only 20 minutes. Students and families can create their own schedules.
Monday: IXL 4 skills (2 math and two reading)
Tuesday: Read their favorite book
Wednesday: Read one of the stories from the packages (Students can continue the next day if they did not finish)
Thursday: Sight words and reading from the package or book. Any options are ok.
Friday: The package goes home, and the teacher collects it during independent reading.
Please talk with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns about this.
On a personal note, my son is in third grade. The grade has homework expectations for math and reading. I have had to work on routines and independence with him for several weeks. I want all our second graders to be ready for the upcoming expectations.
Mrs. Bruzón
Resources for home:
🎵Spanish music Bruzon amazon playlist
Here is a document with different playlist Spotify playlists, Amazon and Youtube.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The Second Grade Team
Weekly Updates:4/10
Happy Friday Families!
Dear families,
Welcome to April, next week will have a complete week. We are working hard in our poetry books, we’ll celebrate at the end of the month.
We’ve completed the MAP assessment. Families report will be sent home in the next Thursday folder.
Also, please consider joining and support our PTA, our PTA sponsored four field trips this year, we have grade centers and manipulatives for SLAR and ELAR last year and this year we’ve received centers for Math and Science. In addition, PTA sponsored some of the materials for SOS days, help our staff morale by sponsoring food during our professional development days and other important activities.
Our PTA plus your classroom support are important partnerships between teachers, families and communities to benefit our students. You can access to more information about the valued and crucial support from our PTA in the meetings; here is the email pta@beckerelementary.com
Homework due date every Friday, teachers can give you extension until Monday if you need.
Grade calendar with upcoming activities we updated information.
🙏🏽 Volunteer sign up to prepare copies and materials, please help us to prepare materials. Thanks!
Every Friday we have weekly materials to copy, this saves us time. Our school only has one printer.
Volunteers needed 🙏🏽
Please sign up to help us with copies and materials. You can come at any time on Fridays, but next week, we need help on Thursday 4/6
Upcoming activities
Picture Day April 18th
Pachanga April 22
Becker Family worker day April 16th, 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.
PTA meeting April 19th, 6:00 p.m. zoom will be provided soon
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Recognize characteristics of persuasive text 2.9E, stating what the author is trying to persuade the reader to think or do 2.9E(i), plan a first draft of persuasive text by generating ideas for writing such as drawing and brainstorming (2.11A)
Vocabulary: Makaila Ulmer, persuasive text, influence, facts, opinions, and author's purpose.
SLA: Read and write about myths (2.9A) maps and globes (2.3 A).
Vocabulary: Mitos, mapas, globos terraqueos
Ciencias: Observar, registrar y comparar cómo las características físicas y los comportamientos de los animales les ayudan a satisfacer sus necesidades básicas (2.10A)
Vocabulary: consumidores, características físicas, necesidades,productor, refugio, alimento.
Math: Determine a solution to a problem involving length, including estimating lengths (2.9E) Review area, time, and measurement. SLO practice test and SLO test will be given out this week.
Vocabulary: Standard Unit|Measure|Inches|Long|Short|About|Feet
Homework clarifications:
I have spoken with some parents about homework time and expectations. This is the first typical year after COVID. In Second grade, we had 20 minutes of homework expectations. The reason for this activity is to create 20 min study habits with the students so they can be ready for the next year and future academic activities. Our homework only includes reading activities; sometimes, it gets adjusted depending on the skills to reinforce and cultural projects. We appreciate your understanding while we return to our average pace.
We include different options for homework activities that your child can do. The daily report is to register what they did and create their own agendas and time management. Our intentions are to avoid creating additional stress or completing the package all at what time. Homework goes on Monday and returns on Friday. (Families can extend the time and send it the following Monday if needed)
Here is an idea your child can do at home for only 20 minutes. Students and families can create their own schedules.
Monday: IXL 4 skills (2 math and two reading)
Tuesday: Read their favorite book
Wednesday: Read one of the stories from the packages (Students can continue the next day if they did not finish)
Thursday: Sight words and reading from the package or book. Any options are ok.
Friday: The package goes home, and the teacher collects it during independent reading.
Please talk with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns about this.
On a personal note, my son is in third grade. The grade has homework expectations for math and reading. I have had to work on routines and independence with him for several weeks. I want all our second graders to be ready for the upcoming expectations.
Mrs. Bruzón
Resources for home:
🎵Spanish music Bruzon amazon playlist
Here is a document with different playlist Spotify playlists, Amazon and Youtube.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The Second Grade Team
Weekly Updates:4/3
Happy Friday Families!
Dear families,
Thank you for all of your help and support. We had so much fun in our
A los estudiantes les encantó la excursión al Paramount Theater.
Homework due date every Friday, teachers can give you extension until Monday if you need.
Grade calendar with upcoming activities we updated information.
🙏🏽 Volunteer sign up to prepare copies and materials, please help us to prepare materials. Thanks!
Every Friday we have weekly materials to copy, this saves us time. Our school only has one printer.
Volunteers needed 🙏🏽
Please sign up to help us with copies and materials. You can come at any time on Fridays, but next week, we need help on Thursday 4/6
Upcoming activities
No School April 7th
Picture Day April 18th
Due date: Homework April 3
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Recognize characteristics of persuasive text 2.9E, stating what the author is trying to persuade the reader to think or do 2.9E(i), plan a first draft of persuasive text by generating ideas for writing such as drawing and brainstorming (2.11A)
Vocabulary: Makaila Ulmer, persuasive text, influence, facts, opinions, and author's purpose.
SLA: Escribir fábulas (2.9A) e identificar el significado de sinónimos y antónimos (2.3D).
Vocabulary: Leyendas, sinónimos, y antónimos.
Ciencias: Observar, registrar y comparar cómo las características físicas y los comportamientos de los animales les ayudan a satisfacer sus necesidades básicas (2.10A)
Vocabulary: consumidores, características físicas, necesidades,productor, refugio, alimento.
Math: Determine a solution to a problem involving length, including estimating lengths (2.9E)
Vocabulary: Standard Unit|Measure|Inches|Long|Short|About|Feet
Homework clarifications:
I have spoken with some parents about homework time and expectations. This is the first typical year after COVID. In Second grade, we had 20 minutes of homework expectations. The reason for this activity is to create 20 min study habits with the students so they can be ready for the next year and future academic activities. Our homework only includes reading activities; sometimes, it gets adjusted depending on the skills to reinforce and cultural projects. We appreciate your understanding while we return to our average pace.
We include different options for homework activities that your child can do. The daily report is to register what they did and create their own agendas and time management. Our intentions are to avoid creating additional stress or completing the package all at what time. Homework goes on Monday and returns on Friday. (Families can extend the time and send it the following Monday if needed)
Here is an idea your child can do at home for only 20 minutes. Students and families can create their own schedules.
Monday: IXL 4 skills (2 math and two reading)
Tuesday: Read their favorite book
Wednesday: Read one of the stories from the packages (Students can continue the next day if they did not finish)
Thursday: Sight words and reading from the package or book. Any options are ok.
Friday: The package goes home, and the teacher collects it during independent reading.
Please talk with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns about this.
On a personal note, my son is in third grade. The grade has homework expectations for math and reading. I have had to work on routines and independence with him for several weeks. I want all our second graders to be ready for the upcoming expectations.
Mrs. Bruzón
Resources for home:
🎵Spanish music Bruzon amazon playlist
Here is a document with different playlist Spotify playlists, Amazon and Youtube.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The Second Grade Team
Weekly Updates:3/27
Happy Friday Families!
Dear families,
Thank you for all of your help and support.
Homework due date every Friday, teachers can give you extension until Monday if you need.
Grade calendar with upcoming activities we updated information.
🙏🏽 Volunteer sign up to prepare copies and materials, please help us to prepare materials. Thanks!
Every Friday we have weekly materials to copy, this saves us time. Our school only has one printer.
Volunteer need 🙏🏽
Please sign up to help us with copies and materials. You can come at any time on Fridays, but next week, we need help on Thursday 3/30
Upcoming activities
MAP end of the year test. Please ensure your child comes to school on time and well rested. We will be starting at 8:00am-9:00am. Make sure your child brings their ipad fully charged. Thank you!
Monday 27th, ELAR
Tuesday 28th, SLAR
Wednesday 29th, Math
Due date: Math fluency March 30th, package subtraction will be sent on Monday 6th, this is a monthly package to build math fluency send it back by the end of march or as soon as your child is done with it.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Recognize characteristics of persuasive text 2.9E, stating what the author is trying to persuade the reader to think or do 2.9E(i), plan a first draft of persuasive text by generating ideas for writing such as drawing and brainstorming (2.11A) and spelling multisyllabic words with multiple sound-spelling patterns: Double consonants at the end of words:
Vocabulary: Makaila Ulmer, persuasive text, influence, facts, opinions, and author's purpose.
SLA: Escribir fábulas (2.9A) y conjugaciones de los verbos en los tiempos pasado, presente y futuro, incluyendo diferencia entre ser y estar (2.11 D (ii)).
Vocabulary: Fábula, Verbo estar, Adjetivos, Pronombres personales, Presente, y Lugares/Ubicacion.
Ciencias: las características físicas y el comportamiento de los animales en distintos hábitats.
Vocabulary: consumidores, características físicas, necesidades,productor, refugio, alimento.
Math: Write and solve one-step word problems involving addition or subtraction using data
represented within pictographs and bar graphs with intervals of one (2.10C)
Vocabulary: bar graph, interval/scale, legend, category, data, pictograph.
Homework clarifications:
I have spoken with some parents about homework time and expectations. This is the first typical year after COVID. In Second grade, we had 20 minutes of homework expectations. The reason for this activity is to create 20 min study habits with the students so they can be ready for the next year and future academic activities. Our homework only includes reading activities; sometimes, it gets adjusted depending on the skills to reinforce and cultural projects. We appreciate your understanding while we return to our average pace.
We include different options for homework activities that your child can do. The daily report is to register what they did and create their own agendas and time management. Our intentions are to avoid creating additional stress or completing the package all at what time. Homework goes on Monday and returns on Friday. (Families can extend the time and send it the following Monday if needed)
Here is an idea your child can do at home only for 20 minutes. Students and families can create their own schedules.
Monday: IXL 4 skills (2 math and two reading)
Tuesday: Read their favorite book
Wednesday: Read one of the stories from the packages (Students can continue the next day if they did not finish)
Thursday: Sight words and reading from the package or book. Any options are ok.
Friday: The package goes home, and the teacher collects it during independent reading.
Please talk with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns about this.
On a personal note, my son is in third grade. The grade has homework expectations for math and reading. I have had to work on routines and independence with him for several weeks. I want all our second graders to be ready for the upcoming expectations.
Mrs. Bruzón
Resources for home:
🎵Spanish music Bruzon amazon playlist
Here is a document with different playlist Spotify playlists, Amazon and Youtube.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The Second Grade Team
Weekly Updates:3/3
Happy Friday Families!
Dear families,
One more week to Spring break. The last week our students shared their research project with first grade students. We planned this activity to close Black history Month, and organize 8 classrooms schedules takes time. Thank you for your understanding. Projects grade will be sent in our Thursday folder.
🎵March 8th, 6:00 p.m Concert K - 2
Homework due data every Friday, teachers can give you extension until Monday if you need.
Grade calendar with upcoming activities
🙏🏽 Volunteer sign up to prepare copies and materials, please help us to prepare materials. Thanks!
Every friday we have weekly materials to copy, this saves us time. Our school only have one printer.
Upcoming activities
Spring Break march 13th - 16th
Important Women in my family work package will be sent on Monday March 6th and needs to return on March 20th (2 weeks).
Math fluency package subtraction will be sent on Monday 6th, this is a monthly package to build math fuency send it back by the end of march or as soon as your child is done with it.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Discuss the use of descDiscuss the use of descriptive, literal, and figurative language (2.10D). Identify and explain the use of repetition (2.10F). Explain visual patterns and structures in a variety of poems (2.9B). Decoding words with final n blends 2.2B(i).
Vocabulary: Poem structures, Women’s History Month, Figurative language, Susan B Anthony, and Variety of poems.
SLA: Conjugaciones de los verbos en los tiempos pasado, presente y futuro, incluyendo diferencia entre ser y estar. Adjetivos, incluyendo artículos.
Vocabulary: verbo, ser, estar, adjetivo y evidencia
Ciencias: Saber por qué es importante reducir, reusar y reciclar los materiales (2.1B).
Vocabulary: recurso natural, recurso artificial, conservar, reducir, reusar, reutilizar, reciclar.
Math: Classify and sort three-dimensional shapes based on attributes using formal geometric vocabulary(2.8B)
Vocabulary: Vertices|Edges|Faces|Rectangular Prism|Triangular Prism|Sphere|3-Dimensional
Homework clarifications:
I have spoken with some parents about homework time and expectations. This is the first typical year after COVID. In Second grade, we had 20 minutes of homework expectations. The reason for this activity is to create study habits with the students so they can be ready for the next year and future academic activities. Our homework only includes reading activities; sometimes, it gets adjusted depending on the skills to reinforce and cultural projects. We appreciate your understanding while we return to our average pace.
We include different options for homework activities that your child can do. The daily report is to register what they did and create their own agendas and time management. Our intentions are to avoid creating additional stress or completing the package all at what time. Homework goes on Monday and returns on Friday. (Families can extend the time and send it the following Monday if needed)
Here is an idea your child can do at home only for 20 minutes. Students and families can create their own schedules.
Monday: IXL 4 skills (2 math and two reading)
Tuesday: Read their favorite book
Wednesday: Read one of the stories from the packages (Students can continue the next day if they did not finish)
Thursday: Sight words and reading from the package or book. Any options are ok.
Friday: The package goes home, and the teacher collects it during independent reading.
Please talk with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns about this.
On a personal note, my son is in third grade. The grade has homework expectations for math and reading. I have had to work on routines and independence with him for several weeks. I want all our second graders to be ready for the upcoming expectations.
Mrs. Bruzón
Resources for home:
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The Second Grade Team
Weekly Updates: 2/9
Happy Friday Families!
Dear families,
Thank you for your support we are looking forward for our Fiesta de la amistad with the class.
Please ensure your child reads 20 minutes at home and fill the homework. This will help the students to create study habits.
Also please sign up for the parent conferences. Each classroom teacher sent the links. Gracias
We started the project one book per week. Looking forward to read their creations.
Homework due data every Friday, teachers can give you extension until Monday if you need.
We’ll resume with homework package on Monday 13th.
Grade calendar with upcoming activities
Volunteer sign up to prepare copies and materials, please help us to prepare materials. Thanks!
Upcoming activities
Research extension Feb 17th: Due to the weather and power lose
Valentine party on February 14th .
Valentine project letter information was sent last week. Please send the boxes by Monday 13th.
El martes 14 de febrero de 12:30 a 2:00 tendremos una celebración por el día del amor y la amistad. Compartiremos tarjetas o regalitos con otros estudiantes y celebraremos. Todos los estudiantes necesitarán traer una caja de zapatos decorada para recibir sus regalitos.
Los estudiantes pueden traer cartas, tarjetas o regalitos para compartir (Es opcional). Si los estudiantes traen algo, tendrán que traerlo para todos los estudiantes de la clase. Adjunto encontrarán la lista con los nombres de los estudiantes de la clase. Esta es una buena oportunidad para practicar la escritura.
VALENTINE'S DAY CELEBRATION. On Tuesday February 14th from 12:30 to 2:00. We will have a little celebration for students. We will share our Valentines and have fun. All students will need to bring a decorated shoe box or similar box to receive their valentines. We will not need any food items for this. Students may bring Valentine cards, treats or letters to pass to the class (Completely optional). If your child brings cards or letters, they must bring one to every student in the class. I attach the names of the students in the class. This is a great opportunity to practice writing the names of their classmates.
Homework clarifications:
I have spoken with some parents about homework time and expectations. This is the first typical year after COVID. In Second grade, we had 20 minutes of homework expectations. The reason for this activity is to create study habits with the students so they can be ready for the next year and future academic activities. Our homework only includes reading activities; sometimes, it gets adjusted depending on the skills to reinforce and cultural projects. We appreciate your understanding while we return to our average pace.
We include different options for homework activities that your child can do. The daily report is to register what they did and create their own agendas and time management. Our intentions are to avoid creating additional stress or completing the package all at what time. Homework goes on Monday and returns on Friday. (Families can extend the time and send it the following Monday if needed)
Here is an idea your child can do at home only for 20 minutes. Students and families can create their own schedules.
Monday: IXL 4 skills (2 math and two reading)
Tuesday: Read their favorite book
Wednesday: Read one of the stories from the packages (Students can continue the next day if they did not finish)
Thursday: Sight words and reading from the package or book. Any options are ok.
Friday: The package goes home, and the teacher collects it during independent reading.
Please talk with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns about this.
On a personal note, my son is in third grade. The grade has homework expectations for math and reading. I have had to work on routines and independence with him for several weeks. I want all our second graders to be ready for the upcoming expectations.
Mrs. Bruzón
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Discuss topics and determine the theme using text evidence with adult assistance. 2.8A
Identify the differences between basic needs and wants.
Decoding r-controlled syllables. 2.2B(iii)
Vocabulary: Want, Need, Theme, Topic, and R-Controlled syllables .
SLA: Decodificar palabras con prefijos y sufijos. 2.2A (vi)
Redacta textos informativos, incluyendo textos procedimentales y reportes.2.12B
Vocabulary: procedimiento, prefijos, sufijos, texto procedimental
Science: Los estudiantes sabe que el mundo natural incluye materiales terrestres (2.7)
Vocabulary: tierra, capa,componentes, suelo,arena.
Math: Classify and sort three-dimensional solids, including spheres, cones, cylinders, rectangular prisms (including cubes as special rectangular prisms), and triangular prisms, based on attributes using formal geometric language (2.8B)
Vocabulary: Vertices|Edges|Faces|Rectangular Prism|Triangular Prism|Sphere|3-Dimensional
Resources for home:
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The Second Grade Team
Weekly Updates: 1/20
Happy Friday Families!
We had a really fun week, we did our SOS day and learn about newtonian liquids. It was a messy experiment but so joyful. Thank you to the volunteers who help us with this experiment. 💐
During our flex friday class our enrichment project started typing club, legos and chess.
Please ensure your child reads 20 minutes at home and fill the homework.
We started the project one book per week. Looking forward to read their creations.
Homeworkd due date was on Friday/13, some students have requested to have extra time, please ensure you send HW back on Tuesday 01/17
Grade calendar with upcoming activities
Grade calendar with upcoming activities
Volunteer sign up to prepare copies and materials
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Explain how science and technology have affected the ways in which people meet basic needs. (2.13B). Stating what the author is trying to persuade the reader to think or do; and 2.9E(i).Edit drafts using standard English conventions including adjectives, including articles 2.11D(iv).
Vocabulary: Setting, adjective, author’s purpose, technology, individualism, inventiveness.
SLA: Redactar textos literarios, poesía. (2.12A) (partes y lenguaje figurado)
Identifique las formas en que las personas pueden conservar y reponer los recursos del planeta (2.5C)
Vocabulary: poemas, narrativo, lírico, humorístico y verso libre.
Science: Los estudiantes sabe que el mundo natural incluye materiales terrestres (2.7)
Vocabulary: tierra, capa,componentes, suelo,arena.
Math: Explain that the more fractional parts used to make a whole, the smaller the part; and the fewer the fractional parts, the larger the part (2.3B)
Vocabulary: equal parts, halves, fourths, eighths,halves, fraction, fractional parts.
Resources for home:
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The ________ Grade Team
Weekly Updates: 1/12
Happy Friday Families!
Welcome back families, we had our first week of Spring semester. We have so much joy to see the growth and maturity our students have developed.
Homework due date was on Friday/13, some students have requested to have extra time, please ensure you send HW back on Tuesday 01/17
01/20 SOS
Please let your child’s teachers know if you can volunteer for SOS day 8 am- 9am
01/16 MLK parade on
Grade calendar with upcoming activities
Volunteer sign up to prepare copies and materials
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Describe and understand plot elements, including the main events, the conflict, and the resolution, for texts with Black women main characters.
Vocabulary: Black women, impact, society, discrimination/segregation, obstacles, legacy, and message.
SLA: Identifique las formas en que las personas pueden conservar y reponer los recursos del planeta.2.5C Poemas 2.13 C. Palabras con diptongos.2.2A
Vocabulary: reducir, reusar, reciclar, diptongo y activista.
Science: El estudiante desarrolla las habilidades necesarias para hacer investigaciones científicas dentro y fuera del salón de clases.
Vocabulary: Feria de la ciencia, método científico, experimento.
Math: Explain that the more fractional parts used to make a whole, the smaller the part; and the fewer the fractional parts of a whole, the larger the parts
Vocabulary: Fractions|Halves|Fourths|Eighths|Whole|Equal Parts/Shares| Fractional Parts|
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The Second Grade Team
Weekly Updates: 12/16
Dear families 🐾
This is our last week from fall semester. We are grateful for the work we’ve done with the students and your kind support during these months for our grade.
As we approach this winter break, we wish you a Happy Holidays, have a recharging weeks with your loved one.
One of Becker parents is organizing this enrichment activity, please check it up
For next year will have a Second grade calendar 2023, please check it to know our upcoming activities.
Hi Becker Parents!
I am interested in restarting school participation in the First LEGO Leagues! The targeted start date is mid- to late-January with weekly sessions until the end of the semester. If your child is interested in participating, please complete the survey linked below by 12/31 (one form per child). Note: there is an associated cost dependent upon number of participants (ROM: $30-50/semester).
Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/C957CXM
Krystal Nakoneczny
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school, GT, PE and other important events happening in school.
All our field trips are sponsored by our PTA. Thank you for supporting our PTA. Here is info Becker donor box. Gracias por apoyar a nuestro PTA.
With gratitude,
Second-Grade team
Reminders/ news : 🚨 🚨
💃🏽 Winter Party
Our celebration will be on December, 21st at 12:30 - 2:00 (last day of school.) Winter Party can be up to 90 min including activity crafts, food. Please contact your child’s room parent to support us with this fun activity.
🙏🏽 Behavior support
Thank you for checking with your child, we’ve noticed almost al the students are following instructions.
At this time of the year students are excited and tired, please help us reminding your child about our daily goals.
Follow instructions
Work on assigned spots
Complete activities
Talk with friends during appropriate time.
Check at the end of the day with your child these goals.
Academic focus of the upcoming weeks
Based on the grade level and third grade academic expectations we’ll focus our next weeks into strength writing skills in our students.
Here are the goals
Students will write at least 7 - 10 cohesive sentences for the Dear Diary in their native language and 7 in the second language.
One student homework will be consider for writing grade. Teacher will select the best work. Please ensure your child bring their homework every week. Start day: week 17 December 12-12-2022
Homework policy
We’ve had few students bringing homework back, homework was designed to supported 20 min of reading at home. The daily recommendation, the two pages help students to practice constructed questions responses to support the skills needed in the upcoming grade levels. Due to the academic focus we’ve decided to consider the two pages of reading and writing as a required homework, we’ll focus on the native language of your child to review the writing skills. It will help you and us to to know the writing skills.
Math fluency addition package was due last Friday. Please send the package with your child. We’ll continue sending more addition fluency package and after the winter break we’ll send subtraction. Math fluency is crucial for the upcoming grade skills.
Clearity handwriting
Complete sentences more than 6 words in a sentences
Retelling summary use the Wh question to help your child answer them
Who is the story about
What happen
Why it happen
When it happen
Where it happen
How it happen
IXL clarification.
Student can practice those during the weekend 15 min per each day is enough. Playing and discovering outside environments is highly beneficial for our kids.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Identity and write about winter cultural celebrations. Use writing as a communication.
Vocabulary: winter celebrations, letter, writing, messages.
SLA: Identifique la importancia de diversas celebraciones étnicas y/o culturales.2.12A
Vocabulary: celebración, año nuevo, Australia, festividad, pan de pascua.
Science: Define reproduction and explain that all living things may have the
capacity to reproduce.
Vocabulary: Define trusted adult. Define reproduction
Math: Review addition and subtraction operations with regrouping.
Vocabulary: Word Problems | Part | Whole | Addition | Subtraction | Regrouping
Family connections/ options
Spanish - Talk with your child about your family celebrations and how they are connected to your culture and identity. Learn words in another language.
Continue practicing addition and subtraction with one and two digits.
Additional ideas to reinforce Math
We learned about addition and subtraction with regrouping. These skills is spiral during the year. Addition video subtraction video. Students needs constant practice to master this.
Please practice in any time posible making 10 and doubles this help with fluency. Please continue working on the math fluency addition practice (small book with math fluency sent with homework this week).
Spanish home recommendation Our planet/ Bad Guys - Netflix
Song of the week: This is the last week with the songs. Your child will teach you the songs of the month -
Music playlist please preview the songs. This playlist is a collection of Spanish music.
SECOND GRADE IXL Math and ELAR challenge
All second grade students will be working on this challenge. The goal
Complete all the IXL skill aligned with their MAP goal after the Winter Break. All the skills are personalized in your child’s level.
Students know how to access, but here are some pictures to help you.
1 Enter in the Austin portal
3 Learning
4 Skill plans
Select Skills plan,
5 Scroll up and find MAP Growth
6 Select Math
7 Start working on the MAP skills. All skills are personalized for your childs level.
Students who complete all the skills for Math and Reading after Winter Break will get a Golden Ticket for Fun Friday. Note: Students can do 3 or 4 skills in 15 min, it does not take a significant amount of time on screen. It is an option for students. In addition, students will continue working on these skills during our rotations days.
Please share the importance of reading with your child. Use the picture below to motive reading at home.
Support our wonderful PTA
Lista de fechas del PTA para el año 2022-2023
Haz clic al enlace para agregar el calendario del PTA a tu calendario personal.
List of PTA dates for 2022-2023
Add the PTA events calendar below to your personal calendar to keep up to date with us.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The 2nd Grade Team
Week 14 Updates: 11/28
Happy Friday Families!
Dear families, we have a very interesting 14 weeks of school, our kids and us are excited to refresh and recharge in this Thanksgiving break.
I want to express my gratitude to all of you. You help us to create a beautiful space for our second graders, you support your child to navigate with unexpected changes, your understanding and support has let us continue with our curriculum and fun activities in second grade.
We had a great second Field Trip to Austin Nature Museum. Huge shout out to Ms. Allison Newson for creating the Sign up list and all the families who contribute to our Pizza - Picnic Thanksgiving lunch. Students were talking about how fun it was for all. Thank you to all the families who came. We don’t have all the people in our pictures but the lesson is learned! Next time we’ll do it before food. Muchas Gracias.
Week 13: 11/11
Happy Friday Families!
Thank you for your support this week, welcome to week 14 we are excited for our field trip and our last week before Thanksgiving break. This school year has not been easy; however, we appreciate your support. Our main goal for our grade is to create positive memories even in this unexpected situation. Our faith is that the upcoming months we’ll be better for our team.
We want to say Happy Birthday to Ms. Arenas Nov - 13. Working with her the last 4 years have been amazing 😀. I’m grateful for all the calm and support she give to our students and team.
💐 Fall cleaning action support. On Friday, November 18th, we’ll have our Fall classroom cleaning. Volunteer needed. We’ll clean and organize classroom, label materials and other needs, please sign your name here if you are able to support us. Volunteers Friday sign up, we have two volunteers, but the more the merrier, we are preparing more materials for our students. Thank you very much. You can sign up here 🙏🏽, we need help for the upcoming weeks.
Please review the school one stop Smore here for information about the school, GT, PE and other important events happening in school.
All our field trips are sponsored by our PTA. Thank you for supporting our PTA. Here is info Becker donor box. Gracias por apoyar a nuestro PTA.
With gratitude,
Second-Grade team
Reminders/ news :
Please send your child with the Green Tshirt from the school. Ensure you signed the permission slips. Due to this day is our school Thanksgiving lunch parents are invited to have a picnic lunch with your child in our field trip. If you are coming please sign your child name here
Please reach out to your child’s room parent, we shared the idea to have pizza picnic day. They working on this idea, we believe this will be a great memory. Here is the contact information from our room parents
🚨 Chaperones needed:
We need chaperones for our field trip, if you have time please help us. Busees will leave school at 9:00 and we’ll return at 12:00. Please write your information here so we can organize the groups, due date by Tuesday 15th, 2022
Please read our HW policy homework policy for more details. Our homework package consist of a reading log, students should read for 20 min at home. One Spanish reading and One English reading that can be consider for the 20 min reading. Homework is sent home of Monday and return on Friday.
Due to the amount of work we’ll provide feedback to the students in these skills: handwriting expectation, capitalization and punctuation, parents are welcome to give feedback to your child in the same areas.
Followed the sandwich feedback. One positive comments a two or three spelling correction and a final positive fedback.
“I appreciate (your independent work and effort), remember (capital I, capital at the beginning of the sentence, period at the end). I’m noticing ( your writing is looking so professional)”
100 Books in second grade challenge
Our grade does 100 books challenge. Here is a detail information, this reading log is stapled in our blue folders, students can log their information weekly.We encourage all students to participate. This reading form will be in their blue folder so students can add the books. Students will use their homework reading logs and and school independent reading information to log into the.
Spanish home recommendation Planet Earth - Netflix
Song of the week: This is the last week with the songs. Your child will teach you the songs of the month -
Music playlist please preview the songs. This playlist is a collection of Spanish music.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Discuss the author's purpose for writing text. (Realistic Fiction).Organizational patterns such as chronological order and cause and effect stated explicitly.
Vocabulary: Realistic fiction, opinion essay, author purpose, cause and effect.
SLA: Identify how certain symbols, customs, and celebrations reflect Americans' love of individualism, inventiveness, and freedom and write thank you letters.
Vocabulary: nota, agradecimiento, perigrinos, nativos, pavo, celebración, reunión familiar.
Science: Measure, record, and graph weather information, including temperature, wind conditions, precipitation, and cloud cover, to identify
patterns in the data
Vocabulary: tiempo, temperature, aire, clima, pluviometro, anemómetro.
Math: Determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar
Vocabulary: cent symbol, decimal point, penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar, dollar sign.
Family connections/ options
Spanish - Ask your child about what is dar gracias?, Write Spanish thank you note for family members.
¿Por qué deberíamos estudiar diferentes culturas y en qué se parecen y en qué se diferencian?
Math We learned about addition and subtraction with regrouping. These skills is spiral during the year. Addition video subtraction video. Students needs constant practice to master this.
Please practice in any time posible making 10 and doubles this help with fluency.
Support our wonderful PTA
Lista de fechas del PTA para el año 2022-2023
Haz clic al enlace para agregar el calendario del PTA a tu calendario personal.
List of PTA dates for 2022-2023
Add the PTA events calendar below to your personal calendar to keep up to date with us.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The 2nd Grade Team
Week 12 Updates:11/2
Happy Friday Families!
Thank you for your support, this week we had our Book Character Parade and Dia de los Muertos celebration. We had the opportunity to learn more about other cultures on such a special day. The book parade was wonderful, all our kids were very excited about their costumes and books.
💐 We want to express our gratitude to all the volunteers that come on Friday to support us. On Friday, volunteers help us to make copies and prep all the materials for next week. It give us time to plan for the needs of our students. Thank you very much. You can sign up here 🙏🏽, we need help for the upcoming weeks.
Here are other needs volunteer options that our grade has. This can be done at any possibly. Thank you for your support
Thank you for supporting our PTA. Here is info Becker donor box. Gracias por apoyar a nuestro PTA.
With gratitude,
Second-Grade team
Reminders/ news :
❤️ No school on Nov 8 please vote
Homework: Here is our grade homework policy for more details. Our homework package consist of a reading log, students should read for 20 min at home. One Spanish reading and One English reading that can be consider for the 20 min reading. Homework is sending home of Monday and return on Friday. Reading 20 min at home is a student expectation at this moment, the only section adding is writing in our reading log. Please reach out to your child teacher if you have any inquiry/question or concern about it. We are returning to this routine after the two years of COVID. Our main goal with it is to support reading and writing.
100 Books in second grade challenge
Our grade does 100 books challenge. Here is a detail information about the challenge.We encourage all students to participate. This reading form will be in their blue folder so students can add the books. Students will use their homework reading logs and and school independent reading information to log into the
Spanish home recommendation Planet Earth - Netflix
Song of the week: This is the last week with the songs. Your child will teach you the songs of the month -
Que bonito Soraya from Spain
Music playlist please preview the songs. This playlist is a collection of Spanish music.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Discuss the author's purpose for writing text. (Realistic Fiction).Organizational patterns such as chronological order and cause and effect stated explicitly.
Vocabulary: Realistic fiction, opinion essay, author purpose, cause and effect.
SLA: Identify the importance of various ethnic or cultural celebrations.
Vocabulary: nota, agradecimiento, veteranos, caidos, país y libertad.
Science: Observe, describe, and record patterns of objects in the sky, including the appearance of the Moon.
Vocabulary: rotar, girar, día, noche, sistema solar, orbitar, luna, sol,estrella.
Math: Solving one-step and multi-step word problems involving subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value, including algorithms.
Vocabulary: Word Problems | Part | Whole | Addition | Subtraction
Family connections
Spanish - What is a cultural celebration? Which other countries celebrate their loved ones? How we honor our ancestors?
Math Practice IXL at home. Students have IXL assigned skills every week.
Practice word problems with subtraction.
Practices their doubles.
Support our wonderful PTA
Lista de fechas del PTA para el año 2022-2023
Haz clic al enlace para agregar el calendario del PTA a tu calendario personal.
List of PTA dates for 2022-2023
Add the PTA events calendar below to your personal calendar to keep up to date with us.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Please reach out to your homeroom teacher via email at:
Sending love and light to you all,
The 2nd Grade Team
Week 11 Updates: 10/28
Happy Friday Families!
Thank you for your support, this week we had our SOS Day.
Fall Festival on the 29th, if you can join and support our PTA. Here is info Becker donor box. Gracias por apoyar a nuestro PTA.
With gratitude,
Second-Grade team
Enrichment program
This week we started with the enrichment program. Chess and STEM games started. Every other week students will be learning Chess or typing. Materials are shared in our grade level.
We still need one item for our typing project 🙏🏽
Reminders/ news :
Homework: Here is our grade homework policy for more details. Our homework package consist of a reading log, students should read for 20 min at home. One Spanish reading and One English reading that can be consider for the 20 min reading. Homework is sending home of Monday and return on Friday. Reading 20 min at home is a student expectation at this moment, the only section adding is writing in our reading log. Please reach out to your child teacher if you have any inquiry/question or concern about it. We are returning to this routine after the two years of COVID. Our main goal with it is to support reading and writing.
100 Books in second grade challenge
Our grade does this challenge. Here is a detail information about the challenge.We encourage all students to participate. This reading form will be in their blue folder so students can add the books. Students will use their homework reading logs and and school independent reading information to log into the
Spanish home recommendation ideas 72 cutest animals - Planet Earth - Netflix
Song of the week: This is the last week with the songs. Your child will teach you the songs of the month -
Que bonito Soraya from Spain
Music playlist please preview the songs. This playlist is a collection of Spanish music.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information. Generate an opinion essay.
Vocabulary: essay, opinion, describe, art, adjectives.
SLA: Organizational patterns, stories such as chronological order, cause and effect, explicitly stated. 2.9D(iii).
Vocabulary:cause and effect, writer, chronological
Math: Solving one-step and multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value, including algorithms.
Vocabulary: Word Problems | Part | Whole | Addition | Subtraction
Family connections
Spanish - Ask your child why do we learned about famous/important people? Ask about what is the author purpose of the book your child is reading?
Math Practice IXL at home. Students have IXL assigned skills every week.
Practice ordering numbers from greatest to least.
Support our wonderful PTA
Lista de fechas del PTA para el año 2022-2023
Haz clic al enlace para agregar el calendario del PTA a tu calendario personal.
List of PTA dates for 2022-2023
Add the PTA events calendar below to your personal calendar to keep up to date with us.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Sending love and light to you all,
The 2nd Grade Team
Week 10 Updates: 10/21
Happy Friday Families!
Thank you for your support, this week we had our first field trip and visited the Thinkery. It was a great opportunity to explore Science and STEM. Our PTA is raising funds to continue supporting our students. If you are able to support it, here is info Becker donor box. All second graders received a green Tshirt, please ensure your child use this Tshirt for our first trip this Thursday.
Reminders/ news :
Field trip on Thursday October 20th. We’ll go to the Thinkery museum, to explore the Science/Stem unit. From 9 to 1 p.m. Please send the yellow document signed back to your child’s teacher. Additional information, will be send by your child’s teacher. Please sign and send the permission slip (yellow paper).
Our enrichment project is almost fully. We are missing few items. If you are able to support us please check our wish list. All materials will be preserved for future Becker second graders. We’ll start our projects this Friday. Gracias por apoyarnos.
Celebrating Hispanic History Month learning about Neisi Dajomes - First Afroecuadorian Women to win an Olympic Gold Medal. Also the students were so excited to see that she replied to a message.
Spanish home recommendation ideas 72 cutest animals - Planet Earth - Netflix
Song of the week: This is the last week with the songs. Your child will teach you the songs of the month -
Que bonito Soraya from Spain
La gozadera - Gente de Zona Cuba
Music playlist please preview the songs. This playlist is a collection of Spanish music.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information. Generate an opinion essay.
Vocabulary: essay, opinion, describe, art, adjectives.
SLA: Organizational patterns, stories such as chronological order, cause and effect, explicitly stated. 2.9D(iii).
Vocabulary:cause and effect, writer, chronological
Science: observe and identify how magnets are used in everyday life.
Vocabulary: iman, magnetico, no magnetico, repele, atrae.
Math: Solving one-step and multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value, including algorithms.
Vocabulary: Word Problems | Part | Whole | Addition | Subtraction
Family connections
Spanish - Ask your child why do we learned about famous/important people? Ask about what is the author purpose of the book your child is reading?
Math Practice IXL at home. Students have IXL assigned skills every week.
Practice ordering numbers from greatest to least.
Support our wonderful PTA
Lista de fechas del PTA para el año 2022-2023
Haz clic al enlace para agregar el calendario del PTA a tu calendario personal.
List of PTA dates for 2022-2023
Add the PTA events calendar below to your personal calendar to keep up to date with us.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Sending love and light to you all,
The 2nd Grade Team
Week 9 Updates: 10/14
Happy Friday Families!
Dear families, we finish our first 9 weeks of school. We have stablish our routines and procedures. We’ll refresh all our expectations and routines on Monday for our next 9 weeks of school. Our expectations are to have four journals red Spanish, Blue English, Purple Math and Green Science. A composition book for our Dear Diary activity and the red folder for working activities in our class and blue folder for our home folder. Blue folder goes home on Thursdays and return on Fridays.
In addition, since this 9 weeks we’ll return to send homework assignments. Here is our grade homework policy for more details. Our homework package consist of a reading log, students should read for 20 min at home. One Spanish reading and One English reading that can be consider for the 20 min reading. Homework is sending home of Monday and return on Friday. Reading 20 min at home is a student expectation at this moment, the only section adding is writing in our reading log. Please reach out to your child teacher if you have any inquiry/question or concern about it. We are returning to this routine after the two years of COVID.
Also, we are excited for our first field trip to the Thinkery Museum. These are our four field trips: 2) Austin Nature Center on 11/17, 3) Paramount Theater on 03/27 and 4) Austin Zoo on April date TBD. We are grateful for your gently support to our PTA who covered all our field trip and our grade Tshirt. Our PTA is rasing funds to continue supporting our students. If you are able to support it, here is info Becker donor box
With gratitude,
Second-Grade team
Reminders/ news :
Field trip on Thursday October 20th. We’ll go to the Thinkery museum, to explore the Science/Stem unit. From 9 to 1 p.m. Please send the yellow document signed back to your child’s teacher. Additional information, will be send by your child’s teacher.
Our enrichment project is almost fully. We are missing few items. If you are able to support us please check our wish list.
On Friday 14th we’ll create the typing accounts and set up everything so the students can start this Friday with their typping and chess activities. We are thankful to the families who have support us. Also, all materials and projects stablished.The materials for this project will be preserved at Becker as grade materials to serve the current and future second graders.
Celebrating Hispanic History Month learning about Neisi Dajomes - First Afroecuadorian Women to win an Olympic Gold Medal. Also the students were so excited to see that she replied to a message.
Spanish home recommendation ideas 72 cutest animals - Planet Earth - Netflix
Song of the week: This is the last week with the songs. Your child will teach you the songs of the month -
Que bonito Soraya from Spain
La gozadera - Gente de Zona Cuba
Music playlist please preview the songs. This playlist is a collection of Spanish music.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information. Generate an opinion essay.
Vocabulary: essay, opinion, describe, art, adjectives.
SLA: Describe how important people have influenced our history and community. Elaborate and write a research plan.
Vocabulary:Investigación, texto informativo, persona influyente, palabras con r/rr
Science: Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that forces cause change and energy exists in many forms.
Vocabulary: fuerza, empujar, girar, movimiento, jalar, deslizar, rampa, rodar, rueda y eje, maquina simple.
Math: Solving one-step and multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value, including algorithms.
Vocabulary: Word Problems | Part | Whole | Addition | Subtraction
Family connections
Spanish - Ask your child why do we learned about famous/important people? Ask about what is the author purpose of the book your child is reading?
Math Practice IXL at home. Students have IXL assigned skills every week.
Practice ordering numbers from greatest to least.
Support our wonderful PTA
Lista de fechas del PTA para el año 2022-2023
Haz clic al enlace para agregar el calendario del PTA a tu calendario personal.
List of PTA dates for 2022-2023
Add the PTA events calendar below to your personal calendar to keep up to date with us.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Sending love and light to you all,
The 2nd Grade Team
Week 8 Updates: 10/7
Happy Friday Families!
Dear families, thank you for your support for our eight week of school. We are almost done with the first 9 weeks. It has been a pleasure to see these beautiful classes growing together.
This week, we have two announcements, our first one. After staying with the students and seing how much work and joy the kids bring to the class, Mr. Portillo decided to apply for becoming a teacher of record for his class. We have the happy new to share that he is now an official teacher in Second-Grade. He will continue working to learn as much as possible in the first year of instruction and he is part of the mentor program in the school. He has supported our team by already doing math plans and engaging in a positive relationships with his students. In the teaching career the first years are the most demanding time, all grace and support makes a significant support. I want to thank to his class for supporting him during the first year of career. His room look great! Yay!
The second announcement is that our loved Ms. Belen will leave our team, October 10th was her last day. This decision was due to unforeseen circumstances and we support and wish Ms. Belen the best in her future endeavors. The students will have a teacher sub for her class and hopefully a former Becker teacher Ms. Secadura can join our team soon. As Second-grade team we support each other and plan together, we’ll continue supporting Ms. Belen’s class and appreciate the grade level support that we’ve received from all the room parents for our projects.
With gratitude,
Second-Grade team
Picture day on October 11th, 2022
No School on Friday October 14th.
Special support 🙏🏽 Enrichment activity project for our grade. Our new specials redesign created GLAM schedule which is Music, Art, Library, Green Garden and Flex day. In Flex days students receive Music and Arts and the other two classes stay in the room with the homeroom teacher. We want to use this time as an enrichment opportunities as it was planned for our students, and base of the upcoming needs in third grade. We are happy to announce our project for this year and hopefully the upcoming years
Enrichment program for second graders
Typing project - Students will use typing club and start learning how to type in a computer, our goal is that students will move to third grade with medium level in typing abilities.
Chess project students will learn how to play chess
Stem bin activity - students will build projects stem activities using legos
I’ve created a wish list Enrichement program in second grade for this materials. I reached out to the PTA about when the PTA grant’s will be open but that program is not open yet. So I’m asking our wonderful and supportive families for your help.
Implementation of the program
Friday 1 Typing - Steem Friday 2 Chess - Steem 20 min chrome use in with the typing program 20 min Online chess videos, games and explanations 20 min Steem lego activities 20 min with Chess games
Sharing our culture project. Families are invited to share their favorite read alouds, music or craft from your culture with our class. We plan to start by September 15th time 7:40 - 8:00. Please sign here and let your child’s teacher know in advance. Mrs. Bruzon’s class learned about Catalan culture, Lia’s Dad shared. Mr. Portillo’s class has a presentation. Therin’s dad expanded our culture. Here is a pic. If you have the time please come if not your child can do a class presentation.
Reading please help your child to read at least 20 minutes at home.
Homework our main and only homework is ready 20 minutes at home. We’ll send a reading log with two reading papers that students can read. Please read details information about our homework here. Read with your child, ask questions about the reading is the most important goal in this year.
Spanish home recommendation ideas Adda the Scientist or Magic School bus.
Song of the week: This is the last week with the songs. Your child will teach you the songs of the week.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information. Describe and understand plot elements, including the main events, the conflict, and the resolution, for texts read aloud and independently.
SLA: La idea central y la evidencia con el apoya con la asistencia de un adulto.
Idea principal, detalle
Science: Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that forces cause change and energy exists in many forms.
Vocabulary: fuerza, empujar, girar, movimiento, jalar, deslizar, rampa, rodar.
Math: Use place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 1,200 using comparative language, numbers, and symbols.
Vocabulary: Greater Than | Less Than| Equal To| Greatest to Least | Least to Greatest
Family connections
Spanish - Ask your child to explain to you what is main idea and evidencet? Ask about what is the author purpose of the book your child is reading?
Math Play with your child 10 more, 10 less o 100 more and 100 less. Pick a number and tell your child 10 more, or 100 more or less. Your child can pick a number and tell you 10 more/less or 100 more/less.
Support our wonderful PTA
Lista de fechas del PTA para el año 2022-2023
Haz clic al enlace para agregar el calendario del PTA a tu calendario personal.
List of PTA dates for 2022-2023
Add the PTA events calendar below to your personal calendar to keep up to date with us.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Sending love and light to you all,
The 2nd Grade Team
Week 7 Updates: 9/30
Happy Friday Families!
Thank you very much for coming to our conferences. This week has been a busy week. We appreciate the time and home support that our kids receive.
We are looking forward to another week to Celebrate Hispanic History Month, we’ll learn about Carlos Gardel, musician from Argentina. He is well known for his Tango music.
✅ Mini me project: This is a family project. Your child will take a template on Monday. Detailed information in this document. We’ll display our mini project.
Sharing our culture project. Families are invited to share their favorite read alouds, music or craft from your culture with our class. We plan to start by September 15th time 7:40 - 8:00. Please sign here and let your child’s teacher know in advance. Mrs. Bruzon’s class will learn about Catalan culture, Lia’s Dad will share that.
This week Lia’s dad from Ms. Bruzon class shared about the Catalan culture from Spain. Students learned from Cataluña and enjoy pan con tomate. 😋
Reading please help your child to read at least 20 minutes at home.
Spanish home recommendation ideas Adda the Scientist or Magic School bus..
Song of the week: This is the last week with the songs. Your child will teach you the songs of the week.
🚨Please ensure your kids have bug spray before school. Mosquitos are mean.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA:Plan a first draft by generating ideas for writing such as drawing and brainstorming. Generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information.
Vocabulary: Texto informativo, procedimientos, ciudadano, historico.
SLA: Describe how people influence historic events in our community and write informative text - procedural and reports.
Vocabulary: Idea principal, evidencia, historia. Mes de la Herencia Hispana.
Science: Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that forces cause change and energy exists in many forms. Investigate the effects on objects by increasing or decreasing amounts of light, heat, and sound energy such as how the color of an object appears different in dimmer light or how heat melts butter.
Vocabulary: color, luz, vibrar, sonido,tono, energía, volumen.
Math: Subtraction and addition by units of 10 and 100. Begin to use place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 1,200 using comparative language, numbers, and symbols.
Vocabulary: Place Value | Digit | Addition | Subtraction
Family connections
Spanish - Ask your child to explain to you what is main idea and evidencet? Ask about what is the author purpose of the book your child is reading?
Math Play with your child 10 more, 10 less o 100 more and 100 less. Pick a number and tell your child 10 more, or 100 more or less. Your child can pick a number and tell you 10 more/less or 100 more/less.
Support our wonderful PTA
Lista de fechas del PTA para el año 2022-2023
Haz clic al enlace para agregar el calendario del PTA a tu calendario personal.
List of PTA dates for 2022-2023
Add the PTA events calendar below to your personal calendar to keep up to date with us.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Sending love and light to you all,
The 2nd Grade Team
Week 6 Updates: 9/23
Happy Friday Families!
Thank you very much for being with us during Back to School Night. We appreciate the opportunity to talk and share about our grade.
We are looking forward to have the Mini Me next week and to continue celebrating cultures and diversity with Hispanic History Month. This week we’ll learn about Rigoberta Menchu - Novel Peace 1992.
Parent conference if you haven’t signed please do it.
Mini me project: This is a family project. Your child will take a template on Monday. Detailed information in this document.
Sharing our culture project. Families are invited to share their favorite read alouds, music or craft from your culture with our class. We plan to start by September 15th time 7:40 - 8:00. Please sign here and let your child’s teacher know in advance. Mrs. Bruzon’s class will learn about Catalan culture, Lia’s Dad will share that.
Reading please help your child to read at least 20 minutes at home.
Spanish home recommendation ideas Adda the Scientist or Magic School bus..
Song of the week: This is the last week with the songs. Your child will teach you the songs of the week.
🚨Please ensure your kids have bug spray before school. Mosquitos are mean.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA:Plan a first draft by generating ideas for writing such as drawing and brainstorming. Generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information.
Vocabulary: Texto informativo, procedimientos, ciudadano, historico.
SLA: Describe how people influence historic events in our community and write informative text - procedural and reports.
Vocabulary: Historia, Texto Informativo, pie de foto, subtitulo, título, tabla de contenido.
Science: Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that forces cause change and energy exists in many forms. Investigate the effects on objects by increasing or decreasing amounts of light, heat, and sound energy such as how the color of an object appears different in dimmer light or how heat melts butter.
Vocabulary: color, luz, vibrar, sonido,tono, energía, volumen.
Math: Subtraction and addition by units of 10 and 100. Begin to use place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 1,200 using comparative language, numbers, and symbols.
Vocabulary: Place Value | Digit | Addition | Subtraction
Family connections
Spanish - Ask your child to explain to you what is an informative text? What historical events we have encounter?
Math ask your child to teach you how to do expanded form and word form.
1,240. Expanded form 1000 + 200 + 40 + 0, Word form: One thousand Two hundred and Forty.
Support our wonderful PTA
Lista de fechas del PTA para el año 2022-2023
Haz clic al enlace para agregar el calendario del PTA a tu calendario personal.
List of PTA dates for 2022-2023
Add the PTA events calendar below to your personal calendar to keep up to date with us.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Sending love and light to you all,
The Second Grade Team
Week 5 Updates: 9/16
Happy Friday Families!
Thank you for having another successful week. We had mariachi to celebrate the beginning of Hispanic History Month. Thank you to our amazing room parents for helping to decorate our doors they look amazing.
Parent conference sign up list sent by your teacher on Friday 9/16
Mini me project: This is a family project. Your child will take a template on Monday. Detailed information in this document.
Sharing our culture project. Families are invited to share their favorite read alouds, music or craft from your culture with our class. We plan to start by September 15th time 7:40 - 8:00. Please sign here and let your child’s teacher know in advance.
Reading please help your child to read at least 20 minutes at home.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home. 20 min titak Spanish audio with Spanish subtitle for 10 min, then Spanish audio with English subtitle. Make this time a family time because the language unite us.
Song of the week: We are singing these songs in the classes. Your child will teach you the songs of the week.
🚨Bug spray donation, please
Back to School nigth
When: September 20th from 5:30-7:00 pm
Where: Becker Elementary
How: Back to School night will be split into 3 rotations. The PA system and the bell will be used to alert families when a session has been completed allowing them to transition to the next.
Rotations- Library (Principal Barrett & Admin Team), 2 homeroom rotations.
5:30-5:50- Rotation 1
5:50-6:00- Transition
6:00-6:20- Rotation 2
6:25-6:30- Transition
6:30- 6:50- Rotation 3
6:50-7:00- Back 2 School Night is Concluded!
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Compose informational texts, including procedural texts and reports.
Features and graphics to locate and gain information.
SLA: Identify different forms to actively practice positive citizenship and community service.
Science: The student knows that matter has physical properties and those properties determine how it is described, classified, changed, and used.Classify matter by physical properties, including relative temperature, texture, flexibility, and whether material is a solid or liquid.
Math: Review the use of standard, word, and expanded forms to represent numbers up to 1,200 and number line.
Family connections
Spanish - Good citizenship, talk with your child about what actions your family does as good citizens.
Math numbers ask your child to teach you how to do expanded form and word form.
1,240. Expanded form 1000 + 200 + 40 + 0, Word form: One thousand Two hundred and Forty.
Support our wonderful PTA
Lista de fechas del PTA para el año 2022-2023
Haz clic al enlace para agregar el calendario del PTA a tu calendario personal.
List of PTA dates for 2022-2023
Add the PTA events calendar below to your personal calendar to keep up to date with us.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Sending love and light to you all,
The 2nd Grade Team
Week 4 Updates: 9/9
Happy Friday Families!
Thank you for having another successful week. We are excited for our Green Garden lessons already on place and soon we’ll celebrate Hispanic History Month 💃🏽 an other exiting project and activities in our grade.
Parent conferences email with dates will be sent next Tuesday by your child teacher.
Sharing our culture project. Families are invited to share their favorite read alouds, music or craft from your culture with our class. We plan to start by September 15th time 7:40 - 8:00. More details will be sent soon. You can talk with your child about something to share.
Snack donation 🍎 please support our classroom with snack.
Reading please help your child to read at least 20 minutes at home.
Spanish at home, language environment support is crucial for second language acquisition. Here is a suggested document with programs that you can watch at home. 20 min titak Spanish audio with Spanish subtitle for 10 min, then Spanish audio with English subtitle. Make this time a family time because we language unite us.
Song of the week: We are singing these songs in the classes. Your child will teach you the songs of the week.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Compose informational texts, including procedural texts and reports. Features and graphics to locate and gain information as well as decoding words with short, long and variant vowels.
SLA:Identifique formas de practicar activamente la buena ciudadanía, incluyendo la participación en el servicio a la comunidad
Math: Use standard, word, and expanded forms to represent numbers up to 1,200 and use this knowledge to demonstrate an understanding of numbers and the relationship between the place values using number lines.
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.
Sending love and light to you all,
The 2nd Grade Team
Week 3 updates: 9/2
Happy Friday Families!
Week three done! We are excited to start the new week with you with one of the activities that make our school Awesome. We’ll start with the MAP assessment next week and Green Garden. Yay! Please read some of our reminders.
MAP tests: Tuesday - Math, Wednesday - Spanish - Thursday - ELAR and Friday remake for students who were absent ( please contact your child’s teacher if your child will be absent).
Technology: Please ensure your child bring a label charged Ipad, headphones and chargers in case your child need. Talk with your child teacher if you have any questions.
Green Garden start on September 6th.
Snack donation, please support our class with snack donations. Contact your teacher for information regarding food allergies.
Content we are getting into next week:
ELA: Identify the author purpose and text features to achieve specific purpose.
Science: Classify the matter for their physical properties including temperature, textura, flexibility and state matter.
SLA: Write a personal narrative and describe different forms to show good citizenship.
Science: Clasificar la materia por sus propiedades físicas, incluyendo temperatura, textura flexibilidad y estado.
Math: Demonstrate my understanding of numbers and the relationship between the place values using objects
and models
We hope you have a wonderful and much deserved weekend with your family! Let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or help next week go smoothly.